Chapter 14

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I sat on the floor and sobbed. What had I done? I cared about Niall so much and I had to break us up because of George. Louis had told me that he'd do anything it took to make sure Niall and I broke up and he got Niall back in the band. I sighed as I heard knocking on the door. I sat there and continued to sob.

"Lilly?! Lilly answer the door please!" I got up and ran to the door and swung it open before jumping into Harry's arms. His strong arms encircled me as I sobbed into his shoulder.

"Harry I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry for Niall. I hurt him and now he's going to hate me forever. I'm sorry," I sobbed. I felt Harry's arms dropped and I let go of our hug.

"You what?" Harry said. His eyes glared daggers into me.

"Harry please don't be upset with me!" I begged.

"Niall left One Direction for you. I thought he was doing the right thing even though we'd be losing a brother. And you dump him?! Lilly your an idiot!" Harry screamed at me.

"Harry I'm sorry! Plus you wanted me to leave him anyway! You said it was a situation I didn't want to get involved in!"

"Lilly, Niall has a very rare disease. Only his mum, dad and the boys know about it. The fans don't know about it or else they would send him even more hate," Harry said as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Harry I'm sorry! I thought it was for the best! Louis had to tell me what was going on! I didn't know he'd left until Louis told me. That's why I dumped Niall, I thought he'd go back to the band!"

"Well you're wrong. You shouldn't have assumed anything. Especially when it comes to Niall," Harry said before walking away."

I stood there shattered. I closed the door and leaned up against it and cried some more. Great I'd made situations worse then they already were. I took a shaky breath and headed for the shower. I turned on the water and stripped out of my clothes before stepping into the water. I stood there freezing cold as I turned the water onto hot. I stepped away from the water that was burning my skin. I shivered still feeling cold. I turned off the shower and dried myself before finding something warm to wear.

She's Not Afraid~ N.H.Where stories live. Discover now