4. Confusing

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Sherlock sat himself down in the back of the class. All the eyes were fixed on him when he entered. He just looked at the floor while passing the students who were present already. He sat himself down in the back of the class. He leaned on his hand palm, elbow resting on the wooden desk. He sighed, already hating this day. His thoughts also lingered on John Watson. He felt confused by John's caring. The only person who 'protected' him was Redbeard and his family. John was willing to risk his reputation for his neighbour Sherlock Holmes. This was all new for Sherlock and he doesn't like the perplexing.

"Sherlock, pay attention. Thank you." Mr Hiddleston said. Sherlock's head snapped up, nodding stiffly at his teacher. There were a couple sniggers in the class, everyone laughing at Sherlock. Sherlock growled, not understanding what's so funny about this. The level from some people here was unbelievably low. The teacher told the class to shut their mouths so he could continue the lesson.

After the lesson Sherlock had science which he adored and religion which he hated. The bell rang and it was time for lunch. Sherlock hated lunch time. He always sat in the library alone, sneaking food inside his mouth. It's forbidden to eat inside the library. They say it's 'dangerous' for the books to get dirty. He mostly didn't eat though. Eating is a waste of time and money in his opinion. Sherlock was fiddling with the pages of his book, scanning it swiftly with his eyes, searching a part he doesn't know yet. Which was almost nothing. His eyes then landed on the heart. Sherlock doesn't know much about the human heart. Why people put humans or animals inside it, he doesn't get that part. Sherlock was looking at the information dubiously. Nothing about human emotions could be seen on the page. Sherlock frowned deeply. He then sighed closing the book, deciding to enter his mind palace for the remaining minutes. Maybe he could find an answer about emotions there.

When school was done. Sherlock sat himself in the middle of the bus. John passed him and smiled at Sherlock, walking to the back of the bus, sitting down beside a boy named Greg Lestrade. They met today during lunch. Greg was nineteen years old and normally he was in Uni already, but he failed his last year. So he had to do his year again. Sherlock knew Greg's dad was the DI from the Scotland yard. Greg didn't mind talking to Sherlock though. He advised Sherlock some things about the bullying; but like usual Sherlock retorted some negative words and rushed away.

Someone threw a sandwich with jam towards Sherlock. Sherlock acted like he didn't feel a thing, continuing listening to his music. He looked outside, not to something in particular. Just the buildings, humans, trees that they passed. Sherlock closed his eyes, listening, singing with the song in his head.

Sherlock's eyes snapped open as he heard John saying goodbye to some people in the back. The music from his phone stopped minutes ago. He looked outside, seeing that the bus pulled up at their bus stop. Sherlock stood up, glancing briefly at John who was making plans with Greg. Sherlock sighed and walked down the aisle and stepped out of the bus. It didn't take long before John walked beside him.

"Sorry if I caused any problems." John apologized gingerly, not knowing what to expect from Sherlock. John knew Sherlock didn't like his company, but John would love to change that. John thought Sherlock was an interesting person with a heart. He might not showing it, but deep down it's there. John was always the popular boy on school. He wasn't the bully kind of popular. He was the person everyone admired. He was athletic, loyal and brave. He was against bullies and that's why everyone loved him. Well except the bullies, they detested John.

"Don't worry." Sherlock mumbled, looking straight ahead, not bothering to make eye contact with John.

"They're sick" John muttered as they walked side by side. Sherlock frowned and stopped in his tracks, looking at John with his brows firmly pursed together.

"Why do you even care? You don't know me. I'm just your neighbour. It doesn't make sense." He said with annoyance.

"Nobody deserves to be bullied. I don't want to watch you get bullied, Sherlock. Like you know, I want to be a doctor in the future. In my eyes bullies are diseases and I don't like to see people hurt. Doctor instinct I guess." He shrugged, smiling softly.

"That's utterly stupid." Sherlock growled, continuing to walk to his house.

"You're also my neighbour and we maybe can be -"

"I don't need friends." Sherlock snapped, interrupting John's sentence.

"That's too bad. You're already stuck with me." John pointed out.

"Then I guess I have to abduct you and murder you somewhere." Sherlock said being serious but John saw it as a joke.

"Are you threating me?" John chuckled.

"I am being serious." Sherlock said looking confused at his neighbour who was smiling brightly at him.

"Alright then. Tell me when you'd like to kill me. I'm free after dinner." John said amusingly and waved quickly at him as goodbye because they both reached their houses. Sherlock froze, following John's figure with his eyes. When John opened his door, he looked back at Sherlock who was frozen in place. He rolled his eyes with a chuckle and disappeared into his house. Sherlock was still standing still in front of the house. Most people would scream at him after he was being the person who he is. But John just joked around, feeling amused by sassy Sherlock. It was all very confusing for the young detective. Sherlock snapped his head up as the front door opened.

"Sherlock what are you doing there. Come inside." Mrs Hudson insisted. Sherlock nodded stiffly and walked inside, shrugging off his coat. Mrs Hudson was looking dubiously at the younger man. She suddenly laid her hand on his forehead, checking his temperature. "Is your head ache returning dear?" She asked motherly. Sherlock was planning to say 'no I'm fine' but then he didn't.

"Yes." He sighed, a soft fake cough leaving his lips.

"Oh dear." She said, taking his rucksack in her hands. "You stay home tomorrow. I don't want you to get sicker. I'll prepare you some tea." She said politely. Sherlock nodded and stopped as Mrs Hudson spoke up again. "I washed and ironed your favourite blue pyjama dear."

"Thank you." He said with a smile.

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