Chapter 16

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Niall's POV

My eyes widened. I opened the door and started running. Well really slowly running. What happens if she's pregnant? I ran into a groccery store and grabbed two pregnancy tests. I ran to the counter and paid for them before running off to Lilly's house. She was probably at work now.

"Shit," I muttered.

I jumped up her stairs and knocked on the door.

"Coming!" Louis voice echoed in the house. I stood there shocked as Louis opened the door.

"Hey Niall! Come in I think Lilly wants to see you," Louis said opening it wider.

I walked past and went to find her. I stopped outside her bedroom as I heard sobbing come from her bedroom. I walked in to see Lilly sitting on her bed with tissue's surrounding her. She looked up as she saw me standing there. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying. I walked towards her bed and pulled her into a hug.

"Shh," I murmer into her hair as I sat her on my lap. I sat us down on her bed that was free from tissues. I soothed her and her back as she cried and hiccuped into my chest. When she finally stopped she looked up at me.

"Hey," I said as I brushed away some stray tears.

"Hey," she whispered.

"Lilly? I-I love you," I said as I felt my heart lurch forward and out of my chest.

"I love you too Nialler." I smiled and kissed her lips softly.

"Then why'd you make me say goodbye?"

"Because I called Louis and he told me what happened. I felt bad. I didn't want you to not be in something that makes you happy just so you can be with me. I told Louis what I was going to do and he said he understood to a point. That's why Louis is over."

"Lilly I wouldn't care if I wasn't in One Direction, well I would slightly care but you make me happy too. Don't you realise how much yoou mean to me? I love you. I don't want to lose you that's why I left," I said as I kissed her forehead.

She sighed. "Sorry for that," she whispered.

"It's fine Lilly just don't make me leave you when I want to be here. With you." She giggled.

"I saw your father today. He's a really good mate of mine. I never knew your father owned my favorite pub."

"I didn't know that was your favorite pub or else I would've said something," she teased. I laughed.

"Lilly? Your father told me to check something," I said as I remembered the pregnancy tests on the floor. I hadn't realised I dropped them until now.

"Really? What is it?"

"What would you say if we ever started a family?" I asked. I wanted her to get the idea of the questions.

"I would love to start a family but not now I have work to do and everything," she said.

I quickly got up from our seated positions, placing Lilly back on the bed. I bent down and picked up the tests before jogging to the bathroom. I closed the door as I found somewhere to hide them. I walked back to Lilly once I'd hidden them.

"So what did he want me to check?" she asked brightly.

"He wants you to check up on him more often. He complained that you hardly see him anymore," I lied.


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