New Friends~

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Yo yo guys! I FINISHED DUH STUDY *^* But I think I failed every test *^* god dammit.

Chapter 36

Alyshia's POV

"Hey! 8 o'clock sharp! Come on! Lets go!!" Aish. He's back for me.

"Umm... You know you didn't have to pick me up.. I could just walk there..."

"Oh its okay. Here. Hop on."

"But I don't even know your name yet... And we've just met..."

"Well... My name is Jin. And yours is...?"


"Okay. We've got each other's names. Let's go."

"Umm.. O-okay."

I grabbed the helmet from his hand and hopped on.

I just wonder what EXO could be doing right now...

Baekhyun's POV

Yep. We have our schedule now. Like RIGHT now. I wonder what Alyshia's doing right now... Probably school. Aish. I really wanna go to the same school as Alyshia...

"Oh. You're going to school? Who's dropping you off?"

"Ahh~ Curlae? Don't fall in love with him okay?!?"


"Alrasseo Alrasseo. Anneong." I wonder who Luhan was talking to... Alyshia..?

"Ya! Who are you talking to?"

"Oh. Um. No one..."

"Ya! Tell me!"

"Aniyo! Oppseo~ *nothing*"

"Aish. Alrasseo. Manager hyung was calling you Luhan! Go! Ppalli!"

"Oh.. Curlae? Alrasseo." And he walked off to the manager. He also put his phone down onto the table..  Hmm... What's his password.... Alyshia? Alyshia...! It worked... Aish. Luhan you PABO.

Call log... Huh..? Who's this number? Why is the name as 'A'?

Call! Someone picked up...

"Hello? Luhan? Whats wrong?" I didn't answer. How come she sounds like...

"Ya! Luhan! You there?"

"Who... Who is this...?"

"Huh... Umm. I'm Alyshia.... And you are...?"

"Baek... Baekhyun."

"Huh. Um. Oh. Well."

"Ya... Alyshia... You changed your number and you didn't tell me? But you told Luhan? I'm your boyfriend here!"

"Boyfriend? What about your new lover? Remember? How you asked to break up with me for her?!"

"Alyshia you have to believe me! I wasn't the one who sent that to you... Someone else did!"

"Ha. You're just saying that to get back with me huh?"

"We need to meet up to get this over and done with! We need to talk!"

"There's nothing I want to talk to you about Baekhyun. Goodbye. And I wish you luck... With your new lover." She hung up on me again. But I never sent that message!! I really didn't....

"Ya! Baekhyun! What are you doing with my phone?!" He grabbed his phone and looked at it to see what I did.

"Ya! How did you know my password?" I gave him that are-you-seriously-asking-that face.

"Your password is so easy."

"Ya! Your password is the same thing Baekhyun!"

"Yeah but still!!..."

"You called her didn't you?" I just nodded slowly since I'm trying to figure out who it was that text Alyshia and caused this big ruckus.

"Ya. Baekhyun. I know you weren't the one who sent that message."

"Huh? You... Do....?"

"Of course!"

"Then... Do you know who sent it?"

"Umm... Well... Yes... Um I mean.. No.."

"Ya! Luhan this is serious! It's no time to mess around! Tell me who it is!"

"I can't! I'm not allowed to! Otherwise... I'd be removed from EXO..."

"Huh? Who can do that?"

"I can!"

"Mum? What... What are you doing here?" What is my mum doing here? And.. Wait... Wait a minute... Don't tell me... She's the one who sent that text and deleted all my photos with Alyshia...

"Luhan. You can go to the others now."

"Ne." And he left to go with the others out the back.

"Mum. What are you doing here?"

"Baekhyun, if Luhan doesn't want to tell you don't force him to! And he even said that if he told you, he would be removed from EXO! Just leave him alone!"

"Mum... No one has the power to do that! Besides..."

"Me. Your mum, has the power to do everything Baekhyun."

"Mum... Were you the one who-"

"Yes. I was. I deleted all those photos, and also sent that message. Why?"

"BOYA?!!??!? WAE EOMMA!"

"Baekhyun-ah! You have to understand that a famous Korean pop star like you, is no match for a foreign normal girl okay?"

"But mum. To me, that doesn't matter. You can't hold me back from her forever. I will one day marry her. You watch." And I went to the others getting ready to go on stage and perform Growl.

Alyshia's POV

"Here we are Alyshia." The College mum applied me to is quite... Uhhh... Quite smart-looking...? I don't know. Everyone who attends this school looks smart.

"Wow. It's really big."


"Ya! Jin!" A girl came running towards us.

"Ya. Who's this? Your girlfriend?" She looked at both of us and smiled.

"No no!" I tried defending myself.

"Lucie this is Alyshia. Alyshia this is my friend Lucie."

"Anneong Alyshia! Nice to meet you!"

"Hi Lucie. Its nice to meet you too!" She seems like a nice girl. We could be friends!

Lucie's POV

Hmm. She seems like a nice girl. I wonder if she likes EXO..

"Ya! Alyshia! Jin! Are you guys busy after school?"

"No. What about you Alyshia?"

"Hmm. I'm not doing anything. Why?"

"Well... I wanna take you guys somewhere after school!!"

"Jinja?!?!? Where?!?!" Jin asked curiously.

"Umm. I don't think..." Alyshia looked like I was gonna kidnap her.

"Come on Alyshia! And Jin, you'll see. Just wait okay? And don't worry Alyshia. I'm not gonna kidnap you or anything. Haha."

"Okay. The bell just rang."

Chapter Suspense: Where do they go after school?

A brief paragraph about what happens next:

They go to _____'s FANSIGNING!!! WOOHOO!!! This isn't a paragraph but meh. XP


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