Chapter 13

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I sighed shakily as I hung up. I breathed in deeply and wiped away the tears. I opened the door and stormed out towards Niall. I tried my best angry face as I stared at him. Niall turned around and looked at me, I watched as he started forming a frown. He stood up and walked over to me as I put my hands on my hips.

"Lilly are you okay?" Niall asked as he stood in front of me.

"Niall how could you?!" I shouted at him. He flinched away from me.

"How could I what?"

"You know exactly what Niall. You lied to me! Louis just told me on the phone. I trusted you! And you went and cheated on me!" I shouted. I could feel myself slowly breaking as I shouted at him.

"What?! Lilly I care about you, I wouldn't cheat on you. I'm not like everyone else," he said grasping my arms, pulling them towards his chest. I pulled my hands away from his chest and snarled at him. He let go and let his arms hang down at his side.

"Obviously from what you said 'you care about me' means nothing to you Niall when you went and slept with some other woman. I have feelings for you Niall but apparently you don't feel the same way so screw you. You can take whatever shit you have here and leave. And by the way we're over. No more of us. So don't ever touch me, call me or come to my house ever again. Alright?!" I shouted.

"Fine if you wanna be like that then fine I don't care. Do you even know what happened?! I left the band to be with you?!" he shouted back.

"Bullshit Niall now get out of my fucking house!"

Niall stormed past me and grabbed a spare pair of his pants and shirt and stormed out of the house.

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