Watch Out!~

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 You guys want to know what that hissing thing was? Well then keep reading to find out XD Enjoy~~

Chapter 9

Alyshia's POV

Once I turned around, I saw the scariest reptile staring back at me. Ready to jump and bite me on the ankle. Do you guys know what it is now? Well for those who don't, it's a snake...

It was a pretty big snake I got to admit. Bigger than I thought anyways. I'm scared that if I run away, it would chase me and eventually bite me no matter what. So I tried to stay as still as I can... Watching the sun go down was pretty sad too. It was getting dark and... And... And... I'M HUNGRY!

I tried to shout for help one more time as loud as I could. Then since no one heard it, I shouted, "SNAKE!"

And that seemed to work. I think... I saw Kwangmin running towards me and holding a knife. Like you know those knives made out of wood wrapped with a rope, it doesn't look like it could hurt someone though... He threw the knife at the snake and missed it on purpose just to let it go away.

"Oh my god. Kwangmin thank you so much for coming!"

I stood in front of him and smiled. Okay so maybe I was exaggerating, I wasn't THAT scared. But still... It's a snake...


"Huh? Luhan!" He started running towards me.

"Are you okay Alyshia?"

"Yeah. I'm fine."

"Luhan, Lay said we should go back because there is someone waiting for you and Stefanie is annoying Kris. If you go back, Stefanie would stop annoying Kris and the girl waiting for you would stop complaining."

"Oh. Then lets go back. Right?"

"Oh and Luhan. I want to take Kwangmin back with us so that he can study. I told Lay and the others already. Okay?"

"Aish. Okay. Fine."

"Yay!! Thanks Luhan!!" I jumped and Kwangmin came up to us after picking us his 'knife'.

"Thanks Alyshia! Thanks to you too, Luhan."

"Umm. Lets go now..." He probably thought it was awkward. Luhan is a really kind person! He looks like he dislikes Kwangmin... Luhan is still acting weird.

Kwangmin went to his mum and told her everything. I guess she has always wanted him to study.

Luhan came up to me and asked to have a little talk.

"Alyshia. Are you sure about bringing him with us? I mean. We haven't known him long enough for him to live with."

"Luhan. It's fine. Don't worry about it!" He let out a sigh.


Luhan's POV

She smiled so I just smiled back. I hate this. I hate this so much. I should have never done this in the first place.

"Let's go!" We went up to Kwangmin.

"Anneong eomma!*mum*"

He hugged his mum and brother goodbye. We went back to the van that came to pick us up and things... Got quite awkward....We were quiet the WHOLE way. That is... Until someone called Alyshia.


"Oh. Alyshia. Where are you? Are you coming home now? The girl who came for Luhan is nagging right now. She has become SUPER annoying!"

"Yeah. We're nearly there. Here why don't we let her talk to him."

"Luhan?!?!? IS THAT YOU!?!?" Who in the world is this? Ugh when is this going to be over. Luhan your life is so hard... I should just... Ugh.

"Ne. I'm Luhan.... Who are you?"

"I'm your future girlfriend!"

"WHAT?!?!?!? WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!?!? MY FUTURE GIRLFRIEND?" The hell is wrong with Luhan's life? I thought it was peaceful because he's a celebrity! Alyshia told me the whole story about Melanie. They were laughing so hard at my reaction.

"Luhan! Come home! Where are you?"

"Umm. Let me explain things first. 1, You're not my future girlfriend. 2, I already like someone. And 3, go home. Please don't wait for me." I tried to sound like Luhan. I hated it. I hate Luhan too.


"Aish. Bye." I hung up and gave Alyshia back her phone.

"What did she say?"

"Oh. Nothing. Don't worry about it. She's just exaggerating." So Alyshia is apparently the girl Luhan likes? She's not even that great.

"Oh. I heard you saying you like someone. Who is it????"

"Do you really want to know?" I can't believe I have to act as Luhan. I wonder how long I can keep the nice Luhan act.

"Mm-hmm I do!! Tell me!! Luhan please!!!"

"I don't have anyone I like. I just wanted her to stop being crazy." She's curious about everything.

Chapter Suspense: But does Luhan actually like someone? What's wrong with him too? Why is he acting like... He's not Luhan?

Well. I guess this is the beginning of a whole problem! XD Get ready guys!! Lots more problems are going to come!! Sit back guys! This is just the beginning!

A brief paragraph about what happens next:

Melanie does everything to separate Alyshia and Luhan and keeping them from talking to each other. So basically Kwangmin has more chance and more time to get to know Alyshia. 2 guys already fighting for Alyshia's heart. But does Luhan not seem odd to you guys?


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