Chapter 33

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Day 1 of Tour

"Niall do I really have to go on the interview with you?" I complained for the hundreth time that day. Niall chuckled.

"Yes you do. Both of you do," he said kissing my stomach. I giggled.

"Fine," I sighed.

"Good, put something nice on," he said chucking me some clothes.

"Are you serious?" I asked as I held the 'I Love Niall' shirt up.

"Yes I'm serious, put it on please."

"Okay," I tugged off my white shirt and pulled on the one Niall had given me before putting on a pair of comfortable jeans.

"Suits you," he said pulling me closer.

"You're only saying that to make me feel better," I say.

"What?! Me?! Noo."

I laughed and kissed his lips softly.

"Niall you never told me what happened to Paul," I looked up at my boyfriend.

"Well Paul got fired and we now have Billy. Actually his name is William but everyone calls him Billy for some reason. Oh well," Niall said with a shrug.

" Niall! Lilly! Hurry up!" Zayn shouted.

"Do you want me to throw water on your hair?" Niall shouted.

"No! Just hurry up already. We have to go!"

"I'm going. Get ya hair out of a mess!"

"Let's go then, I said, dragging him behind me.


We walked out of the hotel with the rest of the boys. Billy pulled up in front of us and opened the door for us.

"Uh uh," Niall said as the other boys looked at him.

"What?" they all said in sync.

"Pregnant lady first," Niall said tugging at my hand. My jaw dropped as I stared at him. Wide eyed. "What?"

"Are you calling me fat because I'm pregnant?" I asked.


"Then let the others go first," I demanded with my hands on my hips.

"Lilly I didn't mean that. Guys you can get in first then," when the boys were in the van Niall hugged me tightly, giving me one of his famous Horan Hugs.

"What's wrong Lilly?" he asked as I finally hugged him back.

"I'm scared that the fans will send me hate. Niall I don't want that stress," I whispered in his ear.

"I promise I'll make sure they don't. If they do I'll deal with it myself okay?" he asked, pulling away so he could look into my eyes.

"Okay," I sighed. We climbed into the van before driving down the main street of New York City.

"So Lilly. What will you call the baby if it's a boy?" Louis asked from the front.

I frowned and looked at Niall. "Lilly likes the name Alex," Niall said.

"Really? And since when were you Lilly, Niall?" Louis said.

"Since today Louis."

"I do like the name Alex but I have one that no one knows. So Alex might be a possibility," I said with a cheeky grin.

"Well then if it's a girl?" Liam spoke up.

"I seriously can't pick a girl name. There are so many wonderful names out there that Niall has to pick one."

"What?!" Niall said choking on some water.

Everyone laughed. "Niall you get the girl name because Lilly is choosing the boy's name," Harry spoke up for the first time.

"Why?" Niall groaned.

"Because I said so," I said before kissing his cheek.

"Better start searching Ni," Zayn said from the back. Niall groaned.

"Nialler stop complaining. It's not like I asked you to stop eating food forever," I said as I punched his arm softly.

"We're here everyone!" Louis shouted.

The boys cheered and jumped out of the car as soon as it stopped. I climbed out with Niall. Hand in hand. The boys walked up to the screaming fans and gave them autographs and took pictures. I watched as some fans glared at me. I looked down at my stomach. It was showing slightly. Not so much that they'd notice. I jumped when Niall's arm wrapped around me. He laughed and led me inside with the other boys.

"Lilly I need you to sit here, when we call you out, come out alright?" Niall said.

"Sure," I replied.

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