39. Savior?

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Sherlock sat there, while Jim and Sebastian were making love in front of him. He couldn't believe this. His two enemies were fucking right in front of him. Of course he closed his eyes, but the noises the moans... It was terrifying. Part of him was anxious though, it made him anxious thinking that he'll do the same with John. He thought he was a bit ready. But after this...

When they were done. They cleaned up and left without much words. Sebastian warned Sherlock once again, telling him that he needed to shut his mouth. Jim and Sebastian left so they could prepare themselves for the school dance. Seb would be checking on him a couple times.

It was three to six. Sherlock's eyes were fixed on the clock. When it was six o'clock. He started breaking inside. Jim was planning to let Sherlock go the next morning. So Sherlock knew that everything will be fine between them. John of course would understand and believe him if he tells him that Jim locked him inside the basement. So basically everything will be fine for now.

For now. Sadly, Jim wasn't done yet.

The reason why Sherlock was breaking inside was because John was standing at his front door right now. With a bright smile, a new suit and probably a rose or something in his soft hands. He's standing there right now, probably wondering why it takes so long for Sherlock to open the door. Maybe he was rolling with his eyes right now? 'timing Sherlock.'
A warm tear slide down Sherlock's cheek at the thoughts of his John waiting on someone who wasn't coming. Sherlock managed to wipe away the tear with his shoulder and blinked away the new ones that were filling his eyes. Suddenly his phone started ringing.


The ringing kept going for six minutes. Then it changed to texts and then it stopped. John gave up. Sherlock couldn't take this any longer. He began screaming words such as 'get me out. Help. John.' And after three minutes the door slammed open and closed again. Sherlock looked over his shoulder, hoping someone heard him. The hope vanished immediately as he saw an angry looking Sebastian storming down the stairs.

"Didn't I tell you to keep silent freak." He yelled, his face bright red.

"Fuck off." Sherlock muttered, looking away. Sebastian's eyes widened. He rushed over to Sherlock and directly punched his jaw. Sherlock closed his eyes, not showing Sebastian that it hurt. It would only pleasure him more.

"Now we're quiet." Sebastian laughed, feeling proud of himself. "Aren't we?" Sebastian added, tugging at Sherlock's curls.

"Get off me." Sherlock growled, thoroughly shaking his head. He jerked away, wrenching his wrists, still in the handcuffs attached to the chair. Seb snorted from laughter and smirked joyously. He then swiftly pushed the chair backwards, making the chair with Sherlock fall backwards to the floor, the back of Sherlock's head making impact with the floor. Sherlock whimpered, the fall was hard and his head hurt like hell. Sherlock saw a blurry figure hovering over him.

"Oh are you hurt?" Sebastian asked, a sense of false sympathy in his voice. Sherlock groaned softly. "Have to go now. Sleep well on the floor. I'll come back checking." He said, taking a sip from the cola that was standing in the fridge. Sherlock didn't reply, he was focusing on the pain at his head. He was sure that he was bleeding. He felt something underneath his head. When Seb was done drinking he walked back to Sherlock and crouched down at his side. He took a handful of Sherlock's curls, yanking him up. Sherlock bite on his bottom lip, squeezing his eyes shut from the pain.

"Thank you for playing cupid." He whispered harshly and dropped Sherlock's head back down on the cold floor. He groaned, not just in pain, but in annoyance. Seb grinned and emerged the basement, on his way to the school dance. Sherlock opened his eyes, everything was blur from the tears in his eyes. He wanted to see his John. It was freaking cold and how longer he was there how colder he got. He was laying there, the chair was hurting his back, The bump on his head aching and he couldn't stop shivering. Eventually Sherlock decided to close his eyes and try to sleep. Which failed. The thoughts of John feeling hurt right now was killing him inside. He sniffed, staring at the ceiling. He wondered what John was doing at that exact second. Was he missing Sherlock? Was he dancing with his friends on the dance floor? Or was he just sitting on his bed wondering why Sherlock dumped him like this. Sherlock didn't know.. And honestly he didn't want to know it.

Around 8 o'clock the door opened again. Sherlock sighed. Somehow he hoped that it was Jim and not Sebastian. Maybe Jim would react like a human being and help Sherlock up. Sherlock didn't bother to look at the person who was padding down the stairs. Why would he? Someone gasped.

"Sher..." Someone very familiar and lovely choked out in a breathless, quiet voice. "Sherlock!' John yelled and began rushing down the stairs. Sherlock's eyes snapped open. "God Sherlock what..." he trailed off, kneeling down at Sherlock's side. "You okay?" He asked worriedly. Immediately he checked Sherlock's pulse for being sure. He didn't know what happened. He sighed in relief as it felt normal underneath his fingertips.

"You found me." Sherlock whispered, his mouth quirking into a small smile, body shivering softly.

"Of course you idiot." John said on a serious tone, examining Sherlock.

"I'm fine John." Sherlock assured with a croaked voice. Just then John noticed a small puddle blood on the ground. He leaned closer and carefully lifted Sherlock's head.

"No you are not." John said sternly, looking closely at the wound. He then took of his jacket. Sherlock then panicked inside, totally forgetting that Sebastian would come back, checking on him.

"You have to leave." He said anxiously, John frowned, placing his jacket underneath Sherlock's head, cautiously lying his head onto it.

"What no."

"Please John." Sherlock pleaded.

"Sherlock liste-"

"He'll hurt you – I don't want to lo-" Sherlock stammered. John cut him off.

"Sherlock it's over." John said, wiping away a tear that rolled down Sherlock's cheek. "I didn't come alone. There is a whole team outside. When you didn't open the door, I knew that something was wrong. I knew it had to be Jim. So I contacted your brother. He checked the camera's from school and according to the camera's you didn't leave school. That's how I got here. Police officers are searching for Jim and Sebastian. They have enough evidence. They are going to search for fingerprints here." John informed Sherlock, caressing his cheek. Sherlock smiled, his eyes began twinkling. "It's over Sherlock." He added and leaned closer so he could kiss Sherlock's cupid bow lips. "I have to go upstairs now, informing the police that I found you." He said queity onto Sherlock's lips.

"Are you coming back?" Sherlock whispered.

"Of course. Then we will go home." John reassured, smiling warmly at him. Sherlock smiled back. John then got up and left. Sherlock sighed, it was over. After years being stuck with a person who tried his hardest best to ruin his life Is gone. Sadly Jim wasn't 18, because the punishment is less bad than being an adult. So Jim would be back someday. But for now Sherlock was free.

John returned with two police officers. They opened both handcuffs with care. They told Sherlock that they need to ask him a couple question. They assured that it won't take long. John also offered to take care of Sherlock's wound. Because Sherlock refused to go into the ambulance that his brother phoned.

They sat into the car with Greg Lestrade, his night with Mycroft interrupted. But he'd continue the night after he dropped off the two. Sherlock rubbed his aching wrist. John sighed softly and took Sherlock's left hand and brushed his lips against the red flesh. Sherlock shuddered against John's warmth, sagging against him.

"Thank you for coming." He said quietly, leaning on John. John held him close, wrapping his arms around the small of his waist. John was trying to provide him with as much body heat that he had available.

"Everything for you." John said, tentatively stroking his knuckles in a soothing motion. Sherlock smiled shyly, leaning his head on John's shoulder. His stomach fluttered at each brush of John's fingers against his knuckles. It felt like an electric jolt.

"You two are cute." Greg remarked dryly as he was staring into the mirror at the two.

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