He Is Back, EXO~

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Hey guys!!

Please read my other fanfics xD ><

Chapter 37

Luhan's POV

We still have one more song to go and a fan signing event at 4. We have a really busy day. Like a REALLY busy day.

But its our break now so yeah. But I wonder if Alyshia is coming to our fan signing event.. Because she told me she would. But maybe she has work to do. I might just call her to double check...


"Oh. Hey Alyshia."

"Hey Luhan. What's wrong? I just finished school."

"Oh. Curlae? Haha. How was it?"

"Good. I made 2 new friends!"



"Wow. Haha. What's their names?"

"Jin and Lucie!"


"Yeah. Why? Is there something wrong?"

"Oh. N-no. Anyway. I just called to see if you were coming to our concert and fansigning event!"

"Oh okay. When is it again?"

"In half an hour!"

"Oh... Um about that... I promised my friend that I would go with her somewhere... But she wouldn't tell me where... I'm really sorry Luhan!"

"Oh... Its... Its okay. Just have fun and be careful, okay?"

"Yeah... Thanks Luhan! And sorry..."

"Its.. Its okay."

And I hung up. Aish. I really hoped Alyshia would come. But.. Anyways! Its okay!

But Jin... That name seems so familiar... Wait is it... Nahhh. It can't be him. It's been 7 years! He can't be back... Can he...?

Alyshia's POV

Dammit! I forgot!

"Alyshia, who was it?" Lucie asked curiously.

"Oh. Umm. My friend."

I wore a purple dress and black shoes. I didn't wear any make up because I never do and I didn't really do anything much but I was the last one to get there.

"Wow. You guys are really early..."

"Yeah!! I'm really excited!!"(Lucie)

"You still haven't told us where we're going...."(Jin)

"Okay fine. But I'll just tell you what it is we're going to."


"We're going to a concert and fan signing event!!! EEEEEEEK!!"

"Oh god. Don't tell me its..."

"ITS EXO'S JIN!!!! EXOOOOO!!!" E-EXO? We're going to EXO's concert...

"No. I'm not going."

"Why not Jin??!? What's wrong with EXO??!"

"I just don't like them, okay? I'm not going to their concert. You can go with Alyshia. There's nothing you can say that will make me tag along with you."

"Fine. Alyshia you're coming with me right?"

"Um.... Well... Err.. Sure..."

"Yay!! Okay!! Lets go!! Aish. Bye Jin." She grabbed my arm and took me into the cab leaving Jin there. Aish. I wonder why he doesn't want to go to EXO's concert... What's wrong with EXO? Hmm. 

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