Chapter 8

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Niall's POV

I laughed as Lilly tried to do the Cookie Challenge. I laughed as she dropped the fifth cookie.

"Lilly!" I scream making her jump and drop the cookie again. She groaned and punched my arm playfully. I laughed as I pulled her into a hug. "Naw Lil, you look so cute when you're trying to concerate. She groaned as I kissed the top of her head.

"Niall, what is the point of playing the Cookie Challenge if you keep making me drop it?" she asked. Her eyebrows raised in question.

"Me getting a laugh out of you dropping the cookie?" I teased.

She pushed away and bolted for the couch with the box of cookies. I laughed and ran after her. Grabbing her waist and spinning her into my arms. She laughed as I pulled her closer. I chuckled and pulled us backwards onto the couch. I laughed as she squealed into my ear. I lay on the couch as her body pressed into mine. I realised now, how perfectly her body fit with mine. The way the curve of her hips fitted snuggly with mine, her head being able to rest in the crock of my neck comfortably. I sighed in content as she looked at me with her green eyes. They were beautiful, like the emerald gems that you find in the ground. Only better then gems. I leaned forward and closed my eyes. My lips trying to find hers in the darkness. I opened my eyes as something was shoved into my mouth. I opened my eyes to see Lilly laughing at me. I realised then what was in my mouth and began to chew down the biscuit. I lunged forward swapping our positions. She squealed in the midst of her laughter. It was musical listening to her angelic voice as she laughed. I grinned down at her and kissed her lips softly before pulling away. She looked up at me confused when I'd pulled away.

"Come back here I wasn't finished," she said in a seductive voice.

All I could do was comply with her words as her arms snaked their way around my neck to pull me closer. I smiled as she pulled me closer. Her lips always begging for more. I finally pulled away from her lips to breathe. I smiled down at her. Her pink lips twitching into a smile as her cheeks heated up. My fingers found her face, brushing away blonde hair. I looked into her green eyes. Green piercing into blue. Blue staring into green. I got up and ran for the kitchen before she could comprehend what I was doing. I ran past our dirty breakfast plates and grabbed whipped cream. I raced back to the lounge room to see Lilly had disappeared. I frowned and turned around to have a pillow in my face. I threw it away and chaced after Lilly as she ran through the house.

"I'm gonna get ya Lilly," I shouted.

I laughed as she squealed. I grabbed her hand and pulled her back. I smiled down at her as she closed her eyes and leaned upwards, searching for my lips. I got the whipped cream can and sprayed cream in her mouth before kissing her lips. I pulled away quickly before running away as Lilly realised what I'd done. Well at least she got food and a kiss, right?

"I'm going to get you Niall James Horan!" I heard Lilly squeal at me. I stopped and laughed. I sat beside the stairs waiting for her to come and get me. I waited for what seemed like ages. I stood up and felt goose bumps cover my skin before I realised what happened. I could feel the icy cold liquid running down my head and racing to my toes. I looked up only to feel another lot of ice water hit me.

"You done Lil?" I asked as I rubbed water from my eyes.

"Now we're even okay?" I could hear Lilly's voice from above.

"Okay okay you win."

"Good," Lilly said. I opened my eyes and raced upstairs to Lilly. "Truce?" she said holding out her hand.

"I smiled taking it, "Truce," I said as I pulled her into a wet hug. She squealed trying to escape my wet Horan hug. I laughed at her.

"I need to take a shower now Lilly seeing as I'm drenched to the bone," I whispered in her ear.

"Well then go have a shower, you know where the bathroom is," she said in a teasing tone.

I kissed her lips and walked to the bathroom. I closed the door and stripped off my soaking wet clothes. I turned on the shower and waited for it to adjust. I climbed in and closed the door. I felt my cheeks turn red as Lilly climbed into the shower with me. I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out.

"Can I shower with you?" she asked. I started looking down at the ground but something caught my eye. I stared at her breast before slowly looking back up at her face. I swallowed

"O-Of course you can Lil," I stuttered. 

"Good," she said before pulling me closer to kiss my lips.

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