18. Acting

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Sherlock woke up as he felt something moving at his side. Sherlock frowned before his expression softened. For a moment he forgot that John fell asleep in his arms last night and that he held his hand during the last movie. He smiled and slowly turned around so he could look at the first person he fell in love with and probably the only one. He saw John getting up, grabbing his stuff together. Sherlock knitted his eyebrows together.

"John, what are you doing?" He whispered. John's head snapped into Sherlock's direction, jolting lightly at the sudden voice.

"I'm sorry I fell asleep." John whispered back, stuttering slightly. He kneeled down to take his jacket. Sherlock felt his heart squeezing, he didn't want John to leave. His eyes searched for the clock on the wall and it read; half past eight. What's the point of leaving now?

"Don't go." Sherlock whispered. "You can stay if you want." He added. John looked at Sherlock for a while, causing Sherlock to chuckle softly. He lifted the blankets from where John was lying before, showing a sign that John need to get under it. John smiled shyly and dropped his stuff onto the floor and slipped back under the covers, sitting fairly close to Sherlock. Sherlock was still lying under the covers and John sat upright, leaning against the headboard, covered by the covers as well.

"Told you that you'd fall asleep." Sherlock teased.

"Hey I almost made it!" John defended, crossing his arms.

"You definitely did not." Sherlock laughed, nuzzling deeper in his cushion, feeling content. "You were already gone before 12 Am." He added.

"Hmm guess I'm busted." John said with a genuine smile. Sherlock nodded, smiling widely. "What about you?" John asked curiously.

"I went to bed three hours ago." Sherlock informed with a yawn.

"You finished?" John asked with surprise.

"Yep." Sherlock said, popping the p while grabbing the remote controller and handed it to John. John took it in his hands, his eyes sparkling at the thoughts that Sherlock finished a movie for him. "If you don't mind I'd like to take a nap. Only an hour or so. I feel kind of dizzy." Sherlock informed.

"Sure." John said and turned on the television, being sure that the sound isn't loud. "You aren't getting sick are you?" John asked, lifting his hand and laid it on Sherlock's pale forehead. Sherlock rolled with his eyes, smiling amusingly at the young doctor at his side and lifted his own hand and removed John his hand and laid it on the mattress. His hand lingered on John's for a moment and then it slide away under his head.

"When I watch television. Then the maximum is four hours. My eyes are probably... yaknow, tired." Sherlock informed, receiving an understanding nod from John. Even though he would prefer to be a bit sick now. Being treated by John, wouldn't that be fantastic? Sherlock then turned around so he wasn't facing John. If he was, he'd constantly open his eyes to glare at his friend. And he really needed the rest. He felt weak and tired.

Sherlock woke up around 11 o'clock. His eyes slowly fluttered open and he then noticed that he had turned around in his sleep. John was looking at some soccer game on the television, his eyes focused on the screen. John had removed his jumper and was now wearing a white t-shirt. Sherlock bite his bottom lip as he found out that John had removed his trousers as well. What the hell John. Even though John was wearing long boxers. Still. Sherlock blushed a deep red and closed his eyes again, trying not to smile, for in case John would stare at him.

Sherlock wanted him and he needed to find a way to know if John wanted him too. Sherlock decided to do a bit acting. There is nothing wrong with a bit acting right? Sherlock started to roll closer to John, snuggling in his side, making sleepy whining noises as in dreaming and wrapped an arm around John's waist. He felt John stiffen at his touch. Sherlock was glad that his face was facing the mattress, because he was blushing madly.

"Sherlock?" John whispered.

No reply

Sherlock heard John chuckle and he suddenly felt John's hand touching his arm, caressing it gently. He didn't stop, he kept touching Sherlock's arm while watching the television.

"You're such an idiot." John said softly. Sherlock had no idea what that meant but he smiled anyways. Wanting to know if the caressing was a friendship gesture or something more. Sherlock then decided that it was time to 'wake' up. He moaned a bit, rolling with his body and felt the absence of John's hand immediately. Sherlock rolled to his own side again and laid still for a minute before opening his eyes.

"Good morning." John said sweetly. Sherlock turned around again and sat up, ruffling his hair lazily.

"Good morning." He replied. He scanned John's face and he was red as a tomato. Sherlock frowned briefly before smiling again, trying not to smirk.

"You slept three hours, sleepy head." John said playfully and rubbed his nose. Sherlock stretched his arms and yawned. "Oh and um. I met your brother." John added. Sherlock turned pale.

"What when?" Sherlock blurted out.

"An hour ago. I had to pee so I tiptoed out of the room and searched for a bathroom. And I accidently entered your brothers I guess." John shrugged. Sherlock laughed softly.

"Let's say you've made a good first impression." Sherlock pointed out.

"Yea." John sniggered.

"I'm going to put on some fresh clothes." Sherlock said and got out of the bed. He walked to the wardrobe and picked out his purple shirt and some trousers. He then emerged the room and walked into the bathroom. He got changed and washed his face with a washcloth, ruffled his hair again, and he then put on some perfume. Not much though. Just when he finished Mrs Hudson peered inside. Sherlock rolled his eyes and spoke up.

"What?" He whispered.

"Oh nothing, I was just passing by." She giggled and laid neatly folded towels into the cabinet.

"John is also awake." Sherlock informed.

"I know dear. I already spoke to him this morning." She said calmly.

"About what?"

"Oh just a conversation..." She said with a wink and left Sherlock.

This chapter is probably full with mistakes. I'm sorry. ><
+ Thank you for reading so far, it means alot xx
~ May

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