Chapter 9

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I laid on the couch leaning up against Niall as I munched on a salad. I leaned my head backwards to look up at his perfection. His eyes an undescribable blue. His soft pink lips forming an 'O' as he gasped at the TV. He started laughing before looking down at me with a smile. I smiled at him and felt my heart flutter away like a butterfly. I sat up and turned around before straddling him. I rubbed my nose against his and sighed. My eyes closing as I tried to think what to do. As I was thinking I remembered about the shower we'd had together. The memory brought a smile to my face. It was like Niall was reading my mind.

"The shower was wonderful thank you," he whispered as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I smiled at him as the blush crept to my cheeks.

"I liked it too. Especially when you washed my back," I said giggling. I could hear Niall Niall groaning like as if he was remembering it as well.

*Flash Back*

I rubbed Niall's back down with soap until all you could see was soap on his white skin. Niall turned around and looked down at me again. The steam filling the shower room as the hot water rained down on us. I turned around and moved my hair away from my back.

"Niall? Can you wash my back please?" I asked looking over my shoulder.

"Um... Sure," he said. I giggled as he blushed grabbing the soap. I looked in front of me. The shower walls were covered in steam. I gasped as Niall's warm hands cupped my breasts.


"Mmmm?" he moaned into my ear as he rested his cheek on my shoulder. I groaned as his hands squeazed slightly.

"Don't," I groaned again as he squeazed again.I could feel my heart pick up slightly.

"Okay," his warm hands pulled away from my breasts and began washing my back. I leaned back into his body and gasped at what I found.

"Sorry," I could hear Niall's voice as he started opening the shower to get out.

I tugged him back in and crashed my lips on his. His arms wrapping around my body as our lips kissed in sync. I giggled as I pulled away and realised he was turned on. My heart raced as Niall pressed me against the cold tiled wall. I gasped at the coldness. Niall chuckled softly against my lips.

"Lilly, I-I..."

"Niall it's okay, I want you to," I said, pressing my hips against his erection causing him to groan loudly.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure, as long as you don't drop me," I whispered against his lips.

I looked up to see his blue eyes searching my green ones for any sign of fear. When he found none he lifted me up into my arms. His hands holding onto my thighs as he pressed me against the cold wall. I gasped as he slowly pushed upwards. He stayed there before I nodded my head for him to continue. I could feel my heart beat race a thousand miles an hour as his thrusts started bacoming faster. I moaned as Niall's lips sucked onto my neck skin. I groaned as I felt the building up inside of me.

"Niall," I whimpered, pulling at his hair. He lifted his head and looked me in the eyes. His blue ones holding my gaze as I felt myself comming.

"Shh, baby it's okay. Just relax, it's okay," Niall's voice reasured me as the build became to much to handle.

I let go screaming Niall's name. A second later I could feel warm liquid inside of me as Niall screamed out my name. Niall's arms stayed wrapped around me, holding me close as we came down from our highs waiting for our breathing to return to normal. I gasped as he slowly pulled out of me. I giggled as Niall turned around to wash himself. I laughed as he turned around bright red. I stood there and washed away the liquid before climbing out of the shower.

*End Of Flash Back*

I smiled at Niall and kissed his lips.

"We should have more showers together," I whispered.

"Sounds like a plan to me," Niall said with a smirk. "Hey Lilly? Will you do the honor of being my girlfriend?"

"Bit late to ask after sex but yes. I will," I said smiling before crashing my lips against his.

She's Not Afraid~ N.H.Where stories live. Discover now