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Sherlock returned into the living room with a yellow paper crown on his head that he just made. He promised John a week ago that he was going to wear one tonight. Even though it's another crown. (John broke it.) He still wanted to do this for his John. In his left hand was a stereo, playing Mrs Hudson her favourite romantic music. John immediately pushed himself up as he heard music filling the room. He flashed a smile at the way Sherlock was standing there.

"I think we still can make this night special." Sherlock pointed out, placing the stereo next to the television. He turned the television off because it would be disturbing the music. "Can I have this dance. Mr Watson?" Sherlock asked, an outstretched palm inviting John's hand. John rose up and strolled over with the biggest smile anyone could imagine. He placed his hand slowly in Sherlock's larger hand. John smiled gently at him, making Sherlock's cheeks get warm and his stomach do backflips. Sherlock wrapped one of his arms around John's waist while holding his hand in the other. John set his free hand on top of Sherlock's shoulder. They were dancing slow, their feet moving in tandem with each other's.

"John." Sherlock said in a whisper after a while. John nodded with a soft hum, enjoying this dance and the music from Mrs Hudson. "You earlier told me something and I forgot to reply."

"What is it?"

"I love you too." Sherlock said, butterflies swarming in his stomach. John stepped a bit closer, smiling. He stopped moving and stood on his tip toes to capture Sherlock's lips in his. He then pulled back, laying his head against Sherlock's shoulder and squeezed his hand. They continued dancing like this for ten minutes, sharing kisses here and then. It was a long day and both were quite tired. So dancing fifteen minutes was pretty long.

Sherlock leaded John upstairs, deciding to watch television while lying under the blankets. They brushed their teeth, John borrowing one of Sherlock's toothbrushes. Sherlock went to the toilet, peeing. He then wandered back into the room and slipped under the covers. John was laying on his back, covered by the blankets, staring at the television already. Sherlock laid on his side, placing an arm over John's chest. Sherlock snorted as John was chuckling from the dry joke on TV.

"That was funny!" John defended as Sherlock gave him a stare. Sherlock rolled with his eyes and closed them with a smile plastered on his face.

Ten minutes later, a noise filled the bedroom. It was John's phone. He reached out his arm, grabbing it and checked the text. He smiled warmly. Sherlock cocked an eyebrow. He scooted closer, curious.

"Guess what." John smirked, showing the text to Sherlock. Sherlock rolled with his eyes, snorting, lying himself back down. John had received a text from Greg, informing him that it happened. Greg and Mycroft shared their first kiss. "I'm happy for both." John said while typing a reply.


John clicked on sent and laid the phone on the night table again. He then looked at his side and moved closer. He gently kissed Sherlock before laying back down.

"What was that for?" Sherlock asked amused. John shrugged lovely.

"Seeing Greg happy reminds me of how happy I am." John pointed out. Sherlock smiled warmly, blushing.

They continued laying like this. John watching a dull series on tv while Sherlock's index finger was gingerly running up and down John's clothed chest, he was bored and he wanted to pleasure his John. And he might found the perfect way. John felt a hand sliding down his stomach and then move gently over his crotch and immediately back to his chest. John bite on his bottom lip, trying to concentrate on the tv screen. There was a smirk playing on Sherlock's lips. John shuddered as he felt a hand creeping up his crotch again. But this time Sherlock didn't move his hand away. He laid it rest there. He saw John frowning and he turned his head to look at Sherlock.

WARNING. This is going to be a bit smutty! (not much tho. So skip the rest of this chapter if you don't want to read this. 8) )

"What are you doing?" John asked softly.

"Nothing." Sherlock replied, and pressed his palm flat against John's crotch and gently rubbed over the bulge.



"You don't have to do this." John said softly, his voice cracking from the pleasure. He was quite confused. But oooh he loved this.

"I want this."

"I thought you weren't ready?" John asked rolling on his side, deeply looking into the young detective his eyes.

"I'm not." Sherlock said right away. He formed his fingers around John's bulge as best as he could with the separating fabric in the way. He felt John's cock growing underneath his hand palm.


"Doesn't mean I can't touch you. It's different. I want you to feel good." Sherlock shrugged, squeezing John's clothed cock. John inhaled sharply and his eyes fluttered closed for a moment. He nodded stiffly, meaning that it's fine.

"Can I?" John began, trailing his hand towards Sherlocks, wanting Sherlock to feel good as well. But Sherlock immediately snapped his hand to John's moving hand and stopped him in panic. John looked up with concern. "Sorry." He mumbled.

"It's fine." Sherlock replied softly, relieved that he was willing to take things slow with him. "I've never done this before with someone..." He started to say awkwardly.

"I know." John said reassuringly. John then moaned in pleasure as Sherlock slowly pulled down his trousers along with his boxers. He couldn't believe this. Sherlock was going to give him a hand job right now. He breathed slow shallow breaths as Sherlock rhythmically ran his hand from base to top.

Sherlock worked at his length slowly, while paying attention to John's reaction and taking mental notes of what John liked before gradually increasing his attention to the areas he liked, which caused John's breathing to deepen as he gripped at the bed sheets around him.

John met his eyes with his own and smiled shyly. Sherlock blushed and sent him an adorable little smile back. Sherlock pulled him closer, slipping his tongue into John's mouth and reached down to force his hand between John's legs so he could continue touching him. John groaned into Sherlock's mouth.

"I can't believe that you are doing this right now." John said breathlessly and moved into Sherlock's neck and buried his face in it. He started to make the most intriguing little noises, little murmurs and hisses. Sherlock chuckled, trying to reach John's sweaty hair so he could place a soft kiss onto it. John was spreading his legs more so Sherlock could reach his cock better. Sherlock began thrusting even faster and without warning John came right in Sherlock's hand, gasping and throwing his head back.

"Oh my god Sherlock." John said breathlessly on Sherlock's chest. Sherlock wrapped his arms around John pulling him closer, ignoring the liquid on his hands. He began stroking the back of John's neck, kissing him again. John was smiling through the kiss. "Tonight was definitely special." John said rolling over on top of his lover and pressed a kiss to his lips again.

"It was indeed." Sherlock replied in his deep baritone voice. "John."


"You just ruined my favourite pyjamas." Sherlock pointed out. John chuckled.


After that Sherlock helped John cleaning up. He eventually changed from pyjamas because he was full with cum. Sherlock then pulled John down into the covers with him. John's back was pressed to his front, and their legs naturally intertwined.

"Good night John." Sherlock murmured in his ear.


Jdkalsnaldjek; i was writing this with my mom at my side xD

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