6. Sharing ice creams

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Sherlock and John were still sitting under the big oak tree. Sherlock concentrating on his book and John sitting by his side, his head resting against the tree bark, looking at nothing in particular. The sounds of birds chirping echoing throughout the park. Each time when Sherlock turned a page, their shoulders touched softly. Both boys ignoring the touch. It's not like it's a big deal.

Suddenly after an hour silence John clasped his hands together, causing Sherlock to snap his head in his direction.

"I'll go after an ice cream. Do you also want one?" John asked cheerfully, being in a good mood.

"No." Sherlock muttered, turning his eyes back on his book.

"That's a yes then?" John smiled and stood up. He wiped away the dirt from his jeans and gave Sherlock a last smile before swivelling around and heading to the ice cream shop three minutes away. Sherlock looked at John's leaving figure. He couldn't help but smile softly, feeling something warm inside of him. Maybe having a friend isn't that bad? He thought to himself. He then shrugged the thoughts away, remembering the past with Redbeard and how his life turned hell afterwards. He sighed, looking around the empty park. Remembering the times when he used to go to this park all day with Redbeard, playing with the dog's favourite yellow ball. Maybe it was time to accept someone new in his life; Sherlock sighed again, covering his head with his hands and closed his eyes, staying in this position until John returned. He wished he could wipe his past away like you could simply wipe a tear away. Five minutes later Sherlock jolted as he felt a hand touching his shoulder.

"You okay?" John asked softly, sitting down next to Sherlock again with two ice creams in his hands. Sherlock nodded stiffly, accepting the ice cream that John was handing him. "I do hope you like banana, I didn't know what flavour you'd like." He told Sherlock quietly, seeing that something was bothering him.

"No it's fine, thank you." Sherlock mumbled, looking at the ice cream, which was melting already.

"What's your favourite flavour?" John asked and licked at his ice cream, swivelling his tongue around the top of it.

"Melon." Sherlock informed.

"Really?" John chuckled. "Here have mine, it's melon." John insisted. Sherlock stared John directly in his gentle eyes.

"No I do-" Sherlock trailed off as John switched their ice creams. Sherlock rolled his eyes, feeling a smile tugging at his lips. John's smile had gotten substantially bigger, loving the way that Sherlock was accepting him more and more. "Thanks I guess." Sherlock said with a shrug. Seems like both boys didn't mind sharing their saliva.

"You're very welcome Sherlock." John replied fondly. "Plus your ice cream is melting." John said, pointing to the melting ice cream. Sherlock's eyes went wide as he looked down to see the cold treat running all over his arm. So he ate his treat as fast as he could when he was about to start on his arm John stopped him. "Better use a tissue." He laughed and handed Sherlock a tissue. Sherlock just nodded and started cleaning his arm. Just when he finished cleaning, both boys their head jerked up as someone approached the two.

"Oh my god." Donavan said, laughing in disbelief. "Look! It's the freak!" Sally announced to her friends as they were standing further away. Immediately her group began to walk towards her to see the two sitting under the tree with ice creams in their hands.

"Hey, freak! I don't know what you threatened John with to make him be your friend, but you should let him go. He's a good guy and doesn't need a freak like you." She said, hands placed on her hips and looked back at her friends for approval. Sherlock felt John stiffen beside him.

"He doesn't have to force me to hang out with him. You should back off and leave us alone." John said crossly, scowling at her. Sherlock felt his whole body go warm.

"Got yourself a boyfriend, Sherlock?" She sneered, feeling pleasant about this. "How cute." She laughed, crossing her arms and looked at her friends who were laughing as well. "Let's go. If I stay longer my eyes will burn." She explained and walked away, giving Sherlock a dead look before turning around.

"Jesus, they're so cruel for no reason." John said with annoyance and turned to look at Sherlock who was now frozen in place, sitting motionless. Worry came across John's features. "Sherlock are you okay?" John asked, leaning closer, placing his hand on Sherlock's knee. Sherlock flinched at the touch, nodding stiffly. "You are not." John pointed out, frowning.

"Leave it John." Sherlock snapped. John backed off, frown still plastered on his face.

"Okay sorry." He muttered, rubbing the back of his head.

"You should stop caring about me." Sherlock said quietly.

"Not going to happen." John said firmly and stood up. He extended his hand to Sherlock. The young detective looked dubiously at the hand before taking it. When Sherlock stood upright, He was looking in John's hazel eyes. John bent down to grab his ball and he then looked up and met Sherlock's gaze, his cheeks quickly turned a bright shade of pink. He cleared his throat; "Let's go." He said awkwardly.

"Who said I want to leave?" Sherlock asked, his penetrating gaze settling on his neighbour.

"You want to stay?" John replied, raising his eyebrows.


"Well then." John chuckled.

Sherlock and John walked side by side on the street that leaded to their houses. Although they were walking in silence, it was not awkward. Not one bit. Every once in a while, Sherlock would steal glances at John. He was still confused about this all. He never had a human friend before and he secretly enjoyed John's company. He couldn't believe what he was thinking. A day ago he disliked John by his side, and now he's enjoying it. Sherlock was shaking his head in disbelief while they were continuing to walk to their houses. John looked suspiciously at Sherlock, frowning slightly. But he ignored the younger's man's behaviour. When they reached their houses Sherlock was uncertain what to do, so he just stopped when they reached the front garden from John.

"See you later, Sherlock." John smiled, patting Sherlock's shoulder before heading to his front door. Sherlock didn't react he just walked to his front door as well. When he entered he heard footsteps running towards him. Obviously Mrs Hudson in shock about Sherlock staying away for so long.

"Sherlock! Where have you been?" She said, her voice high pitched. Sherlock rolled with his eyes and hung his coat on the coat track.

"A walk. I told you." He sighed, entering the living room, Mrs Hudson following behind.

"But you stayed away for hours, Sherlock." She said.

"Does that matter how long I want to walk." He argued.

"No." She paused. "Sorry dear, I was just worried." She explained. Sherlock muttered something unintelligibly and headed to the kitchen to drink a glass cola. After he drank it he walked to his room and the first thing he did was looking out his window to see if John was in the garden. Sadly he wasn't. Sherlock settled him down at his desk and started looking through google.com. He was searching things about friendship and love; not that he was in love with John. The curiosity was just too much.

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