20. Oopsy

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Sorry for the delay! After the doctor strange trailer (+Sherlock) I wanted to make a video about it. So I couldn't write. And then yesterday morning I decided to take the Eurostar train to London, so yea I went to London for one day, got lost in central London at midnight, found our hotel back at 2am. Meheh


John and Sherlock were repairing the Hammock. Well John did. Sherlock acted like he knew how to repair it, so he just fiddled with the rope and metal. John chuckled after he finished the left side and strolled towards the other side. He took it over from Sherlock. Sherlock pursed his lips and took a step back, looking curiously over John's shoulder.

"It should be ready to use again." John said gently after he finished. "Steadier than before." He added as he flashed Sherlock a loving smile, his head turning so he could look into Sherlock's piercing blue eyes. Sherlock returned the smile immediately as a blush formed across his face. "Try it." John insisted, gesturing to the hammock.

"Are you sure it's save?" Sherlock murmured, not wanting to fall on the ground like John did earlier. Would they have kissed if the Hammock didn't break? Sherlock chuckled inwardly. Of course he would. If he knew that John loved him back. He would have done this earlier.

"Hundred percent." John assured. Sherlock nodded and bent down, placed his hands on the fabric from the hammock, pushing it harshly to be sure that it won't fall again. He then cautiously sat himself down before laying down. He smiled contently, closing his eyes. Happy to have his hammock back.

"Your hands are magic." He pointed out as his eyes remained closed until he felt the magic hands touching his chest. He fluttered his eyes open, glaring at John who was now getting into the hammock as well.

"John what are you doing?" He said, pushing himself into a sitting position but got pushed down again.

"Don't worry its steadier, plus if we fall I have a cushion." He said with a teasing smirk plastered on his face, meaning that Sherlock was the cushion. He laid himself down next to Sherlock, part of him was laying on Sherlock's chest and wrapped his arm over Sherlock's belly, nuzzling closer and he then sighed contently, breathing in the warm cotton from his shirt.

"If it break. You can fix it again." Sherlock said as he wrapped his arm around John. He felt John smiling on his chest. John brought his hand up to rest against Sherlock's chest, under his purple shirt. Sherlock's heartbeat could be felt beneath John's palm.

"I will." John replied. They then stayed like this for twenty minutes, lying in each other's arms, enjoying each other's warmth.

"I will ask my mom for a bigger hammock." Sherlock decided, tightening the grip on John.

"Why?" John asked.

"Because this is my favourite spot. And I'd like to make it our spot. A bigger one will be comfortable and riskless." Sherlock said. John snapped his head up, looking directly into Sherlock's eyes. Sherlock immediately regretted his words. "I'm sorry..." He muttered, looking away.

"No no. Don't be." John smiled in reassuring. "This will definitely be our special place." He said as he slowly leaned closer to Sherlock's face so he could reach those cupped bow lips. John kissed Sherlock gently, his body pressed against his chest. Sherlock closed his eyes to feel the full intensity of the moment, he somehow reached for John's waist with both his hands and pulled John fully on his chest so he could deepening the kiss, which John did before Sherlock could make a move.

"Sherlock." John breathed against his lips.

"Hmm?" Sherlock hummed in reply, stealing another kiss from his John. John chuckled slightly and continued.

"What happened earlier..." He started, trailing his thumb over Sherlock's cheekbone. "Was that your first kiss?" He asked quietly. Sherlock stiffened but nodded, feeling embarrassed and looked away. John simply turned Sherlock's face with his hands and pecked his lips briefly. "How the hell can you be so good in kissing?" John said amusingly, his eyes twinkling.

"An apple." Sherlock said simply.

"What?" John laughed, both his hands resting upon Sherlock's chest.

"I'm kidding." Sherlock said, rolling with his eyes, grinning broadly.

"It's nothing to be ashamed of. Because I used to kiss apples all the time. I was scared to go to my first date so Harry advised me to kiss apples." John admitted.

"Well, I will never give you an apple for dessert then." Sherlock pointed out with a laugh. John pursed his lips together with a grin and nudged Sherlock's belly.

"That's not a problem. I have my dessert right in front of me." He said, a smirk playing at the corner of his lips and brushed his lips against Sherlock's again, their legs starting to mingle as his mouth settled more firmly over Sherlock's. Sherlock parted his mouth a bit more as they continued to kiss softly, inviting him further, and John answered with a slight tease of his tongue. Sherlock murmured his assent and twisted John's T-shirt in his hands so that he couldn't think of going anywhere before he did that again.

"John Watson!" Someone yelled. Both boys their head snapped to the voice, and John saw his mother standing behind an open window in Harry her room. "Home now!" She said firmly and walked away. Sherlock craned his head up to look up at John. John groaned.

"Will she be fine with it?" Sherlock asked.

"I hope so. She accepted Harry. So I don't see why not."

"Well um. I see you later then?" Sherlock mumbled shyly as he ran his fingertips through the future doctor's hair.

"Er, I don't want to go." John said, holding Sherlock tightly.

"You have to. I don't want you to be grounded." Sherlock replied as he playfully pushed John away, causing John to fall out of the hammock onto the grass. He landed on his buttocks, gasped, looked up at Sherlock with disbelief.

"Did you ju-"

"Yep." Sherlock said popping the p. John got up, still his mouth wide open with disbelief. Sherlock couldn't stop smiling at this.

"I'll get you back Holmes." John warned. Sherlock only chuckled in reply. John rolled with his eyes and pecked Sherlock's lips briefly.

"Thank you for today." John said sweetly before leaving.

It's short, sorry :3

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