Chapter 1

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I stood outside waiting for Liam and the boys were going to come pick Susan and I up so we could all go to the movies together to see Hansel & Gretal. We'd all been excited to see it ever since the trailer came out. I had convinced Liam and the boys to come with us but Liam also convinced me to bring Susan. Liam had a huge crush on Susan but she had a crush on Zayn. I'd been friends with Liam for years. I'd had a crush on Liam for a while now but he didn't know. Niether did Susan, even though she was my best friend I knew that she liked Liam as well so I shut my mouth and kept it to myself. I smiled as we climbed into the car the boys were laughing and trowing around bits of food at Niall. I laughed as we climbed into the van.

Susan climbing in and sitting next to Liam who smiled at us. I sat down next to Harry who wrapped his arms around me. I giggled and pushed him off. Harry was like a big brother for me. I was an only child so it was nice to know someone like Harry was looking out for me. Liam and Susan were chatting away and I could hear Niall complaining that no one was throwing him food anymore. I grabbed a bag of Skittles from my bag and threw them at Niall. Who instantly dug into them. I laughed at him as he ate them. We were going to a movie cinema that was meant to be closed to today. The only reason the movie cinema was closed was so the boys wouldn't get mobbed by fans as we watched the movie.

Harry took out his phone and started texting me. Yeah I know it we were right next to each other but it was so our convosations were private and no one would hear us.

Harry: You looking forward to it?

Lilly: Yeah. I am, you?

Harry: That wasn't what I meant and you know it. He looked at me his eyebrows raised.

Lilly: No. Can you drop it please? Just because you know who I like doesn't mean you need to ask everytime we go with you.

Harry: Bullshit Lilly, you have to ask Liam out and you know that.

I stopped texting and looked at him as I sighed. I shook my head at him. "No Harry. I'm not going to ask and that's the end of it," I whispered to him.

"Lilly you need to ask him out how long have you had this little crush on him?" Harry whispered back.

"A few months," I sighed looking down at the ground. I knew Harry was right but I didn't want to admit it to him. I heard him sigh and sink into the chair.

"Ohhh! Lilly and Harry are having their secret talks again!" I heard Niall shout in the car. I felt my cheeks turn red at Niall's statement. "What was it about this time? Secretly wanting to go out with Harry? Louis being your crush? Having daydreams about me?" Niall said. I shook my head and laughed softly. He was always trying to guess what our texts were about.

I was about to reply when Louis started screaming out Kevin at every pigeon he saw on the side walk or in the air. I laughed as Zayn tried to shut him up. Harry slipped a note into my hand and I frowned. I looked at him and I saw him lip the words 'Later'. I put it in my bag as we pulled up in front of the cinema. I climbed out last and took a deep breath as we walked in. We bought the tickets and of course Niall bought heaps of food for the movie so he wouldn't have to get it during the movie. I sat down next to Niall in the middle and started talking. Liam and Susan were sitting next to each other down near the front while Louis, Zayn and Harry sat next to Paul up the back.

As the lights dimmed and the movie started I felt something wrap around my waist. I gasped and looked at Niall who looked at me innocently with a slight blush on his face. He handed me a bag of Skittles. I took them and quietly munched on them. During the movie I must've fallen asleep because when I woke up the credits were starting and boys and Susan were laughing as the walked out of the cinema. I felt my face turn bright red as Paul tried to hurry us up. I looked at Niall who was busy picking up wrappers with Paul. I quickly walked past them and out of the cinema. I walked up to the first person I saw who worked here.

"Excuse me but is there another exit?" I asked.

"Yes just walk straight past cinema four and turn left ma'am," he said.

"Thanks," I said before running to the exit. I ran out and started running the long way home.

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