33. John's a better kisser

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Sherlock hated today; he hated it with his whole broken heart. He wish he could rip out his heart and crush it with his feet so that he didn't have to feel anymore. He detested feelings, it made his brain dysfunctional. After a long conversation, Sherlock decided that he wanted time alone In his room. Mrs Hudson let him go with a comforting hug and began with dinner.

Sherlock slipped under his covers into a foetal position. That's what he did for the coming three days. He only left his bed for the bathroom and dinner. He didn't even nose about in the unsolved cases that Greg had sent him. Obviously Mycroft asked Greg to do that.

It's Thursday now. Sherlock didn't see John once. He didn't go to school either. He texted John Wednesday, asking him if he wanted to meet. But John rejected it. He texted Sherlock telling him that he had plans already, which wasn't really a lie. He saw John leaving with a sport bag minutes after he received the text. Sherlock sighed, he haven't seen John for three days. What happened with 'I will never leave you Sherlock.' Sherlock rolled over at the thoughts and looked at the clock. Suddenly Sherlock received a text, he immediately opened with hope that it was his John. A big smile bloomed over Sherlock's face as he saw John's name popping on the screen.

I'm sorry for leaving you so long. I miss you Sherlock. I know you did this to protect me. I truly hope that you understand me as well. Do you maybe allow me to come over? I haven't seen your beautiful face for days. I love you -JW

Sherlock his face started to crumple a little and tears began to form in his eyes. He blinked the tears away and replied that John was always welcome, no matter what. John replied that he'll come after dinner.

Sherlock couldn't wait.

After that Sherlock jumped into the shower, wanting to look fresh for John. Because the way he was looking before wasn't attractive. He grabbed a purple towel, and threw it over the shower wall. He slid open the sliding-glass door to the shower, turning the hot water on and waited for it to warm up, meanwhile he pulled off his clothes. He then stepped into the shower, letting out a content sigh. Someday John will be standing next to him, washing his hair and Sherlock wouldn't mind helping him. A gesture for showing John how much he cares for him.

After a moment, he picked up his dad's body wash and put some on his hand. He smoothed the soap over his skin, lathered it in, and then rinsed off. After a couple minutes he turned off the water and stepped out and dried himself. He put on a fresh pair of boxers and walked back to his room and pulled on his white button down shirt with his black pants. Just when he emerged the bathroom, he heard Mrs Hudson calling for him. Sherlock descended the stairs, approaching the dining table. Mrs Hudson cocked an eyebrow at the way Sherlock was looking.

"Did John text you?" She asked curiously, hoping he says yes. Sherlock didn't reply, his smile became wider and Mrs Hudson knew what that meant. "Oh Sherlock I'm so happy!" She exclaimed and placed a plate with food in front of him, kissing the top of his head while she did so. Sherlock thanked her and began eating his food in silence. After dinner Sherlock flopped himself down in his steady hammock, closing his eyes, waiting on his John.

Sherlock's heart skipped a beat when he heard Mrs Hudson calling him, telling that she will let John inside. Sherlock swallowed and he slowly got out of his hammock. He then froze as his eyes noticed John emerging the house, into the back garden. Their eyes met briefly before John looked down while walking over to Sherlock. Sherlock kept standing in front of his hammock, not able to move nor talk. John stopped in front of him, searching for Sherlock's hand and cautiously slipped his fingers between Sherlocks, squeezing it softly. Sherlock stifled a sigh and lifted his head and looked deeply in John's hazel eyes.

"I'm sorry John." Sherlock muttered.

"It's okay, you did it to protect me." John replied softly.

"I've hurt you."

"Sherlock it's fine." John assured, feeling guilty that he left Sherlock for so long. He knew how easily Sherlock can break and then he left him for days. He admitted it to himself, that it was a stupid decision.
There were ten seconds silence before Sherlock spoke up.

"I was so alone John." Sherlock said quietly and looked down at his feet, feeling ashamed.

"I know, it was wrong of me to let you wait for so long. I was overreacting, I'm sorry."

"No need to apologize. You had the right to be angry at me." He mumbled. John sighed, placing a finger under Sherlock's chin and lifted his head up so he could face him.

"I wasn't angry." John started. Sherlock frowned, remembering the broken crown. John seemed to read Sherlock's thoughts. "Okay maybe a bit." He corrected with a weak chuckle. "But I mostly was hurt. It broke me, watching you kissing someone else." John said softly. Sherlock cringed. "But hey, it's fine now." He assured, trailing his thumb over Sherlock his cheekbone. Sherlock leaned into the touch, closing his eyes.

"John." Sherlock said mildly, a bit shyly as well and opened his eyes again. John hummed in reply, smiling warmly at him. "Can I have a hug now. I really missed those." He asked, muttering. John chuckled, his eyes twinkling. He nodded furiously and with a wide smile he wrapped his arms around the young detective and snuggled deep in his chest, Sherlock held him tightly against him.

They stood like that for a while before Sherlock leaded John into the hammock. John laid at his side, an arm over Sherlock's chest, his head snuggled on Sherlock's shoulder. John's nose was touching Sherlock's cheek.

"What do I need to do if this happens again? I don't want you to get hurt. He had a knife hidden in his pocket."

"And I have a fist." John pointed out. Sherlock chuckled before it changed into a deep sigh.

"I'm serious John."

"I am too. We will see what happens. He won't stab me in the hallway from school." John said.

"I'm not sure about that." He grunted.

"One thing I'm sure. He won't touch you again. I won't let him." John said quite firmly.

"Thank you." Sherlock replied hesitantly.

"Your lips belongs to me. No one else's."

"That's good. Jim was a horrible kisser." Sherlock said smugly, his depressing mood vanishing. John's mouth dropped open and he loosely nudged Sherlock's tummy.

"Sherlock!" He cried out in disbelief.

"Sorry." Sherlock replied with a giggle.

"You know princess." John started his tone flirtatious. Sherlock hummed smiling like an idiot as he knew what was coming next. "I haven't touch those brilliant lips of yours for three days." He said, a smirk growing on his lips as he trailed a finger across Sherlock's cupped bow lips.

"So?" Sherlock replied teasingly.

"Well, don't you think that we should fix that?" He asked, rolling on Sherlock's belly and leaned his face closer to Sherlocks, blushing madly.

"I think we should."

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