34. Mr Sheep on a stick

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Both were laying into each other's arms in the hammock. They weren't talking, just lying there, enjoying each other's warmth. After a while they both looked up as someone slide open the glass door that leaded to the house.

"Sherlock I'm going to bed early. I have headache. Is there anything you need before I go?" She asked, trying to talk loud enough. Mrs Hudson got her own room in the house, she basically lives there. She always took care of the two Holmes boys while their parents were out, which was always.

"No thank you." Sherlock answered friendly.

"Okay goodnight both of you." She smiled and walked away, while whining from the pain to herself, rubbing her hand over her forehead. John sighed and flopped his head back on Sherlock's chest, holding him tightly, closing his eyes.

"Can't wait for tomorrow." John admitted.

"Me either." Sherlock smiled, sighing contently. John hummed. "How late do we come home?" Sherlock asked quietly.

"I don't know, we'll see." John replied.

"Will you drink?" Sherlock asked, knowing that it happens on school dances.

"Only one or two, the rest of the evening will be cola." John pointed out as he lifted his chin to stare into his princess's eyes. "All my attention will be on you." He added. Sherlock smiled shyly before continuing.

"Do you like drinking? It doesn't make sense to me." Sherlock said. He was serious. Why do people waste so much money on alcohol. The only reward you get is headache. John grinned.

"I only like it on events, like the school dance, or when I go out in the night to a pub. It's hard to explain why I like it. But I'll show you sometime when we go to the pub together." John insisted with a wink.

"John I already told you what I think about alcohol."

"But Sherlock..." John whined, playing with Sherlock's curls.

"Don't show me your puppy eyes, small man." Sherlock said firmly, trying his hardest best not to smile. John gasped.

"Don't call me small, Mr Sheep on a stick." John replied amusingly, nudging Sherlock's chest with his finger. Sherlock his mouth dropped open, acting like he was offended.

"Did you just call me sheep on a stick?" He asked. John nodded, smiling smugly. "Why?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well." John paused. "Your body is like a stick, thin and stiff. And then we have your gorgeous dark curls, similar to a black sheep." John informed. Sherlock snorted, wrapping an arm around John.

"You always make the weirdest nicknames." Sherlock said with a soft chuckle.

"But they fit you." John pointed out. Sherlock muttered something unintelligible, causing John to laugh. He then pecked Sherlock's nose and snuggled back on Sherlock's chest, tucking his head under his chin, stifling a yawn.

"Tired?" Sherlock asked.

"No." John lied. Yes he was, in fact he was exhausted. He barely slept this week. The reason of that was because they were into a fight. Sort of.

John lied because if he would say he was. Then Sherlock might say that they should sleep. Which means John heading to his house. And that's something John wanted to avoid. Sherlock was pretty tired too. So both boys kept laying in each other's arms, unconsciously falling asleep. John was the first one to drift asleep. Sherlock noticed this, but simply kept his mouth shut.

Hours later, Sherlock's eyes fluttered open. He craned his neck so he could look at his small man. His lips curved into a smile at the sight of John snoring slightly. He knew that John didn't sleep properly for days. Sherlock carefully tried to tug his phone out of his trousers pocket, and looked at the hour. He sighed, It was three o'clock. He didn't want to wake his John up. But he had no other choice. John's mother would kill him if she found out that he slept into an hammock outside for the whole night. Sherlock dropped a soft kiss on the top of his head.

"John." He whispered, his lips not leaving John's head. John stirred in his sleep, whimpering. Sherlock smiled, moving a hand so he could softly run his fingers through John's hair. "John." He repeated. The doctor muttered something unintelligible. Sherlock rolled with his eyes. He gently shook John's shoulders, once again saying his name. John growled, finally opening his eyes. He sat up looking at his surroundings, frowning as in not knowing where he was. He sat there, looking blankly at one spot, probably he was still half asleep. Sherlock smiled brightly at his weird boyfriend. John then turned his head and looked into Sherlock's eyes.

"Did I fall asleep?" He asked, yawning, coming back to reality.

"I think we both did." Sherlock chuckled. John flashed a warm smile and stretched his arms.

"How late is it?" He asked.

"Already three o'clock." He paused. "You better go home." He said. John nodded, leaning over to place a soft kiss on Sherlock's lips. They both got out and padded through the house. Sherlock opened the door for John, and walked outside as well. John frowned.

"What are you doing?"

"I'll walk you home, isn't that obvious."

"How romantic." John laughed. Ten seconds later they approached John's door. He sunk his hand in his pocket and cursed under his breath.

"What's wrong?" Sherlock whispered.

"I don't have my keys with me." He groaned, running a hand through his own hair.

"Then ring the bell." Sherlock informed. John jerked his head to the side, sending Sherlock a look.

"It's three o'clock Sherlock. They'll kill me." He pointed out.

"Then sleep with me." He said simply.


"But what. If you'd like to sleep on the street here, then good luck. But I won't let you sleep here all alone. You can send a text to Harry in the morning, so you can sneak inside." Sherlock insisted.

"You sure?" John asked.

"Of course." Sherlock said gently and slide his fingers between Johns, holding each other's hands.

"Okay." He replied, his eyes twinkling.

They quietly made their way to Sherlock's room. Sherlock began changing in his pyjamas inside the bathroom. Meanwhile, John pulled out his jeans and his jumper, left over in his pants and a white t-shirt that he was wearing under his jumper. He quickly jumped under the blankets for in case Sherlock would return. Two minutes later Sherlock emerged the hallway and slide under the blankets as well. He scooted closer to John, wrapping an arm around his waist.

"Good night." He purred in John's ear. John rolled over so he could face Mr sheep on a stick.

"Good night." He replied softly and kissed Sherlock's lips.

"Did you put on your alarm clock?" Sherlock asked quietly.

"Oh crap, no." John muttered, and slide his hand under the cushion, grabbing his phone. He put on his alarm on half past six. Sherlock's eyes widened.

"Why so early?"

"That's when Harry wakes up." John informed, placing the phone on the night table. Sherlock growled.

"If I didn't love you. I would have kicked you out right now." He mumbled. John smiled brightly, snuggling on Sherlock's chest. He kissed Sherlock's chest with a content sigh.

"Night." He said softly.

"Night." Sherlock replied, and wrapped them both warmly under the blanket. He then closed his eyes, with a wide smile.

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