15. Baby wipes

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Sorry if it's shitty. I had no inspiration with the lunch scene. So i do hope you still like it. And somehow my English was poop. I couldn't come on some words. It was frustrating really.
Wish my native language was English. Would make writing so much easier. :c

While waiting on their order, Sherlock leaned back against the seat and watched John. "Do you come here often?" He asked, scratching the back of his neck.

"Almost every lunch break. It's a quite popular hangout place for students. I've been coming here since I moved." John said picking up the cola which the waitress already brought and he then sipped it.

"With who?" Sherlock asked, quite curious. Because he didn't know John had other close friends. He picked up his cup as well and took a sip while waiting on John to reply.

"Some people from my class. I had no friends so they took care of me. They are okay." John smiled with a shrug, licking away the cola that lingered on his bottom lip.

"Are they here now?" Sherlock asked, looking around, even though he had no idea who they were. John nodded, placing his cup down and gestured with his eyes into the direction of a table with a big group, laughing cheerfully. "They seem to have fun." Sherlock muttered, feeling unsecure, thinking that John would prefer to sit there.

"Don't look like that. You're better company than them." He pointed out.

"I am?" Sherlock asked puzzled. John glanced over at him, brows raised.

"Of course, idiot." John chuckled.

"Why?" Sherlock blurted out. John sat more upright, blushing slightly and opened his mouth but got disturbed as the waitress came to deliver their food. She placed both plates in front of them. Sherlock's eyes widened at the burger. Meanwhile John thanked the waitress, being the polite one as usual. She smiled nicely at him and walked away.

"That's not a burger." Sherlock blurted out. "It's bigger than my head." He said frustrated about the normal seized burger, looking closely at it. John laughed, taking a mouthful of his burger. While chewing it he placed the frites in the middle of the table, causing Sherlock to frown.

"Really John." He said, pursing his lips together.

"Yea." He replied teasingly around a mouthful of burger.

"I have enough with this giant burger." Sherlock said, looking down at the burger in front of him.

"Did you ever taste one?" John asked.

"John I'm not an alien." Sherlock said as he took the burger in his hands, ready to bite in it. John just laughed and put four fries in his mouth, looking at Sherlock who was trying to get a bite of the burger. Sherlock wasn't used to eat one, so when he bite in the burger, all the sauce slipped out, on his chin, table and fingers. John was staring at him with an amused grin. Sherlock flickered his eyes towards the future doctor, raising an eyebrow at his staring. John chuckled adorably, making Sherlock's heart melt like an ice-cream laying in the bright sun.

"They added to much sauce." Sherlock muttered as excuse, licking the sauce away from his fingers.

"Here, I have baby wipes." John said and picked up his backpack, rummaging in it.

"Any reason why you have that with you?" Sherlock asked with a snort, while John took some out of the small seized box. He then outstretched his arm, handing Sherlock three.

"I love the smell." He admitted, placing the box in his backpack again.

"Hey fag." Someone said as he passed the table, walking to the exist. Sherlock's smile (which never wanted to leave during the lunch) dropped and he froze with the sauce running down his arm. John frowned, looking at the group who disappeared through the door and then he looked back at Sherlock.

"Don't listen to them Sherlock." John said softly. Sherlock nodded, his expression softened and continued cleaning himself with John's baby tissues. 

"Do you have any plans for the weekend?" John suddenly asked after a couple minutes. Sherlock gave him a look. One of those looks that means. Don't be stupid. "Right." John said clearing his throat with a tiny laugh. "You want to do something with me this weekend?" He added. Sherlock blinked, then his mouth curved slowly into a grin.

"I'd love to." He said and looked down rather sheepishly.

"Great." John said cheerfully, putting some fries in his mouth.

"What do people do in weekends?" Sherlock asked.

"In my previous house I always played football in the weekends or went for swimming. But I assume you're not the sport type." John laughed.

"No, not really." Sherlock agreed with a smile and wiped his mouth with a tissue.

"That's fine. We can watch a movie or something in the evening, it doesn't have to be something special as long that I have your company, I'm happy."

"You want to watch a movie tonight?" Sherlock questioned, his heart was thundering within his chest.

"Only if you want to of course." John said softly. Sherlock felt a blush burst on his cheeks and on his nose and even down his neck. He took his cola in his hands, drinking from it so he could hide his flushed face. Thanks to the oversized cola cup.

"Yes I want to." Sherlock murmured between the sips.

"Can I come to your house, my room is quite messy."


"Okay." Sherlock said. He then saw the time and noticed that school will start in five minutes. "Um John."

"Hmm?" He replied dreamily.

"School starts in five minutes." Sherlock informed. John's eyes widened and muttered something, beginning to search for the waitress with his eyes. When he spotted her, he raised his arm, gesturing with his hands that he wanted the bill. Sherlock saw what John was doing so he searched for his wallet. John snapped his head up, into Sherlock's direction and frowned deeply.

"Put that away, I pay."

"John you don't ha-

"I want to." He interrupted. "Besides, I invited you."

After John paid they paced towards school, not wanting to be late. Well Sherlock didn't care, but John did. When they approached their lockers, they grabbed their books and just then the school bell rang.

"Just on time." John chuckled with a relieved sigh. "Well, see you tonight then, Sherlock?" Sherlock frowned.

"You won't go with the bus after school?"

"No." John sighed. "I have to go with dad after some presents for Harry her birthday next week."

"Pity." Sherlock muttered, his head hanging down.

"We'll see each other tonight for hours." John said softly, his face bright red. Sherlock couldn't help but smile at the thoughts. "I'll come after dinner, if that's okay." Sherlock just nodded. John swung his rucksack on his shoulder. "If they bully you on the bus. Ignore it, okay." John said, standing quite close to Sherlock. Sherlock nodded once again, not replying.

"See you tonight then. Bye Sherlock." John said, touching Sherlock's shoulder as he passed him.

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