40. Better with you

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Here is chaper 40. Never reached forty chapters before. I have no idea when this story will end. ^0^

Sherlock and John entered the Holmes house. Sherlock appreciated what his brother had done for him. Plus he didn't phone Mrs Hudson or his parents about the situation. Otherwise Sherlock was stuck with Mrs Hudson for the whole night. And that's not something he wanted. Only his John. Greg left after he had a quick conversation with John. John gave him a pat on his shoulder in courage for his date with Mycroft. Greg smiled and drove off.

Sherlock hung up his coat on the coat rack. John doing the same.

"Do you have a bowl and a washcloth?" John asked, taking off his navy converse canvas sneakers and placed them in the shoe cabinet. Sherlock frowned briefly, not knowing why John needed a bowl and a washcloth.

"Why do you need it?" Sherlock asked. John gave him one of those looks that Sherlock gets when he was acting stupidly.

"There is a reason why you are here and not in the hospital right now. I have to look at it Sherlock, it need to be cleaned for avoiding any infections." John said sternly, crossing his arms over his chest. Sherlock grunted softly.

"There are supplies in the bathroom." Sherlock said pointing to the bathroom from the ground floor.

"Okay thank you." John said and placed a small chaste kiss on his lips. He then made his way to the bathroom but swivelled around as Sherlock spoke up again.

"Do you need something to wear? I'm going to pull on my pyjamas. I can search something." Sherlock insisted. John chuckled lovely.

"I'm not sure I fit yours." He said.

"Don't worry. I have the perfect outfit for you." Sherlock assured with a grin. John narrowed his eyes briefly before nodding. Both started walking away but stopped once again.

"Sherlock. Don't wear anything on your upper body.
I might spill on your t-shirt." John said with a slight blush on his cheeks. Sherlock nodded with a warm smile and ascended the stairs. He walked into his room and began undressing. He pulled on his navy blue pyjamas trousers and placed a white t-shirt on his desk. He then began searching the perfect pyjamas for John. He first grabbed a long green trousers and hung it over his desk chair. He then smirked as he found a white t-shirt with Simba from the lion king on it. Mrs Hudson once bought it for the fun. But it was way too wide for him. So it will be perfect for his John. He picked up his own t-shirt and walked downstairs, leaving John's pyjamas in his room. So John would have his privacy.

When Sherlock approached the living room he saw John placing the bowl with hot water on the little table in front of the sofa. He then sat down and looked up, locking his eyes with Sherlocks. He scanned Sherlock's torso and blushed, looking away. Sherlock smirked, knowing that John was blushing like that because of him.

"I placed the clothes on my desk." He told John. John looked up again and nodded.

"Thank you." He smiled.

"Tea?" Sherlock asked right away.

"I'd love to." John replied smiling shyly. Sherlock returned the smile and placed his shirt on the sofa at John's side before he walked to the kitchen. While waiting on the water to be boiled, he grabbed two mugs and placed two tea bags into it. He then added sugar in his own mug. The kettle made a ping noise, meaning it's ready. Sherlock poured the water in both mugs and picked them up. He strolled back into the living room and saw John watching television. He handed John a mug and kept standing upright.

"Do you want to finish your tea first?" He asked.

"No I can do both." John assured and took a sip of the tea. Sherlock nodded and sat cross-legged on the ground between John's legs, in front of the sofa. John sat in the sofa, so it would be easier to take care of the wound. "Does it still hurt?" John asked, placing his mug on the table and took the bowl in his hand together with the washcloth. He placed the bowl onto the towel at his side, avoiding that he would spill on the fancy sofa.

Sherlock's muscles tensed as he inhaled "A bit." He said honestly.

"Okay." John said. He gently cleansed Sherlock's wounds, carefully watching him for any evident discomfort. "The wound isn't big. You're lucky that you don't need stitches." John pointed out.

"That's... good." Sherlock muttered.

"I'm glad that those two are gone." John said softly, looking closely at the wound.

"Me too." Sherlock replied. After John was fully done he pecked the top of Sherlock's head and rose up.

"Going to put this away and pull on the pyjamas." He informed. Sherlock nodded and settled him down into the sofa while John was absent. He wrapped himself in the blankets and sipped his tea. He eventually laid himself down, wondering why it took so long for John to return. He was curious to see John's reaction on the Simba shirt. After five minutes Sherlock heard noises. He flickered his eyes to a deadpan looking John Watson, arms crossed over his chest. Sherlock thought John looked adorable in the shirt. Sherlock's smiled brightly, lifting his head a bit so he could see John better.

"Really Sherlock?" He said in disbelief, pointing to Simba.

"You look absolutely gorgeous." Sherlock said sniggering. John pursed his lips together and walked over to him.

"You're an idiot." He pointed out and lifted Sherlock's legs so he could sit down. When he sat down he placed Sherlock's legs on his lap, stroking it unconsciously.

"I do hear that a lot." Sherlock said chuckling softly, turning his body so he could stare into John's beautiful hazel eyes.

"Wonder why." John said trying to be serious but the smile on his face ruined it. Sherlock then shifted a bit, making place for John to lay in front of him, at his side. The young doctor didn't know this, he just kept sitting there with Sherlock's legs on his lap.


"Yes?" He said flickering his eyes away from the television.

"Can I hold you?" He muttered, not daring to look into John's eyes because he felt embarrassed. John smiled warmly and crawled over to Sherlock and laid himself into Sherlock's arms, spooning. Sherlock held John tightly against him, his nose resting in John's golden blond hair. They laid like that for a while. John watching television and Sherlock deep in thoughts. This was supposed to be a day to never forget. And now they're just lying in each other's arms like they can do every day. Sherlock didn't mind that. But he thought John might dislike the outcome of tonight. Sherlock cleared his throat.

"Are you disappointed?" Sherlock asked.

"Hmm?" John replied not knowing what Sherlock meant.

"Disappointed about tonight. Disappointed that I was too stubborn to-"

"Sherlock." John sighed, cutting him off. John rolled around in Sherlock's arms so he was facing him. "I'm not disappointed. I'm just happy that you are okay. I don't care about the school dance. I only care that you are at my side."

"Thank you."

"For what?" He asked confused.

"You never gave up on me."

"The situation with Jim and Sebastian wasn't your fault. You're different for me Sherlock. Something about you makes me want to be better. I want to make you happy, I want you to forget all the bad memories from the past, and make sure no bad times are in the future. I want to be there for you, and for you to always know I'm here." John paused, searching for Sherlock's hand and placed it on his heart. "I love you Sherlock. And we don't need a school dance. We can always organize our own school dance. You and I with music. That's enough." He pointed out. Sherlock smiled, tears from happiness filling his eyes. He then jerked upright, John frowning. "Sherlock?"

"Wait here." He said hastily and pecked John's lips with a playful smirk on his lips.

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