Chapter 35

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Niall's POV

I laughed as the boys and I finished up the concert. I was tired and eager to get back to Lilly. We climbed into the van, sliding the door shut before any fans thought about jumping in. I laughed as Harry pulled off his shirt.

"Harry, we're in a car. You can strip when we get back to the hotel ok?" I said with a laugh.

"But it's so hot!" Harry complained.

"Everyone else must be stinking hot and their not stripping are they?"

"Fine," Harry said like a little kid. I looked around the car to see Zayn and Louis had fallen asleep.

"Niall?" Harry whispered. Liam was chatting to William in the front so he wouldn't be able to hear us talking.


"What'll happen if George finds out about Lilly being pregnant?"

"I honestly don't know," I replied. Because I didn't. I hadn't thought of this.

"Niall you agreed to come back as long as you could state your own status right?"

"Yeah but if I propose to Lilly George will be furious."

"Do you think he knows about Lilly?"

"Most likely because I just announced on national television that she is pregnant and we're still together."

"Billy?" Harry said to our new body guard.

"What's up Harry?" Billy responded.

"Has George said anything about Lilly yet?"

"Uh," by Billy's tone it sounded like their must've been a problem.


"Alright alright! He does know and he is furious. He said he'd call Niall in the morning which is a time difference for you guys so he'll be calling in an hour or two for Niall."

"What do you think he'll do Billy?" I asked.

"There are numerous things that could happen. But there's only one way to know, when he calls."

I sighed and buried my hands in my hair.

"What am I going to do?" I asked myself.

"Just wait and see Niall. It might not be as bad as we're thinking," Harry said as he rubbed my back.

"Hey boys we're here!" Liam shouted.

The Louis and Zayn woke up and walked groggily into the hotel. I climbed out with Liam and Harry.

"Well this is surprising," Harry said.

"What?" Liam asked.

"There are no fans swarming us as we walk inside."

"Maybe their in bed," I replied.

"No but even then, there are fans swarming us."

"Oh well. I just want to get inside and see Lilly," I said.

I started sprinting, my gut twisting in knots. I was scared that maybe something had happened to her. I pressed the button for the elevator and a second later the ping went off. I climbed in and with sweaty hands pressed the button for our floor. When the door opened I raced to our room and knocked. I'd forgotten William had the key. When the no one answered the door I started calling out Lilly's name as I pounded on the door. A few people called out for me to shut up. When the door swung open there was Lilly. Her hair a birds nest, she rubbed her eyes and looked at me. I pulled her into an embrace and broke down in sobs.

"Niall what's wrong baby?" she said as she rubbed my back. I pulled away and looked at her through blurry eyes.

I shook my head and led her back into our temporary room. I led Lilly back to bed, tucking her in like a little child. I stripped down to my boxers before climbing in next to her. My arms wrapping around her, her head resting against my chest.

"You gonna tell me what's going on?" she asked.

"No it'll only make you worry," I replied. I looked down to see her wide green eyes looking at me.

"Niall the only thing I'm worrying about right now is you. So tell me Niall and I'll tell you what I kept from you," she said firmly.

"William was on the phone to George when we were performing and said that he wasn't happy with what we said on the interview. So I have to wait an hour or two to know what he wants. Your turn," I said.

"Your fans went happy with what we said either," she whispered.

"They sent you hate didn't they?" I asked as anger boiled in my blood.


I climned out of bed and opened my laptop. I typed in my password before setting up a twit-cam for whoever was watching. When I saw the red light flashing I started speaking.

"Hey guys. So I heard you've all been send my pregnant girlfriend hate. That's wrong guys. We already have enough stress with the pap's and now you're sending her hate," I said looking at the camera on my laptop. I found my phone and clicked on Lilly's Twitter page to see the hate. "I'm going to read out some of the hate that you guys sent her. The ugly whore is probably lying about being 'pregnant' so Niall will give her money and stay with her. Another. and probably one of the worst I've seen so far would be. She's an attention seeking bitch who likes to sleep around with famous men and make them think she's pregnant," I stopped halfway when a hand touched my shoulder.

"Niall don't worry about it. Their just being immature about it," Lilly's said.

I nodded, "Okay." I looked back at the camera. "Bye everyone," I said before closing the twit-cam and laptop.

"Come here," I pulled Lilly onto my lap and kissed her lips hard. "I love you Lilly. I always will. And no matter what George or the fans say, nothing will stop me from loving you." She smiled as a blush reached her cheeks.

"Thanks, can we go to beed now?" she asked softly.

"Okay, I'll be right in after you."

Her lips connected with mine one more time before walking back to bed. I walked out of the bedroom to go find my bag where I'd hidden her a surprise. I rummaged until I found the box. I walked into the bedroom and jumped on the bed making her bounce.

"Hey I have something I wanna show you. But you'll want a jacket though," I said before sprinting away, I grabbed my jacket and shoved the box in the pocket.

"Niall wait!" Lilly's voice came from the bedroom. I smiled as I zipped up my jacket waiting for Lilly to put her's on.

"Lilly what are you doing?" I asked.

"Grabbing a jacket!"

I walked into the room to see her frowning as she tried to find one of her jackets. I laughed and handed her one of mine.

"Come on, I want to show you this before it ends," I said tugging her behind me.

She laughed as we climbed up the stairs and up onto the roof. It was chilly but beautiful. The stars shining and the full moon bright. I smiled as Lilly looked around in awe. As she payed attention to the stars and moon I knelt down behind her, producing the box with the ring from my pocket.

"Niall its-" she stopped halfway through her sentence as she realised what was going on.

"Lilly, I love you more than you realise and weather it's today or tomorrow or if it's yes or no. I will love you until the last star fades away. So will you do me the greatest honor, by becoming my wife?" I asked. Smiling up at her. She broke out into a grin.

"Yes! Yes! A million times yes!" she shouted. I laughed as I slipped the gold ring on her finger. I stood uup and kissed her lips.

"Dance with me?"

"Of course."

I pulled her into a waltz and slow danced with her as I softly sung 'I Would' to her. When the song finished I led her back down to our room so we could get some sleep.

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