Chapter 21

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Lilly's POV

I cried out trying to catch Niall's attention. I'd been sleeping peacefully on the couch when someone knocked on the door. As I'd opened it I was greeted with a man throwing a bag over my head. My screams muffled by the bag. I shuddered at the thought as I gripped my phone. I wasn't going down without a fight. I either escaped here or I died trying. I jumped at the sound of the door opening. I gasped. No. It couldn't be. Why would he kidnapp me? He didn't know me that well. Plus I wasn't famous either.

"What do you want?! Why'd you take me prisioner?!" I screamed at him. He smiled sadly as he shock his head.

"You're the reason Niall left the band. You will be the reason he goes back to it," his voice echoing around the room.

"Why kidnapp me though?!"

"Because you're a problem that needs to be solved. Niall left for you, hmm. Lets make you break-up with him-" I butted in.

"I tried to make him go back. I broke up with him and he said he wasn't going to go back," I said with my hands on my hips.

"Well we'll let you go but you're going to break-up with him and stay away from him. Clear?" he asked.

"Why though?!" I screeched as he came closer.

"Because he's part of a famous boy band that's making me richer by the second. So you will go back, break-up with him and then we'll have someone assigned to make sure you do stay away from him. Understood?" he asked as he held my jaw in a tight grip. I bit my lip.

"W-What happens if I say 'no'?" I stuttered. I didn't want to say no and have my life put in more danger and Niall's. He didn't need this drama.

"Well if you say 'no'. Well lets just say there's more than one way to make you say 'yes' Lilly," he whispered harshly.

I breathed in deeply. Closing my eyes to block out his face. I opened them and looked up into his eyes. "Fine. But I want one day with him before I say good-bye," I whispered.

"No. You break up with him end of story. Understood?!"

"Fine!" I screamed as tears ran down my face.

"Good," he spat. I winced away from him. His grip dropping. I clutched onto my jaw like it was life support for me.

"Can I go now?" I asked.

"You're leaving in half-an-hour Lilly," he said as he closed the door.

I picked up my phone and called Niall.

"Hello?" an Irish voice answered.

"Niall?! Niall help me please! Niall he's holding me in Lo-," I cried into my cell. I stopped halfway through 'London' as I could hear him coming back again.

"Lilly?! Lilly where are you?! Lilly who has you?!"

"Shut up you ignorent fool, Did you even check her? I bet you didn't, what if she has a phone? She could be calling anyone for help right now," a voice outside the room hissed. I closed the cell phone and hid it where I know they wouldn't venture.

"Oi?!" a man shouted at me. The door swinging open as he stormed in.

"What?!" I screamed.

"You makin' a phone call?" he hissed.

"No! I don't even have a phone on me! I dropped it when someone threw me in the van," I said. My arms croosed over my chest.

"Well who were ya talkin' to?!"

"Something called my imagine attetion? Duh," I said stupidly. I pulled on my brave face and tried to ignore the one word that was banging against my brain. Crap! Crap! Crap! Crap!

"Well it sounded like ya had a phone so I'm going to have to check you," he smirked as he started patting me. Checking for where I might've hidden my cell. He finished and stood up looking at me.

"You finished now?" I asked. "Cause I wanna go home now."

"Miss Eyre, you're going home now," said someone outside my room. I barged past him and followed my kidnapper to the car. I climbed in and buckled up. I sighed and leaned my head against the window watching everything speed past. I could feel my heart breaking as I thought of what was ahead of me. The car stopped and I breathed in shakily.

"Go and break-up with him. I'll know if you did something else," he said.

I climbed out and walked up to my house. Opening the door only to be engulfed in a hug. I breathed in. If it meant both of us were safe than fine. I shoved him away and stormed past him.

She's Not Afraid~ N.H.Where stories live. Discover now