First Day Of School~

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Chapter 2

Alyshia's POV

Lay kicked the door down and saw Luhan lying there on the floor holding his stomach. Woah! There was something in his stomach... Something stabbed him! What is it? IT'S A KNIFE!!! There was a note there as well. It said, 'We used be friends, but now, we will forever be enemies. Oh. AND LAY OFF MY LUHAN!'

What do they mean THEIR Luhan? Although they do sound a bit like someone I know... Melanie? Melanie usually says stuff like that when she finds out someone else in the school likes Luhan... Oh wait. It's Melanie isn't it? 'We used to be friends', the only person who I 'used to be friends' with and loves Luhan is Melanie...

You can easily tell that she threw the knife from below and it broke the window. We had to quickly bring Luhan to the hospital. She probably thought I was in the shower since Luhan left yesterday and it may look like Luhan was just dropping me off. She probably followed me since I didn't get hurt yesterday...

The doctor came and asked for blood. He asked for the blood type O. But no one in EXO-M was that blood type. But then I remembered that I had the same blood type as Luhan! So I went into the room where Luhan was and they took some of my blood and inserted it into Luhan's body.

All the EXO-M members were really excited because they now know that Luhan will be safe. Lay and Xiumin was still here. I still haven't met the other 2 members. I asked Lay where they were and he said they're at school in detention because of trouble they have caused.

After I donated blood to Luhan, I went straight to school. I went to school with Lay and Xiumin, I saw all the girls giving me the death stare and one of them even tripped me over! How dare they... I fell down and it actually didn't hurt.... Doesn't it hurt when you fall on the ground? Wait a minute.... Someone caught me! Oh what a lifesaver they are!! I looked up to see who it was. 

Kris actually caught me before I landed onto the ground. All the girls were whispering about me and how I was hanging out with EXO-M. What's wrong? Are they jealous? 

"Kris what are you doing? Why did you help that ugly girl? Kris you have—" That fan is so mean. I know I'm ugly but still... She didn't have to rub it into my face...

"Can you stop please? If you keep hurting her while I walk past, I have to keep helping her..." Oh my! He sounds so polite talking to his fans!

"Oh I'm sorry Kris oppa!! I won't do it again!!"

"No its okay. You can keep doing it all you want! Just not when I'm around to catch her." He let go of me and left. When he let go of me, I fell onto the ground and all the girls started laughing at me.

"Haha! That's what you get for hanging with our EXO-M!!" They kept laughing and walked off. Lay gave me his hand in reach so I could grab it and get up. The bell rang and I went to class. No one was in my class from EXO-M, BUT Kris and Chen. I haven't met Chen, but Kris. Aish.... I hate how this school puts you into classes judging by how smart you are rather than how old you are... -sigh-

I went to sit at the back and a couple minutes later, a shadow hovered over me. I looked up, and guess who it was? Kris! Why him? Aish!

"Umm. Is there something wrong, Kris?" I asked. Man he's so tall!! Why!

"You're in my seat..."

"Psh! No I'm not! And this isn't your seat! Its the schools!"

"Stop acting like a smart-ass! Fine. You won't move, then I guess I'm going to have to sit next to you!"

"Huh? WHAT? WHY? No!"

"Why? What's wrong? Scared Luhan or something is going to find out? How he talked about you was with adore." Wait what? He talks about me?

"Did you hear the news?"

"What news?"


"Okay okay. Let's talk outside." He dragged me out and we spoke.

"What's wrong?"

"Luhan's in the hospital. Do you want to go visit him later?" I kind of whispered that ish but yeah. Basically that's what I told him.

"Sure okay."

"Okay." He's not THAT bad... But it's like he gets mood swings... Whoops I didn't say anything. When we got back to class, our teacher was there waiting for us, and to be honest; he was in a really bad mood.

"Where were you Kris? And who is this girl next to you? Is she new?"

"Yeah, she's new."


Chapter Suspense: What happens with Kris and Alyshia in detention?

End of chapter 2 guys~!! Hope you enjoyed it~!

A brief paragraph about what happens next:

Alyshia meets some player at detention with Kris. Something happens to Kris and Alyshia at detention. Kris gets into a fight with 4 boys and they take Alyshia away.


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