29. Weekend alone

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Eleven PM.

As John snuggled closer, Sherlock wrapped his arms around him and held him in a tight embrace, kissing the top of his head. They were covered with a warm woollen blanket. One arm was resting on the ground, his hand playing with John's fingers. They lay quietly for a few minutes longer until Sherlock broke the peaceful silence.

"What do people do on school dances?" Sherlock asked softly, running his fingers through John's hair.

"Dance." John said as a yaw escaped his mouth. Sherlock rolled with his eyes, weakly pushing John's face with his hand. John chuckled. "Well. It starts when I pick you up." John informed. Sherlock laughed.

"You are saying this like you have to cross the world to pick me up." He stifled another laugh. John chuckled, his face burying in Sherlock's purple shirt before he spoke up again.

"Then after that we go to school. Someone will take a picture of us at the entry. Then we enter and meet some friends. But in our case we skip that part. We drink and eat something, we dance. Maybe there will be a king and queen contest, I don't know. In my previous school we didn't do that. Maybe it happens here." John shrugged a bit. "There will be probably some activities on the stage as well. People singing, dancing, trying to amuse everyone." John informed. "We will dance together. I'll show the whole school that you are mine." John said smiling warmly. Sherlock smiled back, a blush blooming over his face.

"What then?" Sherlock questioned.

"That's it actually." John chuckled softly. "I'd say that I walk you home. But yea, we will walk each other home I guess."

"Are we going to have sex?" Sherlock asked on a normal tone like it was the most normal thing to ask. John's eyes widened and he felt his heart rate increase. He cleared his throat. He didn't expect Sherlock to ask that. And definitely not like this.

"What do you mean?" He asked, hesitating a bit.

"Doesn't couples do that afterwards?" Sherlock asked with a frown, a bit anxious though. He wasn't sure if he was ready for that.

"Yeah, I know but that doesn't mean we have to." John pointed out.

"You don't want to?"

"Christ Sherlock. Of course I want to. But I am going to wait patiently for when you are ready. And the school dance won't break that rule. I want it to be special. And I don't want you to feel forced because it's the school dance. " He said softly.

"Thank you." Sherlock said shyly as he held him tightly. John smiled and buried his face in Sherlock's stomach and he wraps his arms around Sherlock and closed his eyes. "John?" Sherlock said.


"Shouldn't we go home? It's pretty late and I hope you brought a flashlight. We're in the middle of a forest."

"But I don't want to leave you." John whined, holding him tighter. John won't be home the whole weekend. He will go to Disney land Paris the whole weekend and returns Sunday night. It's for Harry her birthday. "Give me ten minutes." John muttered and closed his eyes again, yawning. Sherlock smiled down at him.

"Okay." He said softly.


After struggling to find their way back home in the darkness. They finally arrived their houses. Sherlock sighed, looking down at John.

"See you in two days."

"Yea." John muttered and embraced Sherlock, resting his cheek against his chest. Sherlock placed his chin on John's golden blonde hair.

"Thank you for tonight." He whispered.

"Welcome." John mumbled on his chest. He then pulled back and smiled warmly before he stood on his tip toes to kiss Sherlock gently. "Gnight."

"Goodnight." Sherlock muttered, reluctantly letting go. John lingered to his door and smiled a last time before disappearing in his house. Sherlock felt his heart squeezing. He doesn't want John to go for the whole weekend. Even though it's only two days. For Sherlock it's like an entire year. Sherlock sighed once again and walked inside his house. All the lights were out, so Sherlock assumed that everyone was asleep already. Sherlock was ascending the stairs when he heard a cough coming from downstairs. It was Sherlock's dad. Sherlock hurried up to his room, closing the door behind him. He doesn't want to face his dad right now, and surely not alone. The young detective began undressing, putting on his pyjamas and fling himself down on his bed, preparing himself for a lonely and dull weekend.

And it was indeed a lonely and dull weekend. He spend the whole weekend in his hammock while reading a new book. Mrs Hudson was the only person he saw this weekend. Sherlock texted John a couple times but it took John hours to answer.

It was Sunday evening now. Sherlock was lying on his hammock, swinging it rhythmically and looked up at the dark night sky, which had thousands of glittering, twinkling stars. The Watson family still didn't arrive and Sherlock didn't receive a text from John since Saturday night. Mrs Hudson called Sherlock inside when the clock reached 11PM.

"Sherlock you'll see him tomorrow." She assured.

"Hmmm." Sherlock replied and began to walk to his room. He checked his phone one last time and decided to give up and sleep.

The next morning Sherlock groaned as he heard Mrs Hudson knocking on his door.

"Get up birthday boy." She said. Sherlock hummed and she then walked away, knowing that he was awake. She probably was preparing some birthday stuff downstairs. Sherlock rubbed his face with both his hands, not wanting to get up. He then lazily searched for his phone, looking if John replied to him. And he did. Sherlock's smile lighted up an immediately opened the text.

Sorry for the late reply princess. I forgot my charger.
Miss you  –JW

Sherlock rolled with his eyes at his nickname and began smiling like an idiot when John said that he missed him. John hadn't the faintest idea about Sherlock's birthday.

Sherlock didn't reply the text since that they will see each other in less than two hours. He tossed the sheets that were bunched around him towards the bottom of the bed. He sat up straight and took a moment to stretch, a small groan slid past his lips. Sherlock slipped his bare feet onto the floor, slowly shuffling across the room towards his wardrobe and began pulling on his clothes. He then walked down, ready for a birthday breakfast before another day of school starts with his John.

And hoping that nothing bad will happen today.

And hoping that nothing bad will happen today

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Hohoho who is that? ;)

I wrote this on my phone while working; so I am sorry for spelling mistakes. Plus I am dutchyyyy

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