Unknown Secret~

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Yay!! Guys the next couple of chapters are gonna be SUPER interesting xD

I feel so excited my self ^^

I cant believe my story was gonna turn out like this.

Its so awesome xD

Lol jokes. My fanfics aren't awesome...

Chapter 52

Baekhyun's POV

I knew she'd take this chance and run inside. So I ran at the same time as her. But the weirdest thing happened.

Everything just.... froze.

It was like... time froze.

Like... Tao just stopped time.

Since.. That's his power. But why would he stop time? Don't tell me... Did... No. Not yet at least. It can't be yet. The thing was, everything and everyone was frozen in time. Everyone but Alyshia.

I was in the middle of grabbing her hand when that's when everything started. I may be frozen, but I still see everything that goes on in life.

Alyshia's POV

He was... He was in the middle of grabbing my hand. When he stopped. He stopped, but I still kept running. He was also in the middle of saying 'Come back.' Then he froze. Stood still in a pose which he was running in.

Nothing came out of his mouth. Nothing moved. But his eyes. Then a gang of guys walked up to me. The weird throng was, that gang of guys, were the same gang before. With Kai and I.

"Ahh. I see you like to flirt with lots of guys huh? I see your style."

"What?!?! No! I'm not flirting with anyone!!!"

"Haha. Okay. So who's next on your list? Luhan?"

"What?!?!? NO!!!!! I'm not flirting with any guys in EXO!!! I'm not dating anyone!!"

"OHHH. Okay. Sorry then. I said the wrong name. It's Jin who's next isn't it?"

"DUDE!!!! I JUST SAID I'M NOT DATING ANYONE!!!!!!" I have never been this mad before!!! And I guess this is the first time. So... I don't know what happened. White light shone above me and I started glowing. I know right!! Why am I glowing...?

"Ya... Why the hell is she glowing?"(Lucas)

"Ya. I knew it the first time I saw you in that photo of you and Kai."(Marcus)

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"She's a vampire."


"That's what surprised me the most. She's a different vampire. She's the one who helps people and heals people. She has special powers too. She's also an angel."

"Wahhh. She's so pretty."(Lucas)

"She just showed her real self. Which means one of her parents is a vampire and the other is an angel. And now, she's half." The light shone on me and then time went on again. Time started going again. And... Baekhyun unfroze. Once the light stopped, I slowly fell to the ground... Like... Like a feather.

"Did she just unfreeze the time!? What the heck!??!"(Lucas)

"That's the thing about half angels and vampires, they can control everything and anything. I've only heard about them, I've never seen one in real life. Their lifestyle is so fascinating."

Baekhyun's POV

She's... A vampire. From heaven. Wow. SHES SOOO COOL!! She just slowly fell to the ground... Like a feather falling. But.. How come she didn't tell me?

And how did Marcus and Lucas know?! What the heck is this....

And she made time keep going too. Is she more powerful than all of us?

She is so pretty.

She is so cool.

She is a vampire.

She is an angel.

And she is ALYSHIA!!

I have always admired her. And I knew there was something special about her. She's an immortal. Like us.

Alyshia's POV

"Alyshia! Wake up Alyshia."

Huh? Who's that?

"Welcome Alyshia."

Huh? Welcome to where? WHERE AM I??!?!

"You're in the underworld. In the world full of people just like you. Half vampire. Half angel."

Wait what.

"Haha. I know it can impossible when you hear it. But you are. You're now part of us."


"Look around. There's people just like you here! You don't have to be scared."


"Just try not to use your powers in front if public. You need to try and keep it a secret. Don't let anyone know or find out."


"Only use it when its urgent."



Okay okay. Sorry.

"And make sure... Those guys don't get a hold of your power. Otherwise we're all doomed."


"Marcus and Lucas. They're brothers and are part of that gang you just saw."

Ohhhh. Okay. And who are you?

"I'm Tony. Half vampire, half angel. Just like you."

Wait what.

"But I'm sorry to tell you, that you will forget everything and after this. Everything but this conversation. And everyone who knows who you really are, won't anymore. Because I will make everything that happened clear out of your mind."

Umm. Okay.

"And he is now waiting for you."


"Open your eyes. Wake up. And see for yourself."

So I did.


"Alyshia!! You're awake!!"

"What happened?"

"Don't you remember?"


"I came to pick you up to go to the summer party!!"

"Oh... Right!!"

"Yeah. And you just collapsed..."

"Oh... Well um. I'm all better now!! Lets go!!"

"Haha okay. Kaja."

Chapter Suspense: What is going to happen now that Alyshia is a vampire and an angel?

A brief paragraph about what happens next:

They find out Lucas and Marcus have got Tao, and they come back for the next power. Who is the next victim on 'their' list? But the cool thing is, Alyshia can trick Marcus and Lucas into giving them fake powers.


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