3. A walk to school

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The next morning Sherlock awoke by the typical knock on the door. He grunted telling Ms. Hudson that he will get up in five minutes. He thought his mother would wake him up, since that she was home early last night. But she was already gone at five am. After he got dressed in his usual clothes he entered the living room. To his surprise his dad was present at the breakfast table, eating an extensive breakfast prepared by Mrs. Hudson. Sherlock slowly made his way to the table and when he approached his dad, he swallowed and spoke up.

"Hi dad." He said quietly, sitting down. Mr. Holmes looked up, a stern look plastered on his face. Sherlock knew he was looking like that to him because he didn't come to the neighbours for dinner last night. He sighed inwardly, looking down at his breakfast laying in front of him, he wasn't hungry and he didn't really feel like eating. But if he doesn't eat. Then he will get an argument with his dad for sure.

"Sherlock." He greeted firmly, fixing his eyes on his son. "Why didn't you come last night?" He added with a serious tone, briefly looking away from him so he could take a sip from his black coffee.

"I thought Mrs. Hudson would inform you that I was sick last night." Sherlock muttered, cutting the eggs with his knife and fork. 

"I think we both know you weren't sick." He clarified. Sherlock's head snapped up, his eyes widening. He frowned, trying to look innocent.

"Not sick? You think I was lying." Sherlock questioned. Ms. Hudson was standing in the doorway that separated the kitchen and the dining room, following the conversation between the two. She made an extensive breakfast for Mr. Holmes intentionally so he would be staying longer, so the two Holmes could have a word with each other. She already wished she never did it.

"I know you to well tha-" Mr. Holmes started until Sherlock interrupted him.

"You know me to well? I see you one time in a month or maybe two times." Sherlock snapped. "Yesterday, people kept shoving me against walls or whatever they could find to push me to. They tugged at my hair on the bus. They called me loser, freak all the time. My head started burning after someone tripped me. So I am really sorry for not showing up last night. I didn't want to ruin my first impression by showing up like a wreck. Second. I'm sorry that I am not the perfect son to you. But I don't give a fuck. I am not Mycroft and I am not willing to change who I am for you." Sherlock yelled, slamming his fists on the table. He saw something soft coming across Mr. Holmes eyes. But he just simply ignored it. He stood up and walked away, entering the hallway.

"Sherlock come back." His father demanded with a sigh. Sherlock looked at his phone to see which hour it is. Thirty minutes left before the bus arrived. He sighed, grabbing his coat from the coatrack and opened the front door, leaving the house. He planned to walk to school, clear his head a bit. He heard footsteps approaching the door but he ignored it.

He closed the door behind him and swung his bag onto his shoulder, turned on his music and started to walk out of his front garden and into the already busy streets. The birds chirping, the sounds of the morning traffic drowned out as music was blasted through his ears. Sherlock sighed. The chilly wind wafted again. Sherlock wrapped his coat tighter around himself, shivering. Two days ago the weather was like the summer season. And now it feels like its winter. Even though it's March. The cold weather should be dying by now. Sherlock was still walking when he heard a car honk loudly behind him. Sherlock looked at the passing car and growled at one of the bullies that passed, laughing at him. The honk was loud enough to be heard through his music.

When he arrived, Sherlock saw the school bus arriving as well. He quickened his pace, trying to avoid more pain from silly teens. He then went to the library before heading to his locker. He hand in his book about organs and searched for the sequel of it. After five minutes he found the right book and left the library. He strolled to his locker and saw his neighbour John Watson standing at his locker. Sherlock opened his red locker, ignoring John, searching for his history book. Out of the corner of his eye, Sherlock could see John staring at him.

"Why did you walk to school?" He asked politely. Sherlock firstly wanted to keep ignoring him; But John kept glaring at him with those concerned eyes. There was something different with John, Sherlock didn't know what. He didn't know why John kept talking to him. It was confusing.

"I didn't. I was absent on the bus because I got a ride from my dad." He lied, not bothering to make eye contact with him. He lifted some books with his hand and grabbed his history book that was laying under the others with his free hand.

"You didn't." John pointed out with a frown, closing his locker. Sherlock sighed loudly. "I saw you walking when I was in the bakery." John clarified, licking his bottom lip.

"Am I not allowed to walk to school?" Sherlock snapped, making eye contact with John, frowning deeply.

"Of course. I was ju-" John stuttered, rubbing the back of his neck. He didn't expect Sherlock to snap like that.

"Leave me alone, John." He cut him off, swivelling around with a sigh. John pursed his lips following Sherlock whose trench coat was billowing behind him.

"Just wanted to be nice." John said approaching Sherlock's side. Sherlock kept walking in a rapid pace, ignoring the small student beside him. "You shouldn't let them bully you like that." John said, looking at the side of Sherlock's face. Sherlock stopped walking, standing still. He took a deep breath before he turned to look at John.

"Why do you care?" He said in annoyance.

"Nobody deserves to be treated like that." John said fondly, slowly his arms crossed across his belly.

"I guess I do." Sherlock muttered, continuing to walk to his class. Just when John wanted to continue convincing Sherlock that he doesn't deserve this. A boy yelled what caused both boys to snap their heads to the side.

"Hey fag!" Someone shouted. Sherlock looked wildly at the owner of the voice who was some paces away. "Fag, come here." The person shouted again and the group where he was standing laughed. John flickered his eyes towards the boy and Sherlock. He saw Sherlock sighing. John frowned.

"Back off." John shouted angrily at the person. He doesn't care if he get bullied as well. He doesn't give a fuck. Like Sherlock said, John was the popular one in his previous school. He had a lot 'friends.' When John needed them the most. They all turned their back on him because he was planning to move away, going to another school.

"Oh got yourself a boyfriend Sherlock?" the bully said mockingly, laughing. John was about to go over but was stopped by a hand. John surprisingly looked at Sherlock.

"Don't." Sherlock muttered.


"Just don't, you'll only make it worse." Sherlock said. Sherlock let go of John's wrist and left the arena. John watched worriedly at Sherlock's fading figure, walking away.

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