28. A question under the moonlight

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Extra long chapter for yaaa


Sherlock opened the door, his lips curving up into an adorable little smile. John was looking gorgeous. Well, in reality he had just took a shower and changed into fresh clothes.
A blush formed across John's cheeks at the way Sherlock was looking at him. They were staring into each other's eyes deeply before Sherlock broke the silence.

"You look beautiful." Sherlock remarked with flushed cheeks.

"I can say the same about you." John replied nicely as he smiled shyly.

"Don't make me blush Watson." Sherlock said on a warning tone. John snorted slightly. Sherlock then swiftly looked inside to see if his dad was present. Gladly he wasn't. He turned his head back to a wide smiling John Watson, who looked up at him with sparkling eyes.

"Come 'ere." John said, inviting the tall man for a kiss. Sherlock obeyed willingly. He took a step forwards, closing the door behind him and cupped John's face before his lips met Johns. Their lips brushed gently against each other's. "Let's go." John murmured on his lips. Sherlock nodded and pulled back as he took John's hand in his. They began walking down the street as the evening breeze bounced on their faces.

"Where exactly are we going Mr Watson?" Sherlock asked.

"You'll see Holmes. And it's nothing special, really." John pointed out, afraid that Sherlock is expecting something special.

"It will be definitely special. You're there." Sherlock said with a grin.

"You are such a charmer." John said as he nudged Sherlock with his shoulder. Sherlock rolled with his eyes, his smile not leaving for a single second. "Any news about Mycroft and Greg?" John asked bit joyously. This time Sherlock's smile dropped.

"No, did you ask Greg if they were alone?" He asked. John grinned, causing Sherlock to sigh.

"Oh come on Sherl." John said as he squeezed his hand. Sherlock frowned at John's new nickname for him. Princess, Sherl? "It has a good side." He stated.

"A good side?" He grunted.

"Yes of course. A future detective inspector in the family. Might be interesting for your future as a consulting detective." John pointed out. Sherlock sneaked a smile as John remembered the name of the job he invented. His smile then widened as he realised what John just said.

"Yes you are right John." Sherlock said as he stopped in his tracks. "This is fantastic." Sherlock yelled cheerfully and pulled John closer for a fervent kiss. John chuckled through the kiss at Sherlock his enthusiasm. "We need to make sure they date." He said as he slowly pulled back from the kiss and put his arm over John's shoulder, as he turned to walk forwards with him.

"That won't be easy with your brother." John said with a tiny laugh. Sherlock nodded with a sigh his happy mood vanishing slightly. "But I have a good bound with Greg and you with Mycroft." John paused as Sherlock frowned. "Well sort off." He corrected himself. "So we might be able to arrange something." John winked.

"We can lure them to each other." Sherlock suggested.

"Yeah that's a good idea." John agreed, and pulled Sherlock to an entrance of a villa. The building was like a mile away from the entrance, might be longer. "This way." John said. Sherlock knitted his eyebrows together into a frown.

"John it's private here." He muttered.

"Don't care." He replied. Sherlock snorted. They followed a wide earth path, wide enough for a car to pass by. The path was surrounded by many trees. After four minutes, John pulled Sherlock with him again. They walked off the path, walking on leaves, grass and mud.

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