Chapter 2

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As soon as I was in my room I collapsed on my bed. I was so stupid. Why did I do that? It wasn't like I was going out with Liam, I liked him and Susan did too. But she didn't know that so I couldn't blame her for flirting but then Niall liked me and I didn't have any feelings for him. I groaned as I heard my phone go off again. I picked it up out of my bag to see 10 messages. Most of them were from Harry and there was two from Niall and a voicemail.

Niall: Lilly I'm sorry, I really like you

Niall: I hope I didn't ruin our friendship. Please answer your phone.

Harry: Lil where are you?

Harry: Why did you run from the movies?

Harry: Lil answer your phone

Harry: Lilly we're worried about you

Harry: Lilly read the note

Harry: I'm sorry about Niall. I didn't know he'd do that.

Harry: I'm coming over in ten.

The last message had been sent five minutes ago. I then checked the voicemail, it was Niall again.

"Lilly? Please pick up I'm so so so sorry. I hope I didn't ruin our friendship. I just... I really like you I'm sorry. I saw the note Harry gave you. And I understand if you like Liam," I dropped the phone.

Hearing it clatter to the floor. The note?! I jumped to my bag and rummaged through my bag looking for the note. I lost it?! It must've fallen out when I ran away. I felt my breathing speeding up as my heart thundered in my chest. I jumped as I heard a knock on the door. I bolted down the stairs and opened the door.

"Harry?!" I gasped. "Niall," I said breathlessly. I watched as he scratched the back of his neck. "Ummm, come in?" I suggested.

"Yeah sure," he walked in past me. I closed the door and lead him to the lounge room. He sat down on the coach and I quickly went and got a snack from the kitchen. It was some chocolate that I had when I was hungry for a snack. I put some in front of Niall but he didn't touch it.

"You okay Niall?" I asked.

"I'm fine but I'm so sorry," I put a hand on his mouth and he stopped.

"It's okay Niall. It just happened to happen. There's nothing else to it, we're still friends though? Right?" I asked. I moved my hand from his mouth and waited for his answer.

"Yeah, we can still be friends," he said quietly.

"Well dig into the chocolate it's melting," I laughed giving him a soft playful kick.

I pulled my legs up to my chest as I ate the chocolate as Niall picked at his. I looked at him with a frown. I finished mine and stole his. His eyes widened slightly then returning to normal. I broke off some of the chocolate and forced it into his mouth. He slowly chewed it like it was as hard as rock. I laughed at his face holding onto my sides as I laughed. I sat up and leaned in front of Niall's face. I grabbed hold of his cheeks and laughed at his face.

"Don't do that," he groaned pulling my hands away.

I laughed at him as he pouted at me. I squealed as I fell onto the carpet pulling Niall down with me. I laughed as he fell on me. He groaned as I laughed at him. I stopped as I stared up into his eyes. They were a beautiful baby blue. Like the sky blue but better. I stared into them. Green staring into blue. I could feel my heart race a hundred miles an hour as his lips came closer. My eyes closed as they touched mine. They soon left as the door swung open. I heard loud footsteps. Niall rolled off of me and I sat up. I stood up to see Harry looking around. I jumped over the couch and ran into his arms. He laughed as he spun me around in his arms. As he put me down on the ground I heard Niall clear his throat. Oh yeah, I forgot about Niall.

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