Chapter 26

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I sat on the coled tile floor in the bathroom. I sat there staring at the stick in my hands as the tears blurred my vision. No wonder I'd been sick.

"Lilly?" El's voice startled me. I could hear her knocking softly on the door.

"Just a sec El," I said. I scrambled to my feet and washed my eyes quickly. "You can come in El," I shouted as I shoved the stick in my back pocket.

"Hey are you okay?" she asked quietly. I nodded my head and bit my lip.

"Yeah thanks," I smiled sadly.

"So... What was it?" she asked.


"Negative or Postive. Baby or no baby. Are you pregnant or not Lilly?" she tried to joke about it.

"Postive," I whispered, looking to the ground.

"Lil it's going to be okay. I can promise you that. I'm sure if you want it Niall will-"

"No!" I shouted at the sound of Niall's name. I saw her flinch away. "El I'm sorry. It's just," I pulled at my hair trying to think of how to explain to her that Niall and I couldn't be together. Especially if Paul had someone watching me 24/7.

"Just what Lilly?" Louis asked. He leaned again the doorway to the bathroom. Blue eyes concerntrating on me.

"Nothing," I sighed.

"Hey El I'll meet you in the car alright? I need to talk to Lilly on her own," Louis said as he walked in.

"Okay. I'll see you there," as she walked past him she kissed him on the cheek before walking out of the hotel. I felt jealousy rising in my blood. I missed what Niall and I had. Seeing Lou and El together like that didn't help though. But it wasn't their fault. It was Paul's. It was also my fault for doing what Paul wanted. I sighed and dropped my hands to my sides as Louis came over.

"So it's a Postive?" he asked as he sat on the bathroom bench. I leaned against the wall and sighed.

"Yeah," I said as I handed him the stick.

"Ew! Don't hand me the part you peed on!" Louis squeeled like a girl. I laughed and handed him the other end.

"Sorry about that," I said as he stared at the two lines on the stick.

"It's cool. Lilly do you mind Zayn and Liam know?" he asked still staring at it.

"No I don't as long as Harry and Niall don't find out that's all."

"Good cause I told them when I was standing in the doorway."

"I thought you might've."

He laughed softly and gave me back my pee stick. "Lilly we're going on tour in less than a month. What are you going to do? Especially in your state? You're pregnant and Niall is the dad. You can't even handle being in your own house without someone with you."

"I know I know. I was going to move away so that I wouldn't have to deal with that but then I found out I'm pregnant. Lou I don't know what to do. I don't want Harry to know cause he'll be furious with Niall and I. If Niall finds out it'll just be awkward," I groaned.

"I understand about Harry but Niall I don't. Can you explain please?"

"No if I told you, you wouldn't believe me and everyone would think I was being wrong and that Paul is a really nice guy and he wouldn't try to do anything like that," I spoke quickly. I gasped and covered my mouth when I realised what I'd said.

"What about Paul? Lilly what'd Paul do? You know I'll believe you no matter what," Louis said as he pulled my hands away from my mouth. I shook my head as tears spilt out.

"I can't. I wish I could but I can't," I blabbered.

"Yes you can Lilly. No one will hurt you." I breathed in and thought what would happen to Niall and I if Paul found out I told anyone.

"Lilly. Look at me. You will tell me what happened and why you were talking about Paul."

"I can't," I sniffled.

"Tell me Lilly for godsake!" Louis shouted.

"Paul kidnapped me because he wanted Niall to join the band again. He said that if I told anyone there would be trouble and that he would know if I tried to tell anyone," I screamed as tears burst out.

He stood there shocked. I ran out of the hotel with my pee stick, a jacket and my phone. I ran as the tears blurred my eyes. I looked up too late as I ran into someone. I groaned and got up off the floor. I looked at who was sitting on the floor with me. I gasped as I saw his blue eyes look up at me. The sparkle was gone and his blonde hair was growing back to its natural colour. Brown. His skin looked paler than I'd ever seen it.

"Lilly?" Niall whispered.

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