Chapter 27

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I scrambled to my feet and ran back into my room. Slamming the door closed. My phone went off. I looked down at the message.

Louis: Lilly, I'll sort out Paul with George and the other boys. We'll find Niall soon alright?

Lilly: Okay but Niall's in the hotel with me. I just ran into him.

Lous: Um. Could you possibly make sure he doesn't do anything stupid please?

Lilly: What do you mean stupid?

Louis: Anyone ever told you about Niall having a rare sickness?

Lilly: Harry mentioned it but I don't know anything about it.

Louis: Well Niall's body can't really handle something really well. It's rare. If something upsets him that's out pf his normal routine than his brain will go into a sleepy state where his body can get sick. In this case you two broke up. His brain was use to being near you and doing whatever you two did. So when you said it's over and broke up with him his body couldn't handle that. Don't tell anyone else because if the fans knew his body wouldn't be able to stand that either.

Lilly: Okay Lou.

I closed my phone and ran out of my room trying to find Niall. I ran around the corner to see him sitting there. Pale as a ghost, staring at the carpet as silent tears fell free. I walked up to him and knelt before him. My hands grasping his. I squeezed them lightly wanting him to look up. When he finally did he looked like he was far away. In another world.

"Hey Niall. It's me. Lilly," I whispered softly to him. His brow furrowed as he tried to think.

"Lilly?" he tested the word. A few minutes ago he'd known my name. Now it was like he never knew me. I guess this was part of the sickness.

"Yes Lilly. Do you want to come to my room and I'll cook you something?" I asked.

It was like I was speaking to a baby. He nodded his head and stood beside me. His cold hand gripping mine. I walked him towards my hotel room and opened the door for him. He walked in and tugged me in after him. Like a child wanting attention. I walked in after him and closed the door. He pulled me into his arms and buried his head into my shoulder. I pulled him in closer until there were no gaps between us. I rested my head on his as he quietly sobbed. I'm not sure what he was sobbing over.

"You're pretty," he spoke against my neck, sending shivers up my spine.

"Thank you?" I questioned it. Whenever someone said that I never usually believed them.


"Do you want some food Niall?" I asked as he sluched at my height. He pulled away, nodding his head as he wiped away his tears. I smiled slightly and walked to the phone. I punched in food service and ordered some food for us. The food was delievered in less than five minutes which surprised me. But then again I was at a fancy hotel so of course it was this quick. I put the food on the table and got Niall to sit down. He just stared at it. I sighed and feed him like a child. His dull eyes always on me as he ate. I sighed. When he finished eating I went to eat my own food. A whiff of onion went up my nose and sent me running for the bathroom. What little food I had left in my stomach was gone now. I could feel a hand pull my hair back while the other rubbed my back. I groaned and wiped my mouth on some toilet paper before flushing the toilet. I washed my hands quickly before hugging Niall. His strong arms wrapping around me.

"Thanks for that," I said as I pulled away.

"You're welcome," he replied. My nose wrinkled up as I realised how smelly he was.

"Niall? You need a shower. When was the last time you showered?"

"Um, a while ago."

"Well you can have a shower here if you want. Then you can go get some clean clothes from your room alright?"

"I got kicked out of my room. Plus I didn't bring any clean clothes."

"Um. I'll ring one of the boys and ask them to bring you some fresh clothes okay?"

"Okay." He let go and walked to the shower. I turned around and pulled out my phone as I walked out of the bathroom.

"Hello?" Liam answered.

"Hey Liam do you think you could possibly bring Niall some clean clothes please? I found him in the hotel," I replied.

"Sure. Saves us time from having to look for him. By the way congratulations Lilly."

My face turned red. "Thanks," I mumbled.

"Alright we'll see you soon okay?"

"Okay," I said as I hung up.

"Lilly!" Niall's voice came from the bathroom. I dropped my phone on the ground and sprinted into the bathroom. Niall stood in the shower shivering.

"What's wrong? What happened?" I asked.

"It's cold," he said. I smiled sadly and went and turned on the hot water for him.

"You forgot to turn on the hot water silly," I laughed. I gasped as I was pulled under the hot water.

"Niall?!" I squealed.

"Can you shower with me please?" his voice whispered seductively.

I looked up at him to see his eyes starting to shine again. My heart lept forward as his lips touched mine softly. As I leaned up to kiss them again he pulled away. I looked at him.

"Well I'm already soaking wet so why not?" I mumbled shyly.

Niall chuckled as I tried to peel off my wet clothes. His hands helping me tug off the clothes until I was bare. I pulled him closer and crashed my lips to his. His hands grabbing my waist to pull me closer. I giggled as his hands brushed past my ticklish spot.

"I love you Lilly," he whispered. Was he better? I looked up at him. Water running down his head. His brown hair flattened down his face. His blue eyes piercing into me. Waiting to hear a reply.

"I love you too Niall. I'm sorry for what happened," I said.

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