7. Teasing

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Sunday morning Sherlock woke up around eleven in the morning. He was quite surprised that he slept so long. Usually he woke up around nine o'clock in the weekends. He yawned as he was stretching his arms, making a loud lazy noise. He then pushed himself upright and slipped out of the bed.

He walked across the bedroom and grabbed clean clothes from his dresser. He then entered the bathroom so he could take a bath. After he finished he strolled downstairs so he could eat his breakfast or lunch, whatever it was at half past eleven. His eyes widened when he saw his mother sitting at the table inside the dining room with a magazine in her hands. She wasn't eating, she just sat there, reading an article about the household from a famous actress. In front of her was an empty seat with a glass of orange juice and a plate with untouched food. Mrs Holmes her head snapped up into his direction, a bread smile appearing on her face at the sign of her son standing there.

"Oh Sherlock." She said lovely, getting on her feet. She rushed to him and pulled him in a tight embrace. "I've missed you." She mumbled on his shoulder. Sherlock sighed, rolling his eyes. She 'missed' him. What an obvious thing to say.

"You could have seen me Tuesday. Don't say you missed me." He said annoyed with his eyebrows pursed together. His voice was death serious as well as his expression. He sat down and started smearing bread with strawberry jam that Mrs Hudson made days ago.

"I didn't want to wake you, dear." She explained, worry in her voice.

"You honestly think that I go to sleep at six o'clock?" He argued.

"Yes of course. When I'm sick the only thing that I desire is a pill and my bed." She told him with a soft laugh.

"And your work." He corrected her bluntly. She sighed hopelessly and continued reading as Sherlock ate in silence, his hand palm resting under his chin, elbow touching the table. This position means. 'leave me alone'. So Mrs Holmes remained quiet. When he finished he went upstairs to grab his book. He then settled him down in his hammock outside and began reading. The weather was hot again and he couldn't bear the heat in his room.

Suddenly Sherlock heard a ball bounce, which obviously was John's ball. Sherlock smiled slightly at the thoughts that John was this close. He sighed, when he was turning a page the glass door slide open.

"Sherlock do you want something to drink?" His mother asked sweetly, peeking her head outside.

"No." He replied curtly, eyes fixed on the page.

"Okay honey." She said and disappeared again. Sherlock continued reading again and out of nothing a ball landed firmly on his stomach, making him whimper. He took the ball in his hands and frowned.

"Hello Sherlock." John greeted loudly at the other side of the fence.

"Is this your way to say hello?" Sherlock yelled back, rubbing his belly with his hand. "You almost made a hole in my stomach, idiot." He added firmly, throwing the ball away, not bothering to throw it over the fence.

"It landed on you?" John chuckled. Surprised that it landed on Sherlock. Both their gardens are quite big. And it just happened to fall on Sherlock's stomach.

"Yes." He growled.

"Sorry." John apologized. "Can you throw it back now?" John asked.

"No." Sherlock replied simply, a smile lingering on his lips.

"What, why not?" John blurted out.

"You threw the ball on purpose. Why should I." Sherlock said teasingly, wishing he could see John's reaction.

"If I said hello without throwing the ball, then you would have ignored me for sure, pretending you weren't here." John muttered.

"You have a point." Sherlock agreed.

"So can I have it back?"

"When I'm done reading."

"And when will that be?"

"Depends. Can be in a couple minutes. Or hours. Might be days though." Sherlock said and waited on John to reply. But there came no reply and Sherlock felt a weird feeling. Something he never felt before. He thought he maybe went too far and that John might dislike him now. But the thoughts immediately vanished as John was guided outside by Mrs Holmes. She had a bright smile on her face, not believing what she was seeing. She closed the glass door and trotted away like a new born foal.

"Now give me my ball." John said, his eyes sparkle with enthusiasm, his hands outstretched. Sherlock leapt out of his hammock and took the ball in his hands. He flickered his eyes to the ball and then towards the older boy who was now slowly approaching Sherlock.

"Or you desired to see my face; or this ball means everything to you." Sherlock quipped. John stopped in his tracks, his cheeks flushed. He then cleared his throat and continued strolling towards Sherlock.

"Both." He paused. "Now. Can I please have it back?" John pleaded. Sherlock was looking at John with disbelief. He couldn't believe what John just sort of said. He wanted to see Sherlock? Sherlock smiled, looking how John was walking to him.

"Why is it special?" He asked. "The ball I mean." Sherlock stuttered, his face turning bright red.

"I thought you were the master in deductions." John pointed out.

"I am." Sherlock said, pursing his lips together.

"Well then." John said, waving his hand as in telling that Sherlock need to start deducing his ball. Sherlock rolled with his eyes and started to look at the details, frowning deeply. It took him less than ten seconds to get it.

"I don't know who Lionel Messi is. But it must be a famous football player. And somehow you have his ball."

"Amazing." John said with a wide smile, standing in front of him. John had a smirk on his face when he was this close to the ball. Just when he wanted to grab it out of Sherlock's slender arms. Sherlock simply throw it to the other side. (Not the side of John's garden, the other side.) John's jaw dropped.

"Sherlock!" John yelled.

"It slipped out of my hands!" Sherlock defended.

"For god's sake." John mumbled, pushing Sherlock playfully away and walked to the fence that separated the two gardens.


Thank you for reading so far! Just wanted to say that, English is not my native language. So if you see any mistakes; I'd love to hear them! x

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