21. Goodnight kiss

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Sherlock was lying in his hammock, lazily swinging back and forth in the evening breeze. The sun was slowly hiding, the crickets chirped monotonously. Normally Sherlock would detest the noise from crickets. But nothing could ruin his mood now. He sighed contently, grinning broadly at the thoughts that his lips touched Johns. And he couldn't wait to touch them again. With a big smile he got out of the hammock and made his way inside the house. His smile turning into a scowl as he noticed his mother and brother sitting at the dining table. Sherlock sighed, padding towards the staircase.

"Sherlock." His mother said, her voice high pitched. Sherlock growled, turning on his heels to face his mother. He raised an eyebrow. "Sit down please." She said, gesturing to a chair in front of her. Sherlock sighed but somehow he obeyed his mother and sat himself down in front of her. Mycroft sent Sherlock a slight smirk. Sherlock shot him a dead look, causing Mycroft to roll with his eyes. "So Sherlock..." She started.

"Get to the point mom." Sherlock said flatly.

"Well." She cleared her throat. "I'm happy for you. About John." She said as her eyes slowly were watering, feeling relieved that Sherlock after years locking himself away from the outside world. He finally found someone. She was happy when they were friends already. But seeing her son in love, being loved by someone made her emotional. (It's a mother thing I think.) Her son was finally recovering from everything that happened in the past. She couldn't be happier. She knew that their bound isn't like a normal son and mother relationship. But she loves Sherlock with her whole heart. 

Sherlock was frowning as he noticed her emotional state. He didn't see her like this for years. Last time when he saw his mother emotional for him, was when he came out of a coma after harming himself. Sherlock cleared his throat, feeling uncomfortable.

"I um... I'm glad you accept us." Sherlock muttered, looking at his hands that were folded on the wooden dining table.

"Of course I do. John is a nice boy, and it seems that he is making you happy. He is always welcome here." She said motherly, smiling lovely at her son, who was still not looking up.

"Oh god." Mycroft muttered in annoyance.

"Oh shut up Mycroft. I'm sure you'll find someone someday." She assured. Mycroft replied with a noise of disgust and returned his gaze on his phone. Violet rolled with her eyes and looked back at Sherlock. "Just be careful okay dear. I don't want to see you hurt." She said quietly. Sherlock just nodded. The three of them kept sitting at the table because Mrs Hudson was almost done with cooking. Sherlock was scanning the news on his phone until something popped in his mind.

"Mom can I have a new Hammock." He asked, making eye contact with her.

"Why do you need a new one?" She asked.

"It broke twice today." He lied partly. "I can't relax, knowing that it will break again." He pointed out.

"Oh sure. If you want we can go the store tomorrow." She insisted. Sherlock his eyes widened, he couldn't believe what he heard. His mother wanted to go to the store with him? They didn't do that since he was five. It was strange but he didn't care. He wanted a new hammock for his Jawn.

"Okay." He replied. After that Mrs Hudson placed the food in front of everyone and sat at the table as well, eating together with the Holmes family. Sherlock's mother said she will talk with Sherlock's dad about it. Sherlock refused to talk with his father about John, so his mother will help him out with that. When he finished dinner he made his way to his room and got changed in his pyjamas, brushed his teeth and fling himself down onto the bed. His phone chirped and he reached out his arm and grabbed his phone that was laying on his night table. He opened the message from an unknown sender. And he smiled widely as he was reading it.

Can you come to your front door? I have ten seconds -JW

Coming –SH

Sherlock blushed and leapt out his bed and scurried towards the front door. He opened the door, no sign of John so he looked at John's house and saw John's head peeking outside. He smiled and ran towards Sherlock in his bare feet.

"Mom is angry on me because she saw me making out with you. But she is fine with me dating you." He whispered.

"You are sneaking out the house to tell me this?" Sherlock asked, sending a look of disbelief towards John.

"Of course not dummy." John said as he stood on his tip toes and captured Sherlock's lips with his own, feeling Sherlock smiling through the kiss. "I wanted a good night kiss."

"You sound like my mother." Sherlock laughed softly as a blush crept up his face. John chuckled in a way that caused Sherlock's heart rate to rise furiously.

"Well, I should run Mr Pyjamas." John said, pointing to Sherlock oversized blue pyjamas. Sherlock pursed his lips together, bending down to peck John's lips.


"Night." John said softly and ran back to his house.

"John?" Sherlock whispered loudly. John immediately swivelled around.

"How did you get my phone number?" He asked curiously, not knowing how John found it. John snorted raising both his eyebrows and raised his arms in surrender.

"I have my ways." He said, a smirk playing at the corner of his lips and disappeared into his house. Sherlock rolled with eyes while smiling and walked back to his room, sliding under his covers and immediately fell asleep, grinning like an idiot.

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