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Luhan and Lushin... Wow. Sorry guys. I didn't know what name to put ~_~ I tried to make them kinda the same since they're twins so yeah.

Chapter 26

Baekhyun's POV

"Hello? Is this the police?"

"Yeah. How may we help you?"

"Um. My friend was captured and we're here where he was captured. Please come and catch the culprit."

"Okay okay. We're gonna come. Where are you?"

"I... I don't know.. Can you guys just track down this number?"

"Oh. Yeah yeah. We can do that. Okay we'll be there soon."

"Okay. Please hurry up!"

"Yeah yeah."

"Alyshia I called the police."

"Okay let's go in."

"Okay. Wait... Are you sure about this?"

"Yeah! Of course I am!"

"Okay! Fighting!"

"Fighting!" And we went inside. Alyshia went in first taking every step slowly and quietly then into the main room where Luhan and Lushin was.



"Luhan oh my god! I was wondering why you were being so mean to me!"

"I'm sorry about my brother."

"It's okay."

"So hows-.." Then I walked in.

"Baekhyun... What are you doing here?"(Luhan)

"Ya! Untie him."(Lushin)

"Yes master." He untied Luhan.

"Haha. We'll see who's who." Lushin ran around Luhan which made Luhan run too.

"What the poop!?!?!? Why are you guys wearing the same black clothes?!?!?"  They finally stopped and I was so confused.


"Yeah!"(Luhan & Lushin)

"I'm gonna ask stuff only Luhan would know."

"Okay."(Luhan & Lushin)

"How long was I in a coma for?"

"3 years!"

"Okay good. Luhan come over here." The guy who answered was next to me. Alyshia looked at me, and I karate chopped him on the next to knock him unconscious.

"You should know... That the real Luhan never even knew I was in a coma..." She was talking to the unconscious body, Alyshia is quite charming.

"Smart Alyshia!" The first thing he does is compliment her...

"Haha. Thanks Luhan."

"How are you? Haven't seen you in 5 years... I heard... You and Baekhyun are..."(Luhan)

"Yeah we are. It's our 5 year anniversary today."

"Oh wow. Okay. Congratulations Baekhyun, Alyshia."(Luhan)


"Thank you!"

"Oh and happy birthday Alyshia. This... Was a present I was suppose to give to you before I was switched with Lushin... This was when I liked you. And I still do. I know I shouldn't say this because you're with Baekhyun, but since I didn't get a chance to say it before, I'm just going to say it now. I really like you Alyshia. Happy birthday. And thanks guys for helping me."(Luhan)

"Umm. Thanks Luhan."

"Here." He gave Alyshia a box that probably had the present in. I put my motorbike in the boot of the car and we started to drive home since the police got here.

"So Luhan. When did you guys switch?"

"Well.. I took you to the island, but after fighting Melanie's guard and overnight I got lost and was captured by Lushin's guards. Every night he'd come and visit me to talk about what he did to you."(Luhan)

"Oh. Okay. Wow. That Lushin guy is really.. Ugh."

"But I'm happy for you guys."(Luhan)

Alyshia's POV

"Y-yeah thanks Luhan." I replied trying not to stammer because it was awkward. I love Baekhyun a lot more than anyone else.

We got home and I went into the kitchen to get something to eat. It was so quiet too... Until someone was calling me.


"Hello. Alyshia?"

"Oh. Mum. Yeah. Hi mum."

"Alyshia. You have to get married."


"I'm serious. You have to. My friend is back. I made a stupid bet with her when I had you... When you were just a baby because she irritated me."

"What." I turned to look at Baekhyun. He smiled and waved at me. Oh how I love his smile~

"Alyshia. If you don't get married, we will lose the house."

"WHAT?!? YOU BET OUR HOUSE?!?!" I realised I was talking too loud and Baekhyun and Luhan was looking at me.

"Mum! Why would you do that?"

"Aish! I told you it was a stupid bet! Its time for you to marry who you love. You're 23 today! You love Baekhyun right?" I turned around to see Baekhyun and Luhan smiling at each other and laughing like they were telling each other jokes. God dammit mum.

"Baekhyun..." I grabbed his arm and dragged him away from Luhan to talk to him.

"Baekhyun, my mum... Wants me to get married so I was wondering-"

He then suddenly kneels down onto the floor and brought out the box of a ring from his pocket.

"Alyshia. Will you marry me?"

"Baekhyun..." I started to cry a bit.

"Yes!" He then carried me and turned around in circles. It's like he planned on proposing to me before I even asked him!

Luhan's POV

Aish Alyshia. If only Lushin didn't swap with me. I would be happy with you right now. I missed you so much~ And the day I get to see you in 5 years, you guys propose to each other right in front of me.

"Woohoo!! Congratulations Baekhyun and Alyshia!"(Kai)

"Ah ya!! It's war!"


"Congratulations Alyshia."

"Thanks Luhan."(Alyshia)

Chapter Suspense: How is Baekhyun and Alyshia's marriage going to go?

A brief paragraph about what happens next:

Its Baekhyun's and Alyshia's wedding! Let's see how Luhan reacts yeah? Will he... Let it happen and watch Alyshia get married right in front of his eyes? Or... Actually do something about it?


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