35. I have you

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I have a lot on my mind lately. And I feel like this has an influence on my writing. So I am sorry if it's crap ;_;

6:30 AM.

An annoying noise filled the bedroom of Sherlock Holmes. Both boys growled as John's alarm clock went off. Sherlock rolled away from John, placing the cushion firmly on his head.

"John turn it off." He groaned with annoyance. John opened his eyes weakly, blindly reaching out one arm and grabbed his phone. He turned the alarm off with a sigh and rolled over to Sherlock whose head was covered with the cushion. He removed the textile away from his princess's head and leaned closer, his nose snuggled in Sherlock's curls.

"Good morning." John said, a yawn escaping his lips. Sherlock growled, not ready to get up. "Someone here is moody in the morning." John chuckled, ruffling Sherlock's hair.

"John." Sherlock whined, turning his body so he laid on his back. John pushed himself upright into a sitting position, blinking away the drowsiness, rubbing it wearily as he sat up on the bed. He then smiled down at Sherlock.

"Go back to sleep." John whispered and pecked Sherlock's forehead. He slowly got out the bed, his bare feet touching the cold floor. Sherlock frowned, eyelids halfway open.

"I will walk downstairs with you." He muttered, propping himself up onto his elbows.

"No stay in bed. I will walk myself out." John assured as he pulled on his jeans. Sherlock smirked slightly, looking closely at John's legs. He then shook his head.

"John I do-"

"Sherlock." John interjected. "I can see that you're still tired." He paused, walking over to him, smiling warmly. He removed a curl out of Sherlock's eyes as he leaned closer. "See you in a bit." He added quietly. Sherlock smiled, his cheeks flushing. He loved that John was always so caring for him. He cupped John's head in his hand, pulling John to his lips and captured them for a gentle kiss. John smiled, pulling away. He then pushed Sherlock playfully backwards, covering him with the sheets.

"Bye handsome." He said warmly, patting Sherlock's covered waist softly. Blushing, Sherlock looked away, mumbling.

"I'm not handsome..."

"Nonsense. You are very handsome..." John said, leaning closer again. "Mmm quite lovely too." He purred, placing a lingering kiss on Sherlock's lips. Sherlock chuckled slightly. The young doctor then began walking away. Sherlock snuggled in the blankets, smiling.

"Love you." Sherlock blurted out, happy that he can sleep again and happy that John cared so much for him. John blushed, opening the door.

"Love you too." He said softly. Sherlock lifted his head so he could glance at John once again. His heart nearly stopped, taking in the sight in front of his eyes of what was his. They both smiled shyly before John emerged the room. Afterwards Sherlock wrapped himself tightly in the blankets, closing his eyes and fell asleep again.

Forty five minutes later Mrs Hudson knocked onto Sherlock's door.

"Get up dear." She said. Sherlock sighed, a soft growl escaping his lips.

"Joooohn." He yelled, covering his ears again. Mrs Hudson chuckled.

"Sorry to disappoint but I am not John." She giggled and walked away. Sherlock jolted upright, rubbing his face with his hand palm. He sighed and slipped out of the bed. He descended the stairs, approaching the breakfast table. To his disappointment, there was no big brother sitting at the table. He mostly disliked Mycroft, yes. But he wanted to know if there was more information about Jim. Because Sherlock was hundred percent sure that Jim and Sebastian will be on the school dance as well. He sighed, smearing butter on a piece of bread. He just hoped that everything will end well tonight. He can't deal with another heart break.

"Sherlock dear do you want tea?" Mrs Hudson yelled from the kitchen.

"Yes please." Sherlock replied friendly. The kettle was still warm, so Mrs Hudson appeared in less than a minute with a cup of tea in her hands. She then handed him the tea. "Thank you." He thanked her with appreciation. She smiled down at him. "Are you feeling better?" He asked her, remembering the headache she had last night. Her face lit up at Sherlock's concern for her.

"Yes I am dear, thank you for asking." She said. Sherlock nodded, his attention back on the food. She walked away again but swivelled around as she remembered something. "Sherlock, I might be gone already for when you come home after school. I will lay your new suit on your bed." She paused. "Oh and are you going to eat there?" She asked.

Sherlock asked Mrs Hudson to sleep in her own house today. So he and John would be alone tonight. He just wanted a full evening for themselves. No Mrs Hudson squealing every single minute. She accepted his request with pleasure. She thought Sherlock asked this for a specific reason... But that wasn't the reason of course.

"John said that there will be food available. So yes I will eat there. And thank you." He said brightly.

"Okay." She smiled contently and trotted away.

After Sherlock finished breakfast, he took a quick shower, got changed, brushed his teeth and used his dad's perfume. He then glanced at the clock. It was almost time to go to school. Sherlock decided to get out of the house earlier. John was always the one who was waiting on Sherlock. So Sherlock wanted to be first this time. He put on his coat, wrapped his scarf around his pale neck and emerged the house. He sat himself down on the kerbstone close to the Watson's front door, waiting patiently on his John. When he heard noise coming from the hallway, he immediately jumped upright, standing in front of the door, More likely hovering over it, ready to kiss his small man. The door opened and Sherlock gasped, turning pale as Harry walked out of the door. She gave Sherlock a look of disgust, walking past him.

"What the hell." She mumbled under her breath and rushed away, stepping inside a car that stood across the street. Sherlock followed her with his eyes, feeling embarrassed, a deep red blush blooming over his face. Harry kissed a brunette and drove off. Someone laughed, causing Sherlock to follow the laughter. John stood there amused.

"That was cute." He pointed out. Sherlock pursed his lips together, grunting. John chuckled sliding his fingers between Sherlocks. They started walking towards the bus stop. "Did you fall asleep again?" John asked. Sherlock nodded.

"Yes, did you sleep more?" Sherlock asked.

"No. Harry took her time to open the door." He muttered, sighing. Sherlock's eyes widened.

"How long did you wait on her?"

"Twenty minutes." John informed.

"John you should have texted me." Sherlock pointed out, his voice taking on a more serious note. John shrugged.

"It doesn't matter." John said softly. When they approached the bus stop John spoke up again. "Sherlock is it fine that I don't go with the bus tonight?" He asked. Sherlock knitted his eyebrows together. "I'm going to skip the last hour, I have to arrange something." He said, blushing.

"Arrange what?" Sherlock asked curiously, trying to read him.

"That's secret." John said playfully. Sherlock puffed. "Tonight will be amazing." John said dreamily, glaring blankly ahead. Sherlock couldn't help but smile.

"It will be indeed." He agreed.

"What about Jim? He'll see us together." John asked with a tight throat. A small, uncertain, smile on his face.

"We'll stay in public. And we will definitely take a cab home." Sherlock said stiffly, squeezing his hand.

"Okay." John said, smiling softly. Both looked to their left as they heard the bus coming closer. Sherlock sighed.

"Let's see if our day starts good." Sherlock mumbled.

"I woke up next to you. That's the best way to start a day."

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