Chapter 10

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Harry's POV

I ran my hands through my curls. Lilly and Liam had left. But where? A single thought ran through my mind as I tried to think where they'd be. Susan was feeling sick so she went home. I grabbed Zayn and Louis' arms and dragged them outside of Jay Sean's house. I groaned, irritated that I didn't know where they were. The single thought soon started forming into more than one.

"What's so important Harry that you dragged us out into the rain?" Louis said crossing his arm's over his chest.

"Lilly and Liam are gone," I groaned. I looked up to see Zayn's eyes widening as he realised what I meant.

"You don't think they?" Zayn didn't need to finish his sentence for me to know what he was talking about. Liam had a problem that we were helping him with.

"Yes I do. We all know Liam has a small problem," Louis said. I rubbed my face and looked at them.

"Louis it's more than a small fucking problem if Liam does anything stupid. Especially to Lilly."

"Harry we might be over reacting. Niall's at home," Zayn said. Always the one to look of the positive side. It was one of the best things about him.

"Zayn stup with the bullshit we know how useless Niall would be in a fight," I said.

Zayn opened his mouth to say something but I started running to our house. Maybe my long legs would be useful right now and it would take half the time to get there. The thought pounded my headed making me stop.

I breathed in and started jogging. "Please don't do anything stupid Liam. Please don't be at home, please don't be at home," I started saying the thoughts out loud to help with the headache. I smiled close to the house. I stopped as I head shouting. Lilly. I ran only to see her running out of the house and hailing a cab. I watched as it drove away into the night as my anger boiled over. How dare he?! Who the hell did Liam think he was doing that to Lilly?! We all knew what Liam thought of for fun. I ran in the house and saw Liam come out somewhat confused and dazed at why he'd been shouted at. I walked over to him and slapped him. As my hand left his chek I saw the red mark there. I grabbed his collar and pulled him up to my hieght and death glared him.

"How dare you touch Lilly like that?! Lilly is like a sister to me and you go and pull that bullshit?! Uh ah, not to Lilly, and especially not to someone I care about Liam! This is bullshit! You should have said yes when Paul asked if you wanted help! You knew you needed it! You know not to leave anywhere with a girl and come home because shit like this happens all the time!" I shouted at Liam.

"Harry! Put Liam down!" Louis and Zayn were demanding I put him down. Why should I put him down when he deserves a bashing right now?! I should've punched him instead. I throw him to the floor and storm out of the house. Determined to find a club open at this hour of the night.

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