Chapter 19

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Niall's POV

I laughed as Lilly dragged me up the stairs of Jimmy's house. God she was a funny one. I leaned down and kissed her lips as she started to speak again. I knocked on the door as our lips moved in sync. I pulled away just as I heard Jimmy open the door.

"Niall ma boy what are you doin' here?" Jimmy asked pulling me into an embrace.

"Jimmy don't mention a pregnancy test to Lilly. I haven't gotten her to tak one cause it's too early," I whispered into his ear. I felt him nod slightly. H epulled away and looked down at Lilly.

"Ah. Ma sweet, sweet baby girl, Lilly," Jimmy's voice cracked.

"Hi Dad, she said shyly.

"You were never the shy one!" Jimmy said as he picked her up and spun her around. She squealed begging him to put her down.

"There you are sweetie," he said as he placed Lilly back on her feet. She giggled and cuddled under my arm. I smiled and wrapped my arms around her. I sighed, she was so perfect. I didn't want to lose her. Especially not to George.

"Come on in out of the cold," Jimmy said, opening the door wider.

I picked Lilly up in my arms and carried her into her father's house, closing the door behind me. I carried Lilly into the lounge room and placed her softly on the couch. I smiled down at her. I can't believe how quickly she fell asleep. In just a few minutes.

"Niall," a voice hissed.

I turned around and walked after Jimmy, following him into the kitchen.

"So what happened?" he asked handing me a Guinness. I popped the lid and took a swing.

"I went to Lilly's and we made up and I tried hinting at her saying what if we started a family. She said that she'd love to but she's too young and she isn't ready. I don't know what to do Jim, what happens if she is pregnant? I don't want her to get rid of the baby and leave me," I whispered. Desperate for advice.

"I'll tell ya a story. When I was younger I met a beautiful woman. We were your age. We had some fun and one day she told me she waas pregnant. I was scared. My father would be furious and her parents would be ashamed of her. She told me she'd get an abortion. They were so expencieve back them but anyway I did so much. I bought a ring and got a loan to buy a house. I convinced her to keep the baby, married the lassy I loved and we brought up our daughter here.

Both of us had to quit schooling just so that we could look after Lilly. Then her Mother died and that was hard for both of us. You know what I mean? How do you explain to your daughter that her mother's never coming back? That she'll never walk in the house and give her a surprise everytime? That was more harder than raising a baby Niall. So the really question for both of you is what if she is? What are you going to do to make sure you keep 'em both? I did what I did and I'd  do it all over again. Only the second time I'd make sure I never let my wife go to get milk," Jimmy said distantly as he drank his own Guinness.

"I guess your right Jim. You always are," I said as I drank my beer. I jumped as I heard the front door slam shut.

"Lilly?!" I shouted. Dropping my beer and running to the lounge room. She was gone. I ran to the door to see a black van skidding away. I started running. There was no way I wasn't going to let that van get away with her.

"Lilly?!" I shouted out at the van as it drove further and further away. I stopped in the middle of the road and broke down. I fell to my knees, the fresh rain sinking into my black jeans. "Noooooooooooooooooooo!!" I screamed pulling at my hair. I sat there screaming as cars drove around me. People stared at me and whispered things as I sat there screaming through my sobs.

"Niall stop," Jimmy's hand rested on my shoulder.

"She's gone. I'm never going to see her again," I screamed at him.

"Niall I'm really sorry about this," Jimmy said. I was about to reply when my lights faded. The last thing I remember is my cheek colliding with the rocky surface of the road.

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