Chapter 15

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Niall's POV

I sat in the bar drinking my third drink. Well that's what I kept telling myself. My heart was broken into shards of throbbing pain. The pain split for 5 people, the boys. And Lilly. I sighed as I took another swing, draining the glass. I placed the cup down. I crossed my arms on the table and leaned my chin on them.

"Boy why are you so down in the blues?" Jimmy, the bartender asked. His thick Irish accent startling me. The place was empty.

"I left the band to be with a girl I really care about and then she.. she broke up with me. Appantly I was cheating on her. I wasn't though, I was at the studio recording music with the boys," I mumbled as I looked up at him.

I'd know Jimmy for awhile now. This was my favorite bar anyway so of course I knew Jimmy and Jimmy knew me. He didn't make a fuss about me being in the world's famous band. Jimmy was one of those really tall men with bright red curls with blue eyes. Most nights you could see women staring at him. I smiled slightly. Jimmy was in his late forties, but he looked younger than that.

"Did she say who told you?" Jimmy asked as he cleaned tables.

"She said Louis told her."

"Do you think maybe she broke up with you because she was cheating on you or because she wanted some fame?"

"No. Lilly isn't like that. All the times she went shopping with Harry she'd get annoyed when he went and bought her something. She wasn't in it for the fame or money. I don't think she was cheating on me because I was with her all week," I grumbled.

"A week?! That's how long you were going out and then over and done with?" Jimmy said raising his eyebrows in shock.

"Yeah. I really like her too."

"What does she look like Niall?"

"Blonde hair, green eyes, wonderful figure and a personality that's hard to find. Why?"


"Lilly Ann Eyre. Why?"

"Ah. You talkin' 'bout my daughter Niall? She is beautiful I give you that. She's just like her mother all over. Sadly Lilly never knew her mother. Died in a car crash, one of those stupid sheep jumped in front of the car. She tried to swerve it and so did the sheep only they collided and that was the end of her mother. Was on life support for a month then her body couldn't take it anymore. I don't know why Lilly would be like that though Niall," Jimmy shrugged as he came and sat across from me.

"I actually love her."

"Niall, if she means so much to you than why let her go? Go find the girl and tell her that."

"Thanks Jimmy. Again," I said as I stood up. I put my fresh beer down on the table and walked over to the door.

"Just another question Nialler."

"Yeah?" I said turning around to face Jimmy.

"Did you have sex with my daughter? I'm not going to be angry, she's old enough to make her own decisions now. But did you?"

I swallowed. "Yes."

"Better make sure she ain't pregnant then," he said before taking a swing of the fresh beer.

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