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I sat on the grass in the Australian sunshine. Niall had taken me to Australia for a while because it was meant to be nice weather right now. I smiled as I heard laughter and small giggles.

"Mummy! Mummy!" Lucas squealed.

I smiled at my son as he squealed in Niall's arms.

"Wanna play airplane?" Niall asked. Lucaas eyes lit up in excite meant.

"Plane! Plane!" he squealed.

"No plane please!" I said as I got up slowly. My arms around my stomach as I walked over. My heart skipped a beat as Niall threw him up in the air. Lucas squealing in delight.

"C'mon Mummy's here now," Niall said as he rubbed noses with our son. He turned two just a few days ago.

"Mummy! Mummy!" Lucas demanded. Niall put him in my arms and held onto both of us. I smiled at my little boy. His bluey-green eyes full of delight as his dark blonde hair fell in his eyes again.

"I think someone has to get a haircut before their little brother comes, what do you think?" I asked Lucas. Yeah I know, I was pregnant again.

"Okay," he said glumly.

"Two lollypops afterwards if you be good this time alright?" Niall said.


"Yeah two if your good for the lady this time."

"Okay!" Lucas was delighted at the thought of getting a lollypop. He had certainly inherited Niall's love for food.

"How about we go get some chips?" I suggested.

"Pity Australia doesn't have many Nando's here," Niall said as he kissed Lucas' head.

"We're in Sydney for a reason, you boys are on break and plus you're first stop is Australia this year isn't it?" I asked.

"Yeah it is. C'mon Lucas Mummy's arms aren't strong, I'll carry you," Niall said as he lifted Lucas out of my arms. He squealed as Niall started pulling faces.

"Plane! Plane!" Lucas squealed.

Niall threw him in the air as he giggled and squealed in delight.

"C'mon Mummy's feet are sore and I'm hungry," I said.

I could feel eyes watching us as we walked to the closest fish n' chip shop. My hand entwining with Niall's as we walked. I laughed as Lucas tried to catch a butterfly. We walked in getting fish and chips and a lollypop for Lucas for afterwards. We walked back to the grass and sat down in the sunshine.

"Lilly?" Niall asked.

"Yeah?" I asked as I ate a chip.

"Are they still sending you hate?"

The hate. After Lucas was born the fans sent more hate, some supporting some hating. It was a mix. I smiled. "They haven't sent me hate for ages. But I know they keep tagging me in photos that the paparazzi took."

"Mmm, I hate that too but that's what happen's when you're famous or married to someone famous," Niall said. He pulled down his sunglasses and rested his head on my lap. His head right next to my stomach.

"Remind me how far along you are please," Niall said.

"Six months," I smiled as Lucas dug into the chips making a mess.

"Don't look it."

"Thanks?" I laughed.


"Move I want to get up Niall," I said as I lifted his head. Niall jumped to his feet to help me stand. "Thank you my hero," I said as I kissed his cheek.

"No Mummy! My kisses!" Lucas said as he came running towards us with greasy fingers. I laughed and picked him up.

"Kisses!" Lucas demanded. I kissed his cheek making him giggle. "Another!" I laughed as I kissed his cheek again.

"No more Mr Greasy Fingers!" I teased. Lucas pouted as he looked at me. I giggled and rubbed my nose on his as I slowly approached the sea water. I luaghed as Lucas squealed at the sudden cold sea water.

"No Mummy there are fishy's in the pond! No!" he squealed.

"Alright Mister. Guess what time it is?" Niall said as he picked up Lucas.

"Plane time!" he shouted.

"Nope," Niall said as he popped the 'p'.

"Sleep time?" Lucas said grumpily.

"Yup. So finish your lunch and then we'll go back home so you can sleep alright?"

"Okay," Lucas said as he pulled Niall in for a hug. Niall put Lucas down in the shallow water. He grabbed one of Niall's hands and one of mine. "Swing Swing?" Lucas asked hopeful.

"Why not?" Niall said as he looked at me. I smiled.


"One," Niall said.


"Thwee!" Lucas squealed as we swung him along the water.

We walked back to the car swinging Lucas. As soon as he was buckled in I turned around to Niall.

"You look more beautiful than ever Lilly. I'm glad Harry brought you over that week when we were over at his house," Niall said as he pulled me into a hug.

"How's he going anyway?" I asked.

"Harry's fine. It's the fact he really liked that girl. She just couldn't stand the hate," Niall smiled sadly.

"He'll be okay. He always is," I replied.

"You're right. Now lets get home and get him to sleep because I'm excited already," Niall whispered in my ear.

"For sex? Already? I haven't even given you your surprise yet."

"You don't happen to be talking about the lace underwear I found under the bed are you?"

"Niall! You ruined the surprise!" I said as I playfully hit him.

"Sorry. But it's not a surprise until I see you in them," Niall winked.

I smiled and kissed his lips.

"I love you Niall."

"I love you too Lilly."

"Promise we'll be together forever?"

"I promised that the day I got down on one knee for you," Niall smiled.

"Thank you."

"Forever Lilly. Forever and always."


A/N: Hi guys I noticed how much alot of you liked this (7.65K if I remember correctly). I'm writing another fanfiction called "New York State Of Mind". Just wondering if it should be another Niall Horan one or Luke Hemmings. Let me know please! Thanks :)

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