Chapter 17

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Lilly's POV

I smiled as we said goodbye to Louis. I closed the door as Niall wrapped his arms around me. His lips pressing against my temple as rocked as back and forward slightly. I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck to pull him closer. I leaned up and nuzzled our nose's together. I smiled up at him. His eyes were closed as he hummed something. I closed my eyes and tried to place the tune.

I opened my eyes when he stopped. I looked into his blue eyes to see him thinking. His brow furrowed as he thought about something. My hand reached up and touched his face. His eyes closing, hiding his blue eyes as he leaned into my hand. I smiled and kissed his lips softly. I pulled away as his eyes opened.

"Hey where were you hiding your eyes? I like your eyes," I whispered. He smiled at me and kissed my forehead before pulling me into the lounge room.

I laughed as I sat on the couch while Niall tried to find a movie.

"Hey Lil where do you put your movies?" Niall said scratching his head.

I laughed and got up and walked to the cabinet where I hid my movies. Yeah I hid them so that I could laugh at people for trying to find them. I bent down and picked up my favorite movie, 'One Day'. I gasped as Niall's hips collided with the back of mine. My head snapping upwards to look at Niall over my shoulder. My blonde hair falling in my face as he leand forward. His body covering most of mine. His arms wrapping around my waist as his nose nuzzled into my neck. I closed my eyes as he moaned something into my ear. I gasped as I felt his growing erection against my butt cheeks.

"Niall?" I groaned.

"Hmm?" he mumbled against my neck. I pushed backwards into his growing erection. I could hear him moaning and did it again. I giggled and quickly spun around in his arms so that I could face him. I laughed as his lips came crashing down on mine. I pushed my hips forward causing him to groan again.

"Stop teasing me Lilly," Niall growled.

"What are you going to do about it then?" I teased. I squealed as he ripped my shirt open from the back. I laughed as he stripped off his shirt in style.

"Still wanna play this game Lilly?" he asked playfully.

"Why what's gonna happen if I do?"

"You wanna find out?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

I giggled, "Why not?"

"Good," he said as he started unbuttoning his pants and letting them slide to his feet so he stood in his clover underwear. I laughed as I tugged slightly at the hem of them.

"Feeling lucky are we?"

"Luck of the Irish baby," he said as he pulled me closer. I giggled as he crashed his lips on mine. Our lips moving in sync as I pulled him closer. My shirt was lying on the floor in halves. I let go of him and started unbuttoning my jeans and shimmying out of them. I stood in Niall's arms in my underwear. I giggled as Niall's hands gripped my butt cheeks firmly.

"Maybe you can be a lucky girl today?" he whispered as he started undoing my bra.

I groaned again as Niall's erection pocked me in the stomach as he pulled me to the couch. I fell backwards, my hair fanning out around me. I giggled as Niall straddled me. I groaned, wanting him. I pulled him down and he laughed as he came towards me. I giggled as he nudged my head aside to kiss my collarbone softly before making his way up to my jaw bone. I gasped as his hips jerked forward.

"Niall," I moaned as his hands slowly reached my underwear.

Tugging them down my legs until I lay on the couch bare. My bra was somewhere near my other clothes. I tugged at Niall's clover underwear down, his hands soon assisting. He threw his underwear away and looked down at me. He looked down at me. His blue eyes piercing into my green ones.

Niall's POV

I looked down at Lilly. Her body bare and white. Her skin as white as snow. I smiled down at her, pressing kisses against her lips. I could feel her nails digging into my skin as I slowly pushed forward. My erection slowly digging into her tight pussy. I could hear Lilly groaning from underneath me as her nails dug into my flesh. I groaned. I pushed deeper causing Lilly to shudder slightly. I kissed her lips softly, our hands entwining as we lay on her couch having sex. I groaned against her soft lips as I could feel the build.

"Lilly," I groaned as I felt her walls clenching. She was coming. I thrusted harder and faster wanting to cum. I pushed harder, pounding into her. In a couple of seconds we were screaming out in ecsaty. I pulled out, Lilly gasping underneath me as I did.

"You okay Lilly?" I asked as I sat up. Resting my weight on my elbows. I looked down at her. Her blonde hair a tangled mess, I brushed away a stray hair from her green eyes before kissing her lips softly.

"I'm fine," she bit her lip thinking of something. "Wanna go have a shower?" I smiled and pulled her up. Carrying her bridal style into the shower.     

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