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CHAPTER 50!! WOO HOOO!!! Now just another 50 to go =_= poop my life.

Chapter 50

Luhan's POV

Did Kai just really use his powers?! In front of Alyshia?!?! What if manager hyung finds out..? Aish. Let me just finish them off a bit. Yep let me just grab that tree and throw it using my telekinesis...

Ha. Mission accomplished. Now let's go back to EXO.

But... Should I tell manager hyung about this? It'd be better right... Because if manager hyung find out himself, it'd be much worse because we kept this a secret from him. I don't want to get Kai in trouble or anything, I just don't want EXO to stop seeing Alyshia. Because if we do, how do I live?

Their POV

"Master. I'm sorry I wasn't able to bring them to you. But I got pictures of all of them."

"Good... Good. Oh and Lucas, you can stop calling me Master now. Just call me by my name."

"Okay... Marcus."

"Now. All we have to do is somehow bring them all up into one place, and collect their powers all at once."

"But Marcus.. I think it'd be better if we use the girl as a trap."

"The girl..? What girl? There's a girl with them now?"

"Yes. There is. And I heard, some of the members like her. So it will be easier to lure them to us by having her do it."

"AHHH. Okay. But first of all, We need to get that girl. Do you know who likes her but?"

"Luhan and Baekhyun. Kai kind of... Had a secret crush on her..."

"She must be pretty then."

"Jin also likes this other girl."

"Ah okay. Wait... I thought..."

"Yeah. Jin is back. They asked him to join EXO back but he refused it. Because of how they didn't believe them back then."

"Haha. Our plan worked. Good job Lucas. Your shape-shifting powers are useful."

"Haha. Yes. They are very useful Marcus. But now that Jin is back, we get a bonus power. Invisibility."

"Wahhh. How cool. Aha. Great. And extra power. Love it."

Alyshia's POV

We... Departed... What the heck... How? Wait.... Did he really do that? We got back at my house. Well.. Grandma's house.


"Alyshia. Pretend you never saw anything."


"Don't say anything. Otherwise we're both in big trouble." We were outside at the front of my house. Talking. What I didn't realize was that Baekhyun was still at my house. Hiding... At the side since my house is the last house and has the corner.

"I... I have to go now. Remember! Don't tell anyone about today. Alrasseo?" I just nodded. Why.. How... Wait. What.

What is this?! Is Kai even human...?! What do I do? I have to tell SOMEONE. I can't just keep it in. Well I can but yeah. Fine. I will keep it in. For now. I have to clear things out with Kai before I can tell anyone about this.

Baekhyun's POV

What the heck? What happened today? Why can't Alyshia tell anyone about it? Did Kai do something bad?


God. My phone started ringing... Who the hell is calling me at a time like this?!?!?

"Who... Who's that?" Oh god. She heard. Well obviously but yeah.

"If you don't come out... I'll come in... WITH A STICK!" Oh gosh. A stick... SHE'S GONNA LITERALLY KILL ME!

"I'll give you 3 seconds... You can't hide from me..." 3 seconds?!?! 3 seconds is not enough for me!! Should I run or....

"3...." AISH! NO NO NO! EOTTOKKAE?!?!?



"Ah ya!!! Its me! Its.. Its me..."

"Baek.. Baekhyun? What are you doing here...?"

"I thought we needed to clear things up. Like... Like about this morning."

"I um.. I have nothing to clear about. Go home already. I'm.. I'm going. Bye." She tried to quickly run inside but luckily I grabbed her hand.

"Let go of me!"

"Alyshia we need to talk! Keep in mind that I don't even LOVE my fiancé! My mum wants me to marry her!"

"Then marry her! Marry her for your mums sake!"

"Wait... What?" Oh gosh. What is... What is she doing here?

Chapter Suspense: Who came and overheard Baekhyun and Alyshia talking?

A brief paragraph about what happens next:

Luckily 'she' (the person who overheard Baekhyun and Alyshia talking.) understood and decided to leave them both alone. And Melanie... She finds out about Luhan too. So... She went to Malaysia for a year to forget everything and start new. But Jin actually started dating....

-read next a chapter to see who it is-


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