14. Not my type

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Sherlock sat in the classroom, feeling extremely annoyed by the dull lesson. One hour felt like days. And sadly he still had three hours to go before it's lunch break. He sighed loudly, chin resting heavily on his hand palm, elbow resting on the wooden desk. He had religion from Mrs Tylor. One of the dullest teachers he ever met. She kept talking and talking, about several useless things, that wasn't even present in the book. Sherlock really found it frustrating though. Wanting to go to lunch so badly. It's just lunch. It was weird that he desired John so much. But he avoided the subject love constantly. It was confusing for Sherlock to actually accept someone in his life. And then being in love with someone. That were two big changes for the young detective in one month. So he simply tried to avoid the subject love. And still, it's not like John would love him back. He's straight, right? Or not? Sherlock frowned deeply. Maybe he should ask it discreetly during lunch. He then shook his head, laughing dryly at his stupidly.

"Mister Holmes!" An annoying voice said. Sherlock looked up cocking an eyebrow at his teacher.

"Can you tell our class what's more important than this lesson about the welfare of elderly?" She said firmly. Everyone turned their head to look at Sherlock, everyone smirking at him.

"I think. Everything is more important than the welfare of elderly. I thought religion was about gods." Sherlock said bluntly. Mrs Tylor gasped and crossed her arms while people in the class were snickering.

"Sherlock!" She yelled. He just rolled with his eyes and stared down at his desk.

Every two hours the students get a break. Like school starts at eight o'clock and then the students get a small break of ten minutes at ten o'clock. So when the bell rang, Sherlock practically jumped out of his chair and started searching John in the hallways. After two minutes, when he wheeled the corner he spotted John in a group from nine people. John was telling a story and he seemed happy so Sherlock didn't want to disturb him. He swivelled around, his expression sad. But he shrugged it away. He and John will have lunch together. He smiled at the thoughts and decided to hand in his book from Anne Frank and search a new one. When the bell rang Sherlock reluctantly entered the classroom again, giving Mrs Tylor a dead glare and settled him down at his seat.

After another two dead hours the bell finaly rang and Sherlock's smile couldn't be wider. He packed his stuff, swung his backpack on his shoulder and made his way to the door, but got stopped by Mrs Tylor.

"Sherlock can you wait a moment." She said firmly. Sherlock groaned and waited on the students to leave, resting his back against the wall. When they were gone she spoke up again. "I don't accept your language here, Sherlock."

"Is this important I have better things to do." He muttered, rolling with his eyes. His teacher her eyes widened with anger.

"Sherlock. I think you'll behave after you stay here during lunch." She said, feeling proud that she did this. Sherlock laughed dryly.

"You think that you will ruin my midday. After years eating alone in the library." He scoffed. "I'm sorry, but I will risk everything for that. Good bye." He said nonchalantly and started to make his way to the door again. He stopped as she spoke up again.

"Sherlock do you realize what the consequences are-"

"Do you know what the consequences are if your husband finds out about you flirting with Ms Elra all the time. Does he even know that you're bi?" Sherlock said with a smirk. The teacher turned pale and took a step back.

"How did y-

"Good day ma'am." Sherlock said and walked away, chuckling to himself. Her face was worth millions. He strolled to his lockers and saw John waiting patiently on him.

"You're late." John said joyfully.

"Yea. Problems with my teacher." Sherlock shrugged and put his books in his locker so he doesn't have to drag it all the way with him.

"What did you do?" John laughed.

"Oh nothing." Sherlock replied, closing his locker. They walked out of the school gates, people giving some disgusting glares, both were ignoring them. As they walked towards the place, they had some small talk. When they arrived Sherlock opened the door, letting John walk through it first.

"Someone here is a gentleman." John joked and looked around the place, searching for a place to sit. Sherlock's face couldn't be redder. They found an empty seat by the window and got seated.

"This place is awesome. If you like the food, we are totally coming back." John said enthusiastic, his cheeks slightly flushing.

"Yeah." Sherlock nodded in approval. He didn't care about the food, he only cared for John's company. Instantly a waiter approached them, giving them the menus, which Sherlock eagerly read, not giving a glance to the waiter beside him. John said thank you to her and she then left with a smile. Sherlock then looked up and narrowed his eyes, flickering his eyes towards the young waitress and John who was now scanning the menu.

"She likes you, you should ask her out." Sherlock said reluctantly. If John would say yes, Sherlock wouldn't know what to do. John snapped his head up and cocked an eyebrow.

"Not really my type." He pointed out with a tiny smile and looked back down at his menu. Sherlock frowned.

"She's pretty." He then said. John chuckled as he kept staring at his menu before looking up at Sherlock.

"Yes she is pretty. But like I said, she isn't my type. I'm not interested."

"Oh okay." Sherlock mused, looking at John dubiously. He then looked at his menu and searched something to eat.

"What are you going to eat?" John asked.

"I don't really know what to get. All of it looks... Big" He mumbled.

"You can also order something separately. Like a simple burger or if you prefer to have fries with ketchup. Or if you aren't the greasy type. You can go for salads or sandwiches." John explained.

"I think I will go for a Burger then. My mom never lets me eat it." Sherlock said.

"Great, I'll pick one too then. Do you also want fries?"

"If you want me to explode." Sherlock muttered. John rolled with his eyes amusingly and looked at the side, searching for the young waitress. He raised his hand as she looked into his direction. She nodded, meaning she will come over. John then turned his head with a wide smile and looked into Sherlock's eyes, not really saying anything. Just... staring with his sparkling eyes. Sherlock swallowed and looked away. He could feel his heartbeat start to rise, the butterflies began to overtake his stomach. John was so adorable with the smile of his, Sherlock thought.

"Do you want to order, sir?" The waitress said sympathetically. John nodded and spoke up.

"Two burgers and large fries." John said. He surely ordered large fries so Sherlock could eat from it.

"What do you want to drink?" She asked politely.

"Oh um Cola please." John said, looking over at Sherlock as in saying that he needs to answer her.

"The same." Sherlock said.

"Okay." She said and wrote it down on her writing pad and swiveled around, leaving the two lovebirds alone.

"So." John said, clearing his throat. "What did you do with the teacher?" John asked curiously.

"Well. She wanted me to stay in the classroom for lunch, because I was being 'disrespectful' And I told her that I have plans that I really didn't want to miss. And she still told me to stay. So then I sort of blackmailed her?"

"See! told you that your smart brain is useful." John laughed, Sherlock laughed as well, softly. "You really didn't want to miss this eh?" John said, bit teasingly. Sherlock's flush in his cheeks deepened as John said this. After a minute silence, John spoke up again. "I'm happy to have you here, Sherlock. You're so different." John said as he stared out of the window, looking at the busy street. Sherlock was happy that John wasn't looking, because his face was burning.

"I'm happy too, John." Sherlock said softly, causing John to snap his head into his direction, smiling fondly at him.

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