5. Not a freak

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Sherlock didn't go to school Thursday and Friday. He wasn't sick but Mrs Hudson thought he was. So why not pretending to be sick? Sherlock didn't do anything special in those two days. He watched some documentaries, solved some cases online and played violin. Sherlock needed a new book to read but since he was 'sick'. Mrs Hudson won't let him leave the house. So he decided to stop with his acting.

It's Saturday morning. Sherlock woke up but didn't open his eyes straight away, he laid there for a minute and tried to get back to sleep. He was quite hungry so after trying to go to sleep for a couple minutes, he groaned and stepped out of his bed. He took his dressing gown in his hands and shrugged it on. And trudged groggily down the stairs, entering the dining room.

"Good morning, dear." Mrs Hudson greeted. Sherlock yawned, nodding in her direction. Seeing the silhouette of the big stack of pancakes made him even hungrier. He grabbed a plate and started serving himself some while Mrs Hudson was preparing fresh orange juice.

"I see you're feeling better." She said motherly, placing orange juice in front of him and pecked the back of his head.

"Yes I do." He agreed and took a bite of a pancake. She smiled fondly down at him and disappeared into the kitchen. Sherlock ate in silence, listening to the violin music Mrs Hudson turned on. After he finished eating he took a shower, washed his hair, shaved himself and got himself dressed.

"Mrs Hudson, I'm going for a walk." Sherlock shouted as he was standing in the hallway. Sherlock could hear something fall on the floor and footsteps were rushing towards him. A pale Mrs Hudson stood in front of him.

"Dear what's going on?" She asked concerned, stepping closer to him.

"What? There is nothing wrong?" He frowned deeply, wrapping his scarf around his pale neck.

"But you never go for a walk? Unless it's for school." She pointed out.

"I've been in my room for two days and a half; I need some air." He said with a bit annoyance. Mrs Hudson looked suspiciously at him for a moment before she nodded and disappeared. Sherlock rolled his eyes and grabbed his coat and left the house. He planned to go to the park since that the gardener is working, so he has no other choice to go to the park. But first he needed to go to the library after a new book.

When he emerged the library with a new book about Anne Frank he strolled to the park. He settled him down against a large oak tree and began reading. The weather was beautiful. It was a hot day and not many people were outside. Probably a lot people were going to the beach or other lovely places. After ten minutes Sherlock lifted his eyes to see a familiar figure playing soccer on the grass field. Somehow Sherlock couldn't concentrate on his book anymore. He kept looking up to stare at John Watson. John was playing soccer alone, how silly. Sherlock thought with a chuckle. He flickered his eyes back to his book, trying to pay attention to it until his eyes met a ball which was rolling to him. The ball was still far away from Sherlock, but close enough to be seen by John.

"Hey Sherlock!" John waved and bent down to grab the ball. He then ran towards Sherlock with a big smile plastered on his face and plunked himself down next to him, cross legged. Sherlock grunted softly. "How are you doing? I've heard you've been sick for two days." John said, wiping away the sweat from his forehead and smiled fondly at Sherlock who was now frowning slightly.

"I'm fine." Sherlock muttered and looked down at his book, pretending to be reading.

"That's good to hear. I felt kind of lonely at the bus stop." John chuckled and ducked his head to see what Sherlock was reading. Sherlock just shrugged at his sentence. "Anne Frank? That's a sad story don't you think." John asked.

"I would know if you keep your mouth shut." Sherlock pointed out, scowling.

"Okay." John said, turning his head away from the book and Sherlock. He closed his eyes and interlocked his fingers on his stomach, laid his head back against the rough bark of the tree, enjoying the bright sun on his face.

"What are you doing?" Sherlock blurted out, looking at John with disbelief. Not understanding why John was still present besides him.

"I'm being quiet, you asked for it." John said, staying in his position, not bothering to make eye contact.

"Can't you sit somewhere else?" Sherlock questioned, narrowing his eyes.

"No." John said, lips curled into an amused grin.

"For god's sake." Sherlock groaned, crossing his arms, causing the book to fall down.

"You really don't like me, do you?" John asked finally opening his eyes to meet Sherlock's bright ones. "Why?" He added. Sherlock somehow felt startled about the question. John was being nice to him since the day they met. He doesn't want to hurt the older boy beside him. John was different for Sherlock, he doesn't know if that's positive or not. He grabbed his book and wiped the earth away from it.

"Because I am a freak." He said quietly. John laughed at how stupid that sounded but Sherlock's face dropped.

"No sorry. Didn't mean it like that." John reassured.

"Of course." Sherlock mumbled and wanted to get up but John took hold of his wrist and pulled Sherlock back down.

"No I am serious." John frowned. "You're not a freak. I know it. Everyone who really knows you knows it." He paused to let Sherlock absorb what he had said. "Why'd you think that? Because you can know someone's life story by just looking at someone. That utterly ridiculous. That's just brilliant." John pointed out. There was a small smile lingering on Sherlock's lips. "You're smiling." John pointed out, chuckling.

"You are so annoying." Sherlock said pursing his lips together. John laughed, rolling his eyes.

"Annoying but honest."

"Think what you want."

"I will."

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