25. tickles

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After school John and Sherlock walked home instead of taking the bus

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After school John and Sherlock walked home instead of taking the bus. So they had some time alone. Plus it was obvious that the big bullies were planning to scream offensive words at Sherlock. They stood teamed at the bus doors. John took Sherlock's hand and pulled him to the other side. He didn't need this shit.

"Let's walk home." He insisted, squeezing Sherlock's hand. Sherlock nodded shyly, appreciating John's caring. He can't believe John was real.

When they approached their houses, Sherlock asked John to come over tonight. John told him that he will ask his mother first and left with a gentle kiss on the lips. Ten minutes later Sherlock received a text from John that he will come around seven o'clock after dinner and a shower. Sherlock smiled down at his phone and continued reading his book.

An hour later it was dinner time together with Sherlock's older brother. Sherlock sat down, sending Mycroft a deadpan look. Mycroft cocked an eyebrow, his gaze fixing on his younger brother. Mycroft rolled with his eyes while an irritated sigh left his mouth as his brother kept staring at him. Sherlock smirked slightly as he annoyed his brother and finally looked away.

"How late will John come over again Sherlock?" Mrs Hudson asked cheerfully as she placed a plate with Fish and Chips with Mushy Peas in front of him.

"Around seven." He informed her with a soft smile.

"Oki. You want something special for tonight?" She asked, placing a plate in front of Mycroft.

"Thank you." Mycroft muttered between the conversation.

"No thank you. He won't stay for long. We have school tomorrow." Sherlock said to Mrs Hudson.

"Okay." She smiled down at him and walked away, giving Mycroft a leave-your-brother-alone look, knowing what Mycroft did last time. Mycroft rolled with his eyes and began eating. Both Holmes brothers ate in silence.

"I'm glad you're happy." Mycroft suddenly said, causing Sherlock to choke on his food. He took a gulp from his Cola and looked up with disbelief.

"You're what." He asked incredulously.

"You've heard me the first time. No need for me to repeat." Mycroft said coldly. Sherlock scowled at his brother, clearing his throat he spoke up again.

"How do I need to respond on that?" Sherlock asked, frowning deeply. Still not believing what Mycroft said.

"Good night." Mycroft cleared, wiping his mouth with a tissue and got up. Sherlock suspiciously followed Mycroft with his eyes until he was out of sight. Mrs Hudson walked in, taking Mycroft his plate and his empty glass in her hands and disappeared again. Sherlock still looked blankly at the spot where Mycroft just left. It was strange. Mycroft didn't show any sign of affection for years. Even though the John part was out of worry for his little brother. But Sherlock of course didn't see it that way.

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