26. Confrontation

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Another filler chapter I guess. More drama will come soon. c:

The next morning Sherlock left his house and saw John patiently waiting on him like Sherlock asked him to. John would have waited anyways. John kissed Sherlock's cheek before they walked hand in hand towards the bus stop, having a small talk on their way.

When the bus pulled up in front of them. They stepped inside, letting go of each others hands, even though the whole school knew it already about the two dating. It was just uncomfortable stepping in the bus like this. To John's surprise everyone greeted him on a friendly way. Like nothing happened. It's a big relief for him. And of course like expected Sherlock got greeted with offensive words. People calling him freak, fag and even ugly lion?

Sherlock slowly sat himself down in the middle of the bus. John had a quick conversation with Mark who sat three seats ahead. Something about a school project. Just when John wanted to sit down next to Sherlock, someone in the back yelled for the entire bus.

"Morning fags." A guy who both didn't recognize cried out with a mean smirk plastered on his face. John froze while he turned pale. Sherlock looked up at him. John just stood there, looking blankly down. Sherlock sighed sadly.

"John." He said and pulled John gently down onto the seat. "Ignore it." Sherlock insisted softly. John nodded stiffly. He knew it's just a child needing attention and he knew that there was a chance that this would happen. It was the first time that he heard someone saying something like that to him. It was just... a bit of a shock to hear it.
John took a deep breath before finally lifting his head. His eyes shined in the light as his lips curved into his adorable half smile as he met Sherlock's concern eyes. Sherlock looked at him with sympathetic eyes, taking both his hands in his. Sherlock's reassuring smile faded into a frown as he heard people laughing in the back. His eyes saddened.

"I'm sorry John." He paused and sighed. "This is all my fault." He muttered, withdrawing one hand, so he could run a hand through his hair. John frowned.

"Stop it Sherlock. I want this. I want you. I told you, you are worth it. They can say whatever they like to say. My life is complete as long as I have you." He said quite firmly. "I'll do everything for you. And hearing those pathetic people yelling words such as fag is definitely worth it." He said and cleared his throat.

"Okay." Sherlock said quietly.

"Good." John cleared, placing a hand on Sherlock thigh and took another deep breath.

"And you have me, I'm all yours." Sherlock said shyly. John blushed, licking his bottom lip.

"Lucky me." He replied and laid his head on Sherlock's shoulder. They didn't speak for the rest of the ride. When the bus rolled on the school parking. They stepped out, walking into the direction of their lockers. They took the books they needed for the coming lessons and closed the lockers. Sherlock walked over to John and smiled down at him. John cocked an eyebrow.

"John." Sherlock said with his baritone voice.

"Sherlock." John said, trailing his tongue over his bottom lip as he looked up at Sherlock who was almost hovering over him. Sherlock placed one hand on John's chest, feeling his heart rate steadily rising.

"Your heart is beating fast." Sherlock chuckled. John blushed fervently.

"Well yea. A handsome man is standing pretty close to me. So close that I can feel the warmth of his breath. And I am doing my hardest best not to kiss him right now. Because we are surrounded by hundreds of people." John said under his breath.

"You care about those silly people?" Sherlock asked, his voice even lower. John swallowed, briefly looking at the students around him and a teacher who just passed them.

"No." He swallowed.

"Well then." Sherlock said as a smirk played at the corner of his lips. He then in one step, smashed his lips against John's. John's eyes went wide with chock, and for a second he just stood there, eyes open, letting Sherlock kiss him. But that moment passed almost as quickly as it happened, and John began kissing him back. His arms snaked around Sherlock's waist, and Sherlock's own were around his neck, fingers threaded through his hair. They broke away as they heard someone coughing. John looked over Sherlock's shoulder and saw Greg standing behind Sherlock with raised eyebrows and a smug smile on his face.

"Greg!" John said loudly, pushing Sherlock a bit backwards. Sherlock grunted, reluctantly turning around and leaned with his back against the locker with his arms crossed across his belly.

"Hey John." Greg greeted as he flashed a smile. He then turned his gaze to an irritated looking Sherlock. "Mister Holmes." Greg greeted him amusingly.

"Sherlock. It's Sherlock." He snapped. John nudged Sherlock in his side while Greg raised both his hands in surrender. He then chuckled.

"Congratz you guys." Greg said, giving John's shoulder a firm pat. "I didn't know you were into guys John. But know that I'm fine with it." He said with a genuine smile. John definitely appreciated this.

"Thanks mate." He replied. "But hey. I'm not into guys. They don't attract me. It's just Sherlock. Let's say I'm Sherlocksexual." They both laughed at that while Sherlock remained silence. He just wanted Greg to be lost in the middle of the ocean right now.

"So what's up?" John asked, while he took Sherlock's hand and squeezed it, not taking his eyes away from Greg.

"Oh like usual." Greg shrugged. "Anyways, the reason I came here was to congratulate you two. Also." He paused clearing his throat and looked up at Sherlock. "I've met your brother." He said bit hesitantly. Sherlock rolled with his eyes and a grunt left his cupped bow lips.

"Great." He muttered.

"How is he like? I met him once when I accidently entered his room." John asked. Greg frowned at the last part of the sentence before he chuckled.

"Well imagine Sherlock twice." Greg said with a smirk.

"Oh god." John laughed.

"I am right here." Sherlock mumbled.

"Sorry." John said.

"Why did you see my brother?" Sherlock asked coldly.

"I attended a crime scene with my dad this weekend. And your brother was present there. The government was involved with this. I didn't know your brot-"

"Is it solved?" Sherlock cut him off.

"Yea sorry." Greg replied.

"Did you talk to him? Like in a conversation?" Sherlock questioned, looking suspiciously at Greg.

"We went for coffee afterwards." Greg said as a blush was blooming over his face. Sherlock's eyes widened as his yaw dropped. His brother went to coffee with Greg? His brother who kept repeating that caring is dangerous?

"You wh-" Sherlock blurted out but got cut off by the school bell.

"Sorry have to run." Greg excused himself and ran away. John was chuckling while Sherlock's expression was full with confusion. John swung his rucksack on his shoulder and stood on his tip toes and pecked Sherlock's lips. Sherlock then shook his head, smiling down at him.

"Did you hear that?" He muttered.

"Yeah." John replied.

"That's just unbelievable. Mycroft would never go for coffee with someone like Greg. His father maybe, to talk about the case. But Greg?" He said in disbelief.

"Maybe they weren't alone. Greg didn't say that his father wasn't present." John said.

"Well I hope so." Sherlock muttered.

"Anyways. I have to go now. See you at lunch?" John asked as he stood on his tip toes to reach Sherlock's lips once again.

"For sure."

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