2. Protector

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Sherlock walked down the aisle and sat down on a free seat, in the middle of the bus. As usual he was greeted with people laughing at him, scolding him. His music was on the loudest so he didn't hear what they were saying but he knew it weren't friendly hello words. Out of the corner of his eye. Sherlock could see his neighbour John twisting in his seat, lifting his head up in curiosity. Their eyes met briefly. Sherlock groaned and grabbed a book and began reading.

When the bus pulled up on the school parking. Everyone stepped out. Sherlock lingered towards the school gates as people shoved him when they passed. Sherlock just ignored it and gave John a dead look as he saw John looking at him. John didn't push Sherlock like the others. He just looked at Sherlock with a concerned expression.

Sherlock firstly went to the library searching for a book about organs. He then strolled to his locker. He opened it, searching for his math book as two people were approaching him. He then turned his head.

"You have to be kidding me." He grunted as he saw his English teacher walking towards him with John at her side. She had a silver key in her hand. One of the locker keys, and Sherlock knew three lockers next to his was free. There was a smile lingering on John's lips.

"Seems like we're neighbours on school as well." John said with a soft chuckle.

"Unfortunately yes." Sherlock replied bluntly and slammed his locker closed and walked away. He could hear the teacher mutter something about him to John, but it was unintelligibly.

After a long dull day on school the final bell rang, meaning students can leave the school property. As Sherlock walked out of the school gates, someone tripped him making him fall flat to the floor, jaw making impact with the cold dirty floor.

"Oh oops thought you were an ant." A harsh voice said from behind. Sherlock just sighed, used to situations like this. He turned and glared at the person who tripped him. He got up, wiping the dirt from his clothes and started making his way to the bus. John who obviously made some friends looked at Sherlock and left his new friends to check on him.

"You okay?" He asked, approaching Sherlock, knitting his eyebrows in a frown. Sherlock growled slightly, turning his head so he could meet John's eyes.

"Yes." He said curtly and quickened his pace, stepping into the bus, ignoring John. He settled him down and laid his rucksack on the empty seat beside him. John passed Sherlock's seat, stopping for a moment, looking at the empty seat. Sherlock looked up, cocking an eyebrow as in proving the point that John isn't welcome beside him. John cleared his throat and continued the aisle, sitting beside Molly Hooper. A girl with mousy brown hair that was kept tied back in a ponytail.

As the bus pulled up at the Sherlock's bus stop, he quickly stepped out and got immediately hit by the rain. The weather was pouring heavily with rain, splashing into the already formed puddles that emerged into the holes in the pavement. He pulled his coat collar higher and started walking to his house. Suddenly the rain around Sherlock stopped, but one feet away it was still raining;

"Keep it, I have a hood." John said, smiling fondly at Sherlock, handing him the umbrella. Sherlock just frowned at John what caused John to chuckle slightly. John nodded and started to run to his house. Sherlock watched him run away. The frown on his face didn't want to go away. He opened the front door and was greeted by Ms. Hudson like usual.

"Oh dear..." She started, wanting to say sorry to him that she forgot to give him an umbrella this morning but stopped as soon as she saw him closing one. "Where did you get that umbrella from?" She asked wonderingly, grabbing his rucksack.

"Someone left it on the bus." He shrugged, hanging his coat on the coat rack. Her smile of hope dropped and she took his scarf in her hands and hung it up. For a moment she thought he had made a friend.

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