17. Snuggling

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John handed Sherlock the disc from the first movie. Sherlock thanked him and leapt out of his bed. He walked to the television and crouched down so he could insert the disk in the DVD player.

"An unexpected journey." Sherlock mumbled as he pushed the disk inside. It's rather an unexpected day. Sherlock thought with a tiny smile lingering on his lips.

"Sherlock, you realise that you have to stay up until five." John said amusingly.

"For me that won't be a problem." Sherlock replied, raising an eyebrow as in saying that John won't survive the three movies. John snorted disbelievingly.

"I won't fall asleep during my favourite movie." John pointed out.

"Sure." Sherlock smirked and stood up again. He walked over to the corner of the room where the many snacks were laying. "Would you like a snack during the movie? Mrs Hudson decided to open a sweetshop in my room." Sherlock said pointing to the bowls with his finger. He looked over to John and saw his eyes sliding down towards the unlit candle and then back to the bowls.

"Yea sure. What do you have?" John asked rather shyly after seeing the candle. He rubbed the back of his neck and sat up more straight.

"Everything." Sherlock informed. "Name something you like and I'll bring it to you." He said.

"Hmm." John said, acting like he was in deep thoughts. "White chocolate filled with praline made in Belgium covered with some yellow m&m's." John said. Sherlock gave him a look.

"You're kidding." Sherlock muttered. John rolled with his eyes and snorted with laughter.

"Chips is fine." He chuckled. Sherlock nodded and took the bowl in his hands. "Sherlock catch." John said and threw something into Sherlock's direction. Sherlock frowned, catching whatever John was throwing on time, almost dropping the chips. His eyes widened and he felt his face heating up, he was blushing madly in front of John. John had thrown him a yellow lighter. He stood there for a second too long looking at John and his stomach fluttered with butterflies and his mouth suddenly went dry. He swallowed nervously and spoke up.

"What do you want me to do with it?" He asked, trying his best to sound normal.

"Light the candle." He paused. "Or are you scared of fire?" John said teasingly.

"Don't be an idiot, of course not." Sherlock said and turned around, cautiously lighting the candle, feeling the insects bumping against his tummy. Just then Mrs Hudson entered the room with both boys their tea. Sherlock threw the yellow lighter back at John, and looked over at Mrs Hudson. He couldn't believe what he saw. She entered the room with two cups filled with tea. On each plate were lying two caramelized biscuits while Sherlock's room was full with food already. He snorted but decided not to talk about it. He swiftly closed the curtains and settled him down in his bed, placing the chips down between them.

"Here you go." She said to both of them, handing them the tea.

"Thank you Mrs Hudson." John said nicely. Sherlock didn't say anything, he just took a sip from the tea.

"You're very welcome John." She said and walked to the door. "Have fun you two." She was half smirking and Sherlock sighed.

"Mrs Hudson!" He growled. She covered her mouth with a giggle and trotted away, John chuckling in the background.

"She is lovely." John said once she was gone and took a sip from the tea.

"Hmmm." Sherlock said, acting like he wasn't convinced but inside he knew how much she meant to him. They then started watching the movie. John explained Sherlock that the beginning of the movie was important to understand the plot. John suddenly started sniggering as Sherlock took it serious. His eyes were fixed onto the screen, barely blinking. He was leaning forwards, eyes narrowed.

"Hush John!" Sherlock said as he was trying to concentrate onto the screen.

"Okay okay." He laughed and grabbed a handful of the crisps. When the flashback from the movie ended Sherlock frowned. "So do you understand it?" John asked.

"I think so." Sherlock muttered.

"Okay." John said smiling.

Minutes later, Sherlock frowned and looked at John. "Oh my god John! That's the older version of you." Sherlock yelled in disbelief flickering his eyes towards John and Bilbo and then back. John snorted.

"No way."

"Oh yes." Sherlock pointed out. John pursed his lips together and nudged Sherlock playfully in the shoulder.

During the first movie, Sherlock would glance at John every so often and chuckle at how into the movie he could get. John would also turn and glance at Sherlock some times. Then they glanced at each other at the same time, both blushed then turned away from each other. Good thing it was dark, or John might have spotted the blush on Sherlock's face. Sherlock was sitting on the bed left and John right. The Television in front of them but more to the right side. What means that Sherlock can spy on John easily. Which makes the night better of course. Sherlock wanted to watch all the movies tonight. To make John happy. Plus, it's not that bad watching an older John onto the screen. Sherlock was leaning against the headboard under the blankets. His legs outstretched. John was just sitting onto the bed, cross-legged.

"John you should lean your back against the headboard." Sherlock pointed out.


"If you keep sitting like this for more than nine hours. Your neck and back will be sore."

"Oh yea. Thank you." John said and sat himself down like Sherlock, under the blankets. John smiled and returned his gaze to the screen. When the first movie was done, Sherlock sighed, being lazy to get up. But he did it anyways. When he returned in bed Sherlock moved a bit closer to John than before, attempting to be subtle but catching the blush on John's cheeks said enough.

Another hour passed. It was half past eleven. Sherlock saw John struggling to keep awake. He sometimes bends forwards with his head, his eyes closing and he then suddenly shook his head, glaring back at the screen like nothing happened. Sherlock thought it was adorable.

Suddenly John's body fell to the left side. John's head was on Sherlock's shoulder once again, but he was more likely laying on him. Sherlock let out a small gasp and looked down, watching down with mouth slightly agape as John let out a sleepy whining noise and nuzzled closer to him. Unsure of what to do, Sherlock stayed as still as he could to keep from disturbing his friend's sleep. John was wrapping one arm over Sherlock's belly and Sherlock couldn't help but blush at the touch. John was going to be his death. Sherlock wrapped his right arm that was crushed by John around him. If John wakes up now, it would be super awkward. Sherlock sighed, nuzzling his head in John's hair and continued watching the Hobbit with a wide smile on his face.

The second movie ended and Sherlock had to get up so he could switch discs. One part of him wanted to stay like this, with John is his arms. But he needed to finish the Hobbit for John.

"John." He whispered, not wanting to wake him up. He just wanted to know how deep John was sleeping. When there wasn't any movement. Sherlock smiled and searched for John's free hand. He took John's hand in his, caressing his hand palm. This simple action made Sherlock realise how much he cared about his friend. And how much he needed John. "I think I'm in love with you, John." He whispered again. He then cautiously laid John down, covered him fully with the blankets and stepped out of the bed, inserting another disc. Before heading back to his bed, he blew out the candle for safety and ducked back under the covers. He laid himself down as well, close to John and held one of John's hands in his while watching the Hobbit.

When the movie finished Sherlock let go of John's hand and drifted asleep. John would go home after the movie ended. But seems like he will stay over.


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