37. Helping a friend

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The school bell rang. Sherlock immediately grabbed his stuff, not letting the teacher finish her sentence. She yelled at Sherlock, telling him to sit down again because she had important news to tell. He stood up, rushing out of class, waved his hand dismissively at her direction as she kept yelling at him. A wave of pupils were already walking in the hallway. Sherlock wheeled a corner and saw John already standing at the lockers. He didn't know how John kept doing that. He was always first. Sherlock's heart melted as he saw John yawning. His whole face cringed together like a tired puppy. Sherlock smiled, approaching Watson.

"Hello." He said kissing the top of John's head and passed by so he could open his locker. John blushed, smiling brightly.

"Princess." He greeted back, in a teasing tone. Sherlock rolled with his eyes, pushing all his study material in his locker and slammed it closed.

"Where are we going?" Sherlock asked, standing at John's side, wrapping an arm around John's waist. John licked his bottom lip.

"Well. Um Greg is coming with us." He said, hesitantly. Sherlock growled softly, obviously he didn't want this.

"And why is that?" He muttered in disapproval, letting his arm fall flatly down at his side.

"Sherlock. Greg is nice really." John pointed out, taking Sherlock's hand, leading him to the school gates. Sherlock grunted, shrugging. "And I invited him, because I don't want to take any risks. Better three against two than two against two. I don't want Jim and Sebastian ruin our night." John said softly. "Plus, your brother also wanted this."

"He contacted you?" Sherlock blurted out, frowning deeply.

"No. When I asked Greg to have lunch with us. He said that he was planning to come anyways. Your brother cares about you Sherlock." John informed. Sherlock just snorted in reply, causing John to sigh softly. Both boys stopped when they reached the school gate, waiting on Greg. A minute later Greg approached the two.

"Oi John" He said, slapping his shoulder in a greeting.

"Hey mate." John greeted back. Sherlock just stood there, looking blankly ahead.

"Hey Sherlock." Greg said, clearing his throat. Sherlock just hummed. John sighed once again. "So where do we eat? I have food with me." Greg asked, patting his lunch box that he was holding under his armpit.

"I was thinking to just sit on a bench across the street. That's ok?" John asked.

"Yea sure."

They walked through the school gate and settled themselves down onto the bench. John sat in the middle. The three of them unpacked their lunch and began eating. John took a big bite of his sandwich and swallowed it before speaking up.

"Are you coming tonight?" He asked Greg, with a sly grin. A deep red blush grew across Greg's face at John's question. Sherlock finished with eating already, he ate one piece of bread with Jam. And placed his hand on John's thigh.

"Not really. I have other plans already." Greg informed, becoming even more red. Sherlock clenched his teeth looking at his left side.

"A date?" John asked, smirking.

"Yea." Greg said shyly.

"May I ask with who?" John asked, already knowing who it was. Sherlock's eyes were fixed on the same spot on the pavement, acting like he wasn't curious. Greg chuckled, looking away from John's amusing face.

"I think you already know that." He muttered, looking down at his lap.

"I do yea." He admitted, laughing. "What are you two going to do?"

"I'll take him to a fancy restaurant. I don't see him having dinner in a burger bar." Greg said, looking at John again, smiling at the thoughts of the two having dinner tonight.

"Me neither." John said, grinning.

"Depending on the time, we will go for a walk. The restaurant is close to the coast. Afterwards we're going to my place. Since the Holmes house is reserved by two young boys." Greg said, raising both his eyebrows. "And I don't want him to sleep on the office again." Greg added. Sherlock's eyes widened at this, but he didn't turn to look.

"You two will sleep together?" John asked, smiling brightly. Sherlock carefully followed the conversation between the two. Greg rolled with his eyes.

"If you are referring to sex. No we won't, we didn't even kiss yet." Greg said. John frowned.

"But I thought you said-"

"I know I said that I care for him, and I'm pretty sure that I'm in love with him. We had a conversation and he told me that he loves me back. He's just... afraid I think."


"Yes. He never dealt with romantic feelings before and it's confusing him. So we're taking it slow. And with slow I mean really slow."

"That's nice of you." John said warmly. Sherlock was deep in his thoughts. His brother was having the same problem like he had before their first kiss. Sherlock was also struggling with understanding his new feelings. Part of him thought it was disgusting to see his brother falling in love with Greg. But at the other side, he was happy for him. Sherlock loves the feeling to be in love with someone, sharing things, kiss someone. And for the first time he wished his brother would have what he had. To be loved by someone.

"I think he's ready for the next step tonight."

"First kiss?"

"Yea. Last time, I embraced him and we almost did it when I pulled back. But then I saw fair in his eyes. So we didn't." He paused. "Sherlock?" Greg said, leaning forwards so he could look at him.

"Hmm?" Sherlock said turning his head, acting like he wasn't listening the conversation.

"Does your brother have any trauma?" He asked hesitantly.

"Not that I know." Sherlock replied coldly.

"Okay..." Greg replied, flickering his eyes to John, who looked at him with sympathy. "I just don't want him to feel uncomfortable."

"Try to talk about it during your dinner." John suggested.

"Yeah I will." He assured. John nodded smiling. He turned his head, staring at Sherlock and placed his hand on his.

"It will be worth it, believe me." John said, returning his gaze to Greg.

They finished and returned back to school. Greg said his goodbye and left. Sherlock and John took their stuff out of their lockers. Sherlock finished as first. He walked over to John and turned him around, pushing his against the locker.

"I won't see you until six." Sherlock muttered.

"I know." John said licking his lips, staring up at him through his eyelashes, his heartbeat racing as he felt Sherlock's breath.

"Don't you think I deserve a proper goodbye?" Sherlock asked, trailing a hand down John's chest.

"People are looking." John said under his breath, his eyes lingering on Sherlock's lips which were now turning into a sly smile. He snorted.

"You care?"

"No." John replied firmly.

"Good." Sherlock said grinning. His lips then came crashing down on his and pressed his whole body against John. They kissed passionately for a minute until the School bell rang.


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