Chapter 3

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I woke up to soft snoring. My blonde hair in my face as I opened my eyes. I could feel strong arms wrapped around my waist and my nose was pressed against something strong. I giggled a little as I heard Niall snore/hiccup. I carefully unwrapped his arms before walking to the kitchen. I turned on the kettle and started making my favorite cup of tea. Tea with milk and honey. The only reason I added the honey was to make it sweeter. As I poured in the boiling hot water I heard loud footsteps. I turned around to see Niall half-naked. I hadn't noticed what he was wearing until now. He was wearing a pair of green clover boxers with white socks.

I giggled into my tea at the sight. He frowned and looked down at his appearence and ripped off his socks. I laughed as he folded them neatly and threw them behind him. I laughed loudly as he walked over to me. I put me tea down and crossed my arms over my chest as I raised my eyebrow. He smirked as he leaned above me to get me cookie jar. Trust Niall to get the cookie jar. I laughed and picked up my cup of tea and walked out to my back varanda. I sat down on the couch chairs and closed my eyes. The steam of the tea hitting my face.

I sighed as the warmth of the tea hit my face. I felt the couch chair go down. I opened my eyes to see Niall. I smiled polietly. I really wish he'd go home now. Not to be mean but I had to go to work today and it was a double shift. I sighed as I put down my cup of tea. Niall was munching on some cookies and offered me some. I took the jar and started munching on them. I put the jar to my left so Niall wouldn't be able to get them. I was wrong. Niall reached over and I leaned my arms away. I put it on the table just in time as Niall fell off the couch pulling me down with him. I laythere on top of him. My eyes wide and my mouth agape as I sat there straddling him. My hands on his strong chest as I slowly leaned down to him. I could feel his hands on my waist as he leaned up and brushed away a stray blonde lock. My eyes closed as our lips met. His lips were soft against mine. I felt his hands pulling me closer.

Our lips moving in sync with each others. I pulled away breathless as I stared into his baby blue eyes. I jumped up onto my feet as soon as I saw a flash go off behind my fence. I looked to see the paparazzi taking pictures. I bolted inside scared and worried.

She's Not Afraid~ N.H.Where stories live. Discover now