Chapter 20

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Harry's POV

I sighed, running my hands through my hair. Niall had just told me what happened. What was the bet that it was George? We all know how important Niall is to the band. It just wasn't complete without him. I groaned as my phone vibrated again. I got it out of my pocket and threw it away from me. I could still hear it vibrating aganist the wooden floors. I fell back on my bed, pulling at my hair. I could feel my anger boil over with thoughts. Niall still hadn't come back to the band, Lilly was gone and possibly pregnant and we weren't doing jackshit over it. I got off of my bed and grabbed my phone and flicked onto Twitter. I scanned through the messages. Most of them were tagging the boys and I in every message about Lilly. I could feel my eyes water as I flew past a picture. I stopped and enlarged. My jaw dropped as I looked at the image falling to the floor. Paul.

Niall's POV

"Sorry 'bout that Jimmy, I just.." I couldn't finish the sentence as I sat in the pub with an icepack to my cheek and another to my neck.

"Niall stop apologising, I was like that when Lilly's mother died. I only did it to stop you from embarrassing yourself anymore. So truly I should be saying sorry," Jim said as he wiped down a table.

"How about we're both sorry end of story?"

I smiled as he chuckled, "Okay then Niall."

I sighed and took off the icepacks just as my phone started ringing.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Niall?! Niall help me please! Niall he's holding me in Lo-," Lilly's voice full of panic replied.

"Lilly?! Lilly where are you?! Lilly who has you?!"

"Shut up you ignorent fool, Did you even check her? I bet you didn't, what if she has a phone? She could be calling anyone for help right now," a familiar voice hissed before the line dropped dead.

"Niall what are you going on about?" Jim's voice startled me.

"L-Lilly. She called me and, she's. SShe's somewhere in London," I mumbled.

"Speak up Niall, I can't hear ya," Jim shouted.

"Lilly just called me!" I shouted as I broke down for the second time that day. I began sobbing again. This wasn't fair. This was cruel. I sat on the cold floor as Jim came and sat beside me. His arm wrapped around as he tried to comfort me.

"I'm sorry Niall. I know it's hard to lose someone you care about but sometimes you need to forget for a bit.

"Jimmy I need to send out a search party for her. My life is over if she's not with me."

"No it's not. Time still goes on, it's just if you're willing to accept something or stay fixed on the past," he whispered before going to open the bar.

I got up and sprinted to the door, flinging it open and bolting to Lilly's house. A single thought popped into my mind. One that repeated itself, making me smile and sprint harder than I'd ever sprinted. I opened the door calling out her name. It echoed around the house making it seem empty. I shook my head. No, she had to be home. The house wasn't meant to sound like no one lived here. Lilly lived here. I fell to my knees and looked at my surroundings. My vision blurring with tears and memories. I smiled as she stood in front of me. She looked so angelic. I stood up and tried to get hold of her hand. I frowned as she giggled and skipped up the steps. I climbed them two by two until I was up the top. I grinned at her as she spun around in her white dress. The hem flying up to her mid-thigh. I grinned and walked closer to her as she pointed to a spot on a map. I squinted and saw her pointing to 'London'. I turned around to ask her something. She'd disappeared.

"No. No. No. This can't be happening," I said as I pulled at my hair.

My brain had played a trick on me instead. This was bullshit. What did I do to deserve her to be taken away from me? My mind kicked into panic mode and started thinking of everything that could happen to her. I groaned and stood up only to see a picture of her and me. I didn't know she had taken a picture of us. Well I don't remember ever having one. She looked beautiful in it though.

She was wearing tight blue jeans and a peachy tank top. I smiled as I soon remembered where I had taken her. We'd gone to the movies to watch Hansel and Gretal again seeing as she fell asleep the first time. When the movie ended we came back here and ended up having sex. I put the picture down as my phone went off with a message.

Unknown: Niall if you ever, want to see Lilly again you will go back to the band and do everything you're told. Otherwise I'll make sure she get's what coming to her.

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