Chapter 34

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I sat there waiting for my name to be called out by Niall.

"So boys," the interviewer said. Her blue eyes only on Niall, her black hair felling in waves around her face. "Who gained a girlfriend since you last visited New York?"

"Niall!" They all shouted and pointed to him. I looked at Niall who was smiling like an idiot while he blushed like crazy.

"I have a wonderful girlfriend. Her names Lilly, and she's just," he paused looking for words. "She is beyond perfection. She's everything I could ever want," he smiled. "Actually she's her with me. Lilly!" Niall shouted. I jumped to attention and walked out.

"Hey," I said as I scratched the back of my head.

"Lilly why don't you sit?" the woman asked. I think her name might've been Melissa. Well I'll just call her Melissa.

"Oh okay. Um thanks," I said.

"Can someone get her a chair please?" Melissa shouted.

"Nope, you're sitting with me," Niall tugged me onto his lap. I sat there and looked at the crowd around us. I could feel my cheeks heating up.

"So Lilly, how long have you and Mr. Irish been together?"

I laughed. "Oh God, I haven't actually paid attention to how long. I was just enjoying every moment with him," I said smiling at him.

"Awww!" I could hear the crowd saying causing my cheeks to turn redder.

"So what has everyone else been up to?" she asked. Changing the subject. Well that shut her up quickly.

"Well everyone has been worrying about Lilly for a month or two," Harry said. I glared at him and he just ignored it and smiled.

"Why? What's been going on Lilly? Niall?" Melissa asked looking at us both.

"Well this wasn't meant to be realised to the public but Harry has a problem with keeping surprises. Well, Lilly?" he asked me.

"You can tell them," I whispered into his ear.

"Lilly and I are actually expecting a new member in our family. Aren't we Lilly?"

"Yes we are."

"Are you talking about getting a pet?" she questioned. I laughed at her.

"No actually. Lilly's gonna have a baby," Niall said as he looked me in the eyes. My cheeks growing red again.

I giggled as the audience gasped. I could even hear that stupid bitch Melissa gasping. I leaned into Niall, connecting our lips. On national television. We pulled away when the audience and Melissa came out of shock. I think the boys had been laughing.

"So when are you due Lilly?" Melissa asked.

"Well I'm only up to eight weeks tomorrow. So not far," I giggled.

The interview soon ended. We climbed into the car and a second after we did.

"Let's go to Nando's!" Niall shouted.

"Sure," everyone said in sync.

My phone began beeping with noticifications. I opened Twitter to see the hate.

You're not even pretty.

Why would Niall be with someone like you?

I bet you're lying about being pregnant?

I clicked on a link to see a page made about me. It was full of hate. I stared at my phone. Apparently we'd arrived at Nando's.

"Can I sit by myself for a moment please Niall?" I asked.

"Okay. Come in when you're ready," he said before going inside with the rest of the boys.

I sat there and sobbed. So many of them said that the only reason Niall was with me was because I was pregnant. That the only reason he was with me because he felt sorry for me. No. He said he loved me before that.

"Lilly?" William asked.

I looked up at the blurry world.

"Yeah?" I sniffled. I wiped away my tears with the back of my hand.

"Why aren't you in with the others?" he asked.

"I don't feel good that's all."

"Don't lie I've seen people that get upset like this. Are the fans sending you hate?" I nodded my head. "Well tell Niall, I heard him say he'd deal with it personaly. Now go inside and eat. Remember you're feeding for two now," he said.

"Okay." I got up and walked towards the store. "William? Thanks by the way. For the advice," he smiled and nodded. I turned around and walked into Nando's to see my handsome boyfriend eating and laughing with his best friends. He looked at me and his face lit up as I walked over.

"Hey," I said. He smiled.

"Hey," Niall said, kissing my lips softly.

I looked at Niall's food and started eating some of his food.

"Hey!" Niall complained.

"I'm feeding for two. Who are you feeding for?" I teased.

"I'm feeding for three," he wrapped his arms around me. I frowned.


"Me, Myself and I," Niall said proudly. I gasped as my jaw dropped.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhh," the boys echoed.

"I see how it is," I said pulling away and eating some of his food quickly. "Oh God that was a bad choice," I groaned.

"Don't ever try to compete with an Irishmen," Niall said kissing my cheek.

"What if I'm Australian and Irish?" I raised my eyebrows.


"Damn right it goes down under," I said crossing my arms.

"Hey boys and Lilly. We have to go. You have a concert tonight," Billy said.

"Alright lets go," Liam said.

I got up with Niall, hand in hand again. We climbed into the van before heading off to the concert.

"Hey guys I'm really really sorry but I can't come with you," I said.

"Why?" Louis asked.

"Because your solo's will hurt the baby Louis," Zayn joked.

I laughed, "Louis going to a concert when you're pregnant isn't good. So I can't come sorry," I shrugged.

"It's okay babies," Niall kissed my head.

"Niall you can call the baby a baby but not me. I'm a grown woman."

"Alright babe."

"Wop Wop! Concert night!" Harry started cheering.

"I'll see you tonight okay Niall?" I said as Billy pulled up in front of the stadium.

"Okay," Niall said. His lips conecting with mine. I giggled as he pulled away. He climbed out of the van with the other boys.

"Back to the hotel Lilly?" William asked me.

"Yeah why not?" I said.

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